若要復原 VMware Integrated OpenStack 部署,必須部署 VMware Integrated OpenStack 虛擬應用裝置,並使用 viocli create drrecover 更新 VMware Integrated OpenStack 備份資料,然後使用還原程序復原災難復原站台中的部署。
- 確認在災難復原目標站台中部署 VMware Integrated OpenStack 7.2 OpenStack 虛擬應用裝置。
- 確認災難復原目標站台的 vCenter 內容程式庫中存在 VMware Integrated OpenStack 備份套件。
- 發生災難前,必須準備災難復原 YAML 檔案。
- 在目標站台中建立 vCenter 和 NSX CR。
- 為管理和運算 vCenter Server 建立 CR。
viocli create vcenter -n -u [email protected] -p ‘xxxxxx’
- 為 NSX Manager 建立 CR。
viocli create nsx -n nsxmgr01.violab.com -u admin -p ‘xxxxxx!xxxxxx’
- 擷取 vCenter 和 NSX CR 名稱。
viocli get vcenter NAME CREATION DATE VALIDATION vcenter155 2021-04-28 14:03:17 Success vcenter388 2021-04-28 14:02:12 Success viocli get nsx NAME CREATION DATE VALIDATION nsx950 2021-04-28 14:05:10 Success
- 計算目標站台中的 Nova 運算名稱。
- 登入管理 vCenter 或運算 vCenter。
- 按一下每個 nova-compute 叢集以從網址列取得 URL。例如:
- 從每個運算叢集的 HTTP URL 中擷取字串
- 為管理和運算 vCenter Server 建立 CR。
- 建立災難復原範本,並編輯來源和目標站台資訊。
viocli create drrecover -o > drrecover.yaml
- 使用必要的組態資訊編輯災難復原範本 YAML 檔案。
備註: 確保在 YAML 的備份組態區段中設定備份套件災難復原 vCenter 內容程式庫。
- 使用 drrecover 命令在 vCenter 內容程式庫中產生災難復原套件。
viocli create drrecover -f drrecover.yaml
確認在災難復原 vCenter 內容程式庫中產生了新的備份套件,例如:backup125-DR-625849
。 - 使用新產生的備份套件
還原災難復原 vCenter 中的 VMware Integrated OpenStack 部署。如需詳細資訊,請參閱還原部署。 - 執行還原程序後,您的部署將在災難復原站台中復原。您可以將其用來管理已復原的執行個體、磁碟區和網路。
目標站台組態:# Target site deployment configurations # vCenter name to create control plane and the backup data from source site must be in content library of this vcenter # Could use osctl get vCenter to retreive and config vCenter_name: vcenter293 vcenter_name:
OpenStack 組態:# OpenStack deployment configurations osdeployment: openstack_endpoints: # Should be in the same network segment with management network private_vip: # Should be in the same network segment with API network public_vip: # Storage policy daatstore to create persistent volume datastore: ds-vio
Neutron 組態:# Neutron configurations neutron: conf: dns: designate_enabled: true plugins: nsx: # Support nsx policy neutron driver nsx_p: # default overlay transport zone id deafult_overlay_tz: 4f12b507-e5b5-40fc-91dc-1943b9f63ea7 # default vlan transport zone id default_vlan_tz: 7c33e81e-7b21-474b-89d4-b0312649e3fd # default tier0 router name default_tier0_router: dr-tier0-gateway # dhcp_profile id dhcp_profile: vio-dhcp-profile-dr # metadata proxy id metadata_proxy: vio-md-proxy-dr-ts # nsx object for target site nsx_name: nsx718
用於管理伺服器的 OpenStack 服務組態:# OpenStack service configurations for mgmt vcenter - vcenter_name: vcenter293 mgmt: true novacomputes: # Replicate following fields for each novacompute # Source site nova compute name i.e. compute-xxxxxx-cxx. Could get from "viocli get novacompute" - source_compute_name: # Target site nova compute name i.e. compute-yyyyyy-cyy. target_compute_name: # Target site nova compute cluster name cluster_name: datastore_regex: # Fill in the dvs moid for each novacompute if CarrierEdition and SRIOV enabled # dvs_moid: glance: # Replicate following fields for each glance backend vmware_datastores: cinder: # Replicate following fields for each cinder backend # Source site cinder backend name i.e. nova-xx.xx.xx.xx-vmdk-1. Could get from spec.conf.backends section in "osctl get cinder -oyaml" - source_backend_name: # List each compute cluster from the next line after "vmware_cluster_name:", one for each line. # Do not add anything after "vmware_cluster_name:". vmware_cluster_name: # Replicate following field for each cluster
用於運算 vCenter 的 OpenStack 服務組態:compute vcenter - vcenter_name: vcenter187 mgmt: false novacomputes: # Replicate following fields for each novacompute # Source site nova compute name i.e. compute-xxxxxx-cxx. Could get from "viocli get novacompute" - source_compute_name: compute-5479e7cb-c8 # Target site nova compute name i.e. compute-yyyyyy-cyy. target_compute_name: compute-8f710e32-c8 # Target site nova compute cluster name cluster_name: domain-c8 datastore_regex: ds26\-2 # Fill in the dvs moid for each novacompute if Carrier Edition and SRIOV enabled # dvs_moid: - source_compute_name: compute-5479e7cb-c1014 # Target site nova compute name i.e. compute-yyyyyy-cyy. target_compute_name: compute-8f710e32-c1009 # Target site nova compute cluster name cluster_name: domain-c1009 datastore_regex: ds9\-1 # Fill in the dvs moid for each novacompute if CarrierEdition and SRIOV enabled # dvs_moid: glance: # Replicate following fields for each glance backend, the format glance backend is: <datacentername>:<datastorename>:100 vmware_datastores: dc:ds26-1:100 cinder: # Replicate following fields for each cinder backend # Source site cinder backend name i.e. nova-xx.xx.xx.xx-vmdk-1. Could get from spec.conf.backends section in "osctl get cinder -oyaml" - source_backend_name: cinder1- # List each compute cluster from the next line after "vmware_cluster_name:", one for each line. # Do not add anything after "vmware_cluster_name:". vmware_cluster_name: # Replicate following field for each cluster - compute01 - source_backend_name: cinder1- # List each compute cluster from the next line after "vmware_cluster_name:", one for each line. # Do not add anything after "vmware_cluster_name:". vmware_cluster_name: # Replicate following field for each cluster - compute02
備份組態:# Backup configurations from source site # Name of the backup file name: backup125 source: kind: contentLibrary contentLibrary: # Name of the content library which must be Local content library type name: VIO # Optional, specified the datastore to be us datastore: ds-vio