您可以自訂和使用下列範例指令碼,在多個 Linux 虛擬機器 (VM) 上升級 Horizon Agent。此指令碼使用 SSH 在 Linux 虛擬機器上執行命令。

若要複製和貼上不含分頁符號的指令碼內容,請使用本主題的 HTML 版本,您可以從 Horizon7 文件頁面取得,網址是:https://www.vmware.com/support/pubs/view_pubs.html


此指令碼會讀取一個輸入檔,在用於部署 Linux 桌面平台的範例 PowerCLI 指令碼輸入檔 中有加以描述。此指令碼也會互動地要求下列資訊:

  • 接受 Horizon Agent EULA (使用者授權合約)
  • vCenter Server 的 IP 位址
  • vCenter Server 的管理員登入名稱
  • vCenter Server 的管理員密碼
  • ESXi 主機的管理員登入名稱
  • ESXi 主機的管理員密碼
  • Linux 客體作業系統的使用者登入名稱
  • Linux 客體作業系統的使用者密碼
  • Horizon Agent tar ball 路徑
  • 升級為受管理的虛擬機器
  • 安裝智慧卡重新導向功能


Upload the Linux Agent installer tar ball and re-install

function GetInput
    Param($prompt, $IsPassword = $false)
    $prompt = $prompt + ": "
    Write-Host $prompt -NoNewLine
    [Console]::ForegroundColor = "Blue"
    if ($IsPassword)
        $input = Read-Host -AsSecureString
        $input = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($input))
        $input = Read-Host
    return $input
function Check_SSH_Client
    Param($IsPlink, $IsPSCP)
    if ($IsPlink)
        if (Test-Path ".\plink.exe")
          write-host  -ForeGroundColor Yellow 'SSH client "plink.exe" found'
          write-host  -ForeGroundColor Red 'SSH client "plink.exe" not found, please download from its official web site'
    if ($IsPSCP)
        if (Test-Path ".\pscp.exe")
          write-host  -ForeGroundColor Yellow 'SSH client "pscp.exe" found'
          write-host  -ForeGroundColor Red 'SSH client "pscp.exe" not found, please download from its official web site'

function RunCmdViaSSH
    Param($VM_Name, $User, $Password, $Cmd, $returnOutput = $false)
    $VM= Get-VM $VM_Name
    $IP = $VM.guest.IPAddress[0]
    write-host "Run cmd on $VM_Name ($IP)"
        $command = "echo yes | .\plink.exe -ssh -l $user -pw $password $IP " + '"' + $cmd +'"'
        $output = Invoke-Expression $command
        return $output    
        echo yes | .\plink.exe -ssh -l $user -pw $password $IP "$cmd"

function UploadFileViaSSH
    Param($VM_Name, $User, $Password, $LocalPath, $DestPath)
    $VM= Get-VM $VM_Name
    $IP = $VM.guest.IPAddress[0]
    $command = "echo yes | .\pscp.exe -l $User -pw $Password $LocalPath $IP" + ":" + "$DestPath"
    write-host "Upload file $LocalPath to VM $VM_Name with user $User"
    Invoke-Expression $command

#-----------------------------------------------------Handle input-------------------------------------------------------------------
Check_SSH_Client -IsPlink $true -IsPSCP $true
$acceptEULA = GetInput -prompt 'Accept Linux View Agent EULA in tar bundle ("yes" or "no")' -IsPassword $false
if ($acceptEULA -ne "yes")
	write-host  -ForeGroundColor Red "You need accept the EULA with 'yes'(case sensitive)"
$vcAddress = GetInput -prompt "Your vCenter address" -IsPassword $false
$vcAdmin = GetInput -prompt "Your vCenter admin user name" -IsPassword $false
$vcPassword = GetInput -prompt "Your vCenter admin user password" -IsPassword $true
$guestUser = GetInput -prompt 'Your VM guest OS user name' -IsPassword $false
$guestPassword = GetInput -prompt 'Your VM guest OS user password' -IsPassword $true
$agentInstaller = GetInput -prompt 'Type the View Agent tar ball path' -IsPassword $false
$UpgradeToManagedVM = GetInput -prompt 'Upgrade to managed VM ("yes" or "no")' -IsPassword $false
if (($UpgradeToManagedVM -ne "yes") -AND $UpgradeToManagedVM -ne "no")
	write-host  -ForeGroundColor Red "You need select 'yes' or 'no'(case sensitive)"
$installSmartcard = GetInput -prompt 'Install the Smartcard redirection feature ("yes" or "no")' -IsPassword $false
if (($installSmartcard -ne "yes") -AND $installSmartcard -ne "no")
	write-host  -ForeGroundColor Red "You need select 'yes' or 'no'(case sensitive)"

