若要疑難排解錯誤,您可以檢視 Identity Manager 桌面平台及其安裝程式的記錄檔。您也可以收集診斷服務包以傳送給您的服務管理員。 檢視 Identity Manager 桌面平台記錄檔記錄檔會擷取某些關於 Identity Manager 桌面平台應用程式執行情形的資訊。Identity Manager 桌面平台應用程式及其元件的記錄檔會儲存在 %LOCALAPPDATA%\VMware\Identity Manager Desktop 資料夾中。系統會儲存最近十筆的記錄檔。 Collect Diagnostic Information for Identity Manager DesktopIf you are having trouble using Identity Manager Desktop and are unable to resolve the problem yourself, you can collect diagnostic information to send to your system administrator. This information helps an administrator or support engineer diagnose and resolve problems. 上層主題: 使用 VMware Identity Manager 桌面平台