在目前版本中,CSM 只能使用 NSX CLI 進行升級。


  • 請參閱升級 NSX Cloud 元件,以尋找升級 CSM 要遵循的正確順序。
  • 您必須從 NSX Cloud 主要升級服務包 (MUB) 解壓縮 VMware-NSX-unified-appliance-<version>.nub 檔案,並且裝載在可從 CSM 存取的 FTP 伺服器上。


  1. 使用 CSM admin 認證登入 NSX CLI:
    $ssh <csm-admin>@<NSX-CSM-IP>
    ,然後使用下列 NSX CLI 命令執行:
    nsxcsm> copy url scp://<username>@<ftp-server-ip>/<path-to-file>/VMware-NSX-unified-appliance-<version>.nub
  2. 解壓縮並驗證檔案 VMware-NSX-unified-appliance-<version>.nub
    nsxcsm> verify upgrade-bundle VMware-NSX-unified-appliance-<version>
    Checking upgrade bundle /var/vmware/nsx/file-store/VMware-NSX-unified-appliance-<version>.nub contents
    Verifying bundle VMware-NSX-unified-appliance-<version>.bundle with signature VMware-NSX-unified-appliance-<version>.bundle.sig
    Moving bundle to /image/VMware-NSX-unified-appliance-<version>.bundle
    Extracting bundle payload
    Successfully verified upgrade bundle
    Bundle manifest:
        appliance_type: 'nsx-unified-appliance'
        version: '<upgrade version>'
        os_image_path: 'files/nsx-root.fsa'
        os_image_md5_path: 'files/nsx-root.fsa.md5'
    Current upgrade info:
      "info": "",
      "body": {
        "meta": {
          "from_version": "<current version>",
          "old_config_dev": "/dev/mapper/nsx-config",
          "to_version": "<post-upgrade version>",
          "new_config_dev": "/dev/mapper/nsx-config__bak",
          "old_os_dev": "/dev/xvda2",
          "bundle_path": "/image/VMware-NSX-unified-appliance-<version>",
          "new_os_dev": "/dev/xvda3"
        "history": []
      "state": 1,
      "state_text": "CMD_SUCCESS"
  3. 開始升級:
    nsxcsm> start upgrade-bundle VMware-NSX-unified-appliance-<version> playbook VMware-NSX-cloud-service-manager-<version>-playbook
    Validating playbook /var/vmware/nsx/file-store/VMware-NSX-cloud-service-manager-<version>-playbook.yml
    Running "shutdown_csm_svc" (step 1 of 6)
    Running "install_os" (step 2 of 6)
    Running "migrate_csm_config" (step 3 of 6)
    System will now reboot (step 4 of 6)
    After the system reboots, use "resume" to start the next step, "start_csm_svc".
      "info": "",
      "body": null,
      "state": 1,
      "state_text": "CMD_SUCCESS"
    Broadcast message from root@Autoimport-nsx-cloud-service-manager-thin (Fri 2017-08-25 21:11:36 UTC):
    The system is going down for reboot at Fri 2017-08-25 21:12:36 UTC!
  4. 等待升級完成。CSM 在升級期間重新開機,當重新開機後 CSM UI 重新啟動時,升級即已完成。
  5. 驗證 CSM 版本來確認已升級:
    nsxcsm> get version


CSM 應用裝置已升級,且 PCG 自動重新調整為 191 GB。


  • 如果您要從 3.0.x 升級到更新版本,請遵循升級後工作中的步驟,因為您已升級 NSX-T Data Center
  • 如果您要從 2.5.0 版升級至更新版本,請繼續進行升級 NSX-T Data Center