The Security IntelligenceDashboard displays high-level information about the most recent state of the network activities and objects that the Security Intelligence handles. The summary includes an overview of the pending actions that might require your immediate attention, status of data collection activities, network security posture, flow trends, suspicious traffic summary, and insights into the network traffic flow data that has been collected.

The Dashboard page becomes available for your use after the Security IntelligencePrerequisites are satisfied and the Security Intelligence feature is activated. To see the Security IntelligenceDashboard, click Plan & Troubleshoot > Dashboard from the NSX Manager UI.

Overview dashboard

The different sections in the Overview dashboard provide status summaries and links to the Security Intelligence UI pages where you can further review the latest status information and take the appropriate actions.

The following image illustrates an example of the Security IntelligenceDashboard > Overview tab.

NSX Intelligence Dashboard example

The sections included in the Overview dashboard are described in the following table.
Section Name Description
Pending Actions
If applicable, this section displays the following statuses that might require your action.
  • The number of microsegmentation recommendations that are available for a rerun or for publishing. To manage the affected recommendations, click the provided link, which takes you to the Recommendations UI. See Working with Security Intelligence Recommendations for more information.
  • The number of infrastructure classifications that the system has identified and that are in need of your review. To manage the classifications, click the provided link, which takes you to the Preferences > Classifications page. See Managing Compute Entity Classifications in Security Intelligence for more details.
Data Collection and Settings

This panel provides the number of Suspicious Traffic detectors that are currently activated. It also lists the latest data collection status for standalone hosts and cluster of hosts.

To manage the suspicious traffic detectors and the data collection settings, click the link associated with the status and the corresponding Preferences page is displayed.

Security Posture
This section provides the overall network security status (within the last 15 minutes) that are currently identified in your NSX environment.
  • The percentage number of unprotected network traffic flows that Security Intelligence collected within the last 15 minutes.
  • The number of compute workloads that NSX monitors for unprotected unique traffic flows within the last 15 minutes or the last 1 million unique flows, whichever is fewer. If more than 1 million flows occurred in the last 15 minutes, analysis is based on those flows. If fewer than 1 million flows, analysis is performed on the available flows within the last 15 minutes.

  • The donut charts represent the number of total flows, total unique flows, and the total number of external flows that Security Intelligence detected within the last 15 minutes. The red-hued section of the donut charts represents the unprotected flows. The blue-hued section represents the blocked flows, and the green-hued section represents the allowed flows.

You can use the security posture information shown on this Security Posture dashboard panel to manage, plan for, and implement more security policies.

See the following topics for more information.
Flow Trends

The line charts displayed in this section represent the trends in the unique traffic flows that Security Intelligence detected within the last one month (by default).

To configure another time range to be used for the chart, select another value in the time period drop-down menu located in the upper-right corner of the Flow Trends dashboard panel. The time periods available for selection are Last 24 Hours, Last 1 Week, and Last 1 Month.

The colors of the lines displayed in the chart represent the flow types. The Legend section lists the different flow types: Unprotected, Blocked, Allowed, and All flows. Use the Legend section to select and deselect the types of flows that you want to be displayed in the chart.

When you point to a section on the graph, a card displays a summary of the aggregated flow data for that specific time point within the selected time range. To pin the card to allow you to view the data more easily, click anywhere in the chart.

Flow trends chart summary card for specific point in the timeline

Suspicious Traffic Summary This section displays a summary of the suspicious traffic events detected during the last one month (by default).

To configure another time range to display in the chart, select another value in the time period drop-down menu located in the upper-right corner of the Suspicious Traffic Summary panel. The time periods available for selection are Last 1 Hour, Last 12 Hours, Last 24 Hours, Last 1 Week, Last 2 Weeks, and Last 1 Month.

The donut chart represent the total number of suspicious traffic events that Security Intelligence detected within the specified time period. Each color-coded section in the chart represents a specific detector technique or tactic used by the supicious event that Security Intelligence detected. The number in the middle of the donut chart gives the total number of suspicious traffic events detected during the selected time period.

The table to the right of the donut chart lists the tactics and techniques that Security Intelligence supports and the number of detected suspicious events that used the tactic or technique during the selected time period.

The bar chart on the right displays the number of detected suspicious traffic events by their impact type. The Impact type can help you decide to which event to prioritize. The impact types are Critical, High, Medium, and Low.