#$csvFile = Read-Host 'Csv File '
$csvFile = '.\CloneVMs.csv'

#check if file exists
if (!(Test-Path $agentInstaller))
write-host  -ForeGroundColor Red "installer File not found"

#check if file exists
if (!(Test-Path $csvFile))
write-host  -ForeGroundColor Red "CSV File not found"
function GetSourceInstallerMD5()
    $agentInstallerPath = Convert-Path $agentInstaller;
    $md5 = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider;
    $md5HashWithFormat = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($md5.ComputeHash([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($agentInstallerPath)));
    $md5Hash = ($md5HashWithFormat.replace("-","")).ToLower();
    return $md5Hash;

#Get installer MD5Sum
$installerMD5Hash = GetSourceInstallerMD5;

#Connect to vCenter
$VC_Conn_State = Connect-VIServer $vcAddress -user $vcAdmin -password $vcPassword
   Write-Host 'Exit since failed to login vCenter'
  Write-Host 'vCenter is connected'

#Read input CSV file
$csvData = Import-CSV $csvFile

$destFolder = "/home/$guestUser/"

#Handle VMs one by one
foreach ($line in $csvData)
    $VMName = $line.VMName
    write-host -ForeGroundColor Yellow "VM: $VMName`n"
    $cmd = "rm -rf VMware-*-linux-*"
    Write-Host "Run cmd '$cmd' in VM '$VMName' with user '$guestUser'"
    RunCmdViaSSH -VM_Name $VMName -User $guestUser -Password $guestPassword -Cmd $cmd

    #Upload installer tar ball to Linux VM
    Write-Host "Upload File '$agentInstaller' to '$destFolder' of VM '$VMName' with user '$guestUser'"
    UploadFileViaSSH -VM_Name $VMName -User $guestUser -Password $guestPassword -LocalPath $agentInstaller -DestPath $destFolder
    #Check the uploaded installer md5sum
    $cmd = "md5sum VMware-*-linux-*"
    Write-Host "Run cmd '$cmd' in VM '$VMName' with user '$guestUser'"
    $output = RunCmdViaSSH -VM_Name $VMName -User $guestUser -Password $guestPassword -Cmd $cmd -$returnOutput $true

        Write-Host $VMName": Uploaded installer's MD5Sum matches the local installer's MD5Sum";
        Write-Host $VMName": Extract the installer and do installation";        

        $cmd = "tar -xzf VMware-*-linux-*.tar.gz"
        Write-Host "Run cmd '$cmd' in VM '$VMName' with user '$guestUser'"
        RunCmdViaSSH -VM_Name $VMName -User $guestUser -Password $guestPassword -Cmd $cmd
        $cmd = "sudo setenforce 0";
        Write-Host "Set the selinux to permissive mode: $cmd"
        RunCmdViaSSH -VM_Name $VMName -User $guestUser -Password $guestPassword -Cmd $cmd

        $cmd = "sudo killall /usr/lib/vmware/viewagent/VMwareBlastServer/VMwareBlastServer"
        Write-Host "Stop VMwareBlastServer before upgrading: $cmd"
        RunCmdViaSSH -VM_Name $VMName -User $guestUser -Password $guestPassword -Cmd $cmd

        #Run the upgrade command.
        $cmd = "cd VMware-*-linux-* && sudo ./install_viewagent.sh -r yes -A yes -m $installSmartcard -M $UpgradeToManagedVM"
        Write-Host "Run upgrade cmd in VM '$VMName' with user '$guestUser': $cmd"
        RunCmdViaSSH -VM_Name $VMName -User $guestUser -Password $guestPassword -Cmd $cmd
        Write-Host -ForeGroundColor Yellow "Linux Agent installer will reboot the Linux VM after upgrade, and you may hit the ssh connection closed error message, which is expectation"    
        Write-Host $VMName": Uploaded installer's MD5Sum does NOT match the local installer's MD5Sum";
        Write-Host $VMName": Skip the installation. Please check your network and VMware Tools status";
Disconnect-VIServer $vcAddress -Confirm:$false



PowerCLI C:\scripts> .\InstallAgent.ps1
Accept Linux Horizon Agent EULA in tar bundle ("yes" or "no"): yes
Your vCenter address:
Your vCenter admin user name: administrator
Your vCenter admin user password: *******
Your VM guest OS user name: ViewUser
Your VM guest OS user password: *******
Type the Horizon Agent tar ball path. Please take care of the installer arch: .\VMware-viewagent-linux-x86_64-x.y.z-1234567.tar.gz
Upgrade to managed VM ("yes" or "no"): yes
Install the Smartcard redirection feature (""yes" or "no"): no