For more informaiton, see Detecting Suspicious Traffic Events in NSX.

Flow Insights dashboard

The Flow Insights dashboard provides a view of the network objects in your environment that participated in the topmost unique traffic flows that occurred in the currently selected time period. The network objects are categorized as follows.
  • Rules (Broadmatch, Allowed, and Blocked)
  • Groups (Source and Destination)
  • Computes (Source and Destination)
  • Destination Ports
  • L7 Application IDs
The following image illustrates an example of the Flow Insights dashboard. The content after the image describes each dashboard section.
Image of the Flow Insights dashboard described by surrounding text

Each category panel in each section displays the top 10 network objects that had the most unique flows that occurred during the currently selected time period. To display information for more objects in a specific panel in each section, click View More at the bottom of the panel.

For each section, the default time period used to filter the displayed data is Now (the last 15 minutes). To view information for a different time period, click Now and select from the drop-down menu located in the upper right corner of each section. The available time periods are Now, Last 1 Hour, Last 12 Hours, Last 24 Hours, Last 1 week, Last 2 Weeks, and Last 1 Month.

For each section for the group objects, compute objects, or port objects, each bar displays the number of unique flows that occurred for that object during the selected time period. By default, a bar represents all the flow types that the object received or sent. The colors on the bar indicate the relative number of the unique unprotected flows (red-hued section), unique blocked flows (blue-hued section), and unique allowed flows (green-hued section) that were detected during the currently selected time period. When you point to the bar, a tooltip displays the exact number of unique flows for each flow type,as shown in the following image.
Tooltip that displays the number of flows for each flow type.

The following table describes the sections for each category.
Section Name Description
Top Rules

Displays three panels with bars that represent the top 10 rules with the most traffic flows in each of the three rule categories during the selected time period. The three rule categories are Broadmatch Rules, Allowed Rules, and Blocked Rules.

Click a rule's name to view all the traffic flows with the specific rule in the Discover & Take Action visualization canvas.

Top Groups

Displays two panels that show the top 10 groups that sent (source) or received (destination) the most unique traffic flows within the currently selected time period.

The colors on the bar for each object indicate the relative number of unprotected flows, allowed flows, and blocked unique flows that the group object sent or received. When you point to the bar, a tooltip will show the exact number of unprotected, allowed, and blocked unique flows.

To filter the flow information by the flow type, click the drop-down menu located above the panel and select the flow type that you want displayed, as illustrated in the following image.
Drop-down menu where you can select the filter the information displayed.

Click the object's name to view the group object in the Discover & Take Action visualization canvas.

Top Computes

Displays two panels that show the top 10 compute entities that sent (source) or received (destination) the most unique traffic flows within the currently selected time period.

The colors on the bar for each object indicate the relative number of unprotected flows, allowed flows, and blocked unique flows that the compute object sent or received. When you point to the bar, a tooltip will show the exact number of unprotected, allowed, and blocked unique flows.

To filter the flow information by the flow type, click the drop-down menu located above the panel and select the flow type that you want displayed.

Click a compute object's name to view information about it in the Discover & Take Action visualization canvas.

Top Destination Ports

Displays the top 10 port objects that received the most unique traffic flows within the currently selected time period.

The colors on the bar for each object indicate the relative number of unprotected flows, allowed flows, and blocked unique flows that the port object received during the specified time period. When you point to the bar, a tooltip will show the exact number of unprotected, allowed, and blocked unique flows the port received.

To filter the flow information by a specific flow type, click the drop-down menu located above the panel and select the flow type that you want displayed.

Click the port's name to view all the compute objects with that destination port in the Discover & Take Action visualization canvas.

Top L7 Application ID

Displays the top 10 L7 application ID objects that received the most unique traffic flows within the currently selected time period.

The colors on the bar for each object indicate the relative number of unprotected flows, allowed flows, and blocked unique flows that the L7 application ID object received during the specified time period. When you point to the bar, a tooltip will show the exact number of unprotected, allowed, and blocked unique flows the port received.

To filter the flow information by a specific flow type, click the drop-down menu located above the panel and select the flow type that you want displayed.

Click the L7 Application ID's name to view the flows with that particular L7 application ID in the Discover & Take Action visualization canvas.