執行 CLI 將含外部 Platform Services ControllervCenter Server 重新設定為含內嵌式 Platform Services ControllervCenter Server,或解除委任 Platform Services Controller 之前,您必須準備一個 JSON 檔案,其中包含規格的組態參數及其值。

converge.jsondecommission_psc.json 範例範本位於 vcsa-converge-cli\templates\convergevcsa-converge-cli\templates\decommission 中。將範本儲存至您的工作區。



依部分、區段和子區段組織整理 converge.json 組態檔中的組態參數。

表 1. converge.json 檔案的組態參數
部分 區段 子區段 說明
vCenter description comments 說明正在執行應用裝置的 vCenter Server ApplianceESXi 主機。
managing_esxi_or_vc hostname vCenter Server 所在的 vCenter ServerESXi 主機的 FQDN 或 IP 位址。
username 具有 ESXi 主機或 vCenter Server 的管理員權限的使用者識別碼。例如,ESXi 主機的 rootvCenter Serveradministrator@SSO_domain
password 具有 ESXi 主機或 vCenter Server 管理員權限之使用者的密碼。如果省略,則在範本驗證期間,系統會提示您於命令主控台輸入密碼。
vc_appliance hostname vCenter Server Appliance 的 FQDN 或 IP 位址。
username administrator@SSO_domain,其中 SSO_domainvCenter Server Appliance 的 vCenter Single Sign-On 網域。
password vCenter Single Sign-On 管理員密碼。如果省略,則在範本驗證期間,系統會提示您於命令主控台輸入密碼。
root_password vCenter Server Appliance 根密碼。如果省略,則在範本驗證期間,系統會提示您於命令主控台輸入密碼。
備註: 如果外部 Platform Services Controller 未加入 Active Directory,請從 JSON 範本移除此區段。
domain_name Platform Services Controller 應用裝置之 Active Directory 網域的 FQDN 或 IP 位址。
username 具有向已提供網域加入任何機器之權限的 Active Directory 網域使用者識別碼。
password 具有向已提供網域加入任何機器之權限的 Active Directory 網域密碼。
dns_ip (可選) 解析 Active Directory 網域名稱的 DNS IP 位址。僅當現有 DNS 設定無法解析提供的 Active Directory 網域時需要。
replication description 說明複寫中含有提供的 Platform Services ControllervCenter Server Appliance
partner hostname 目標 Platform Services Controller 節點的 FQDN 或 IP 位址。


範例 converge.json 範本:

    "__version": "2.11.0",
    "__comments": "Template for VCSA with external Platform Services Controller converge",
        "vcenter": {
            "description": {
               "__comments": [
                    "This section describes the vCenter appliance which you want to",
                    "converge and the ESXi host on which the appliance is running. "
            "managing_esxi_or_vc": {
                "hostname": "<FQDN or IP address of the ESXi or vCenter on which the vCenter Server Appliance resides.>",
                "username": "<Username of a user with administrative privilege on the ESXi host or vCenter Server. For example 'root' for ESXi and 'administrator@<SSO domain name>' for vCenter >",
                "password": "<Password of the administrative user on the ESXi host or vCenter Server. If left blank, or omitted, you will be prompted to enter it at the command console during template verification.>"
            "vc_appliance": {
                "hostname": "<FQDN or IP address of the vCenter Server Appliance>",
                "username": "administrator@<SSO domain name>",
                "password": "<vCenter Single Sign-On administrator password. If left blank, or omitted, you will be prompted to enter it at the command console during template verification.>",
                "root_password": "<Appliance root password. If left blank, or omitted, you will be prompted to enter it at the command console during template verification.>",
            "ad_domain_info": {
                "__comments": [
                    "Important Note: This section is needed only when PSC (Platform Services Controller) appliance is joined to a domain.",
                    "Remove this section if PSC appliance is not joined to a domain.",
                    "Keeping this section without valid values results in JSON validation errors."
                "domain_name": "<Domain name of the Platform Services Controller appliance's AD domain>",
                "username": "<AD domain username with privileges to join any machine to the provided domain>",
                "password": "<AD domain password with privileges to join any machine to the provided domain>",
                "dns_ip": "<DNS IP which resolves AD domain name. This is an optional field and is required only when the provided AD domain cannot be resolved by the existing DNS setting of the VCSA node.>"
    "replication": {
            "description": {
               "__comments": [
               "Important Note: Make sure you provide the information in this section very carefully, as this changes the replication topology.",
               "Refer to the documentation for complete details. Remove this section if this is first converge operation in your setup.",
               "This section provides details of the PSC node which will be set up as a replicated node for a new PSC on the target VCSA node."
            "partner": {
                "hostname": "<FQDN or IP address of the target VCSA PSC node>"


依部分、區段和子區段組織整理 decommision_psc.json 組態檔中的組態參數。

表 2. decommisision_psc.json 檔案的組態參數
部分 區段 子區段 說明
psc description comments 說明要解除委任的 Platform Services Controller 應用裝置和正在執行應用裝置的 Platform Services Controller 主機。
managing_esxi_or_vc hostname Platform Services Controller 所在的 ESXi 主機或 vCenter Server 的 FQDN 或 IP 位址。
username 具有 ESXi 主機或 vCenter Server 的管理員權限的使用者識別碼。例如,ESXi 主機的 rootvCenter Serveradministrator@SSO_domain
password 具有 ESXi 主機或 vCenter Server 管理員權限之使用者的密碼。如果省略,則在範本驗證期間,系統會提示您於命令主控台輸入密碼。
port (可選) 主機的連接埠。預設連接埠為 443。
psc_appliance hostname 您要解除委任的外部 Platform Services Controller 應用裝置的 FQDN 或 IP 位址。
備註: 確保目前沒有其他解決方案正在使用此外部 Platform Services Controller,然後將其解除委任。
username administrator@SSO_domain,其中 SSO_domainvCenter Server Appliance 的 vCenter Single Sign-On 網域。
password vCenter Single Sign-On 管理員密碼。如果省略,則在範本驗證期間,系統會提示您於命令主控台輸入密碼。
root_password vCenter Server Appliance 根密碼。如果省略,則在範本驗證期間,系統會提示您於命令主控台輸入密碼。
vcenter description comments 說明複寫中含有提供的 Platform Services Controller 的內嵌式 vCenter Server Appliance
managing_esxi_or_vc hostname vCenter Server Appliance 所在的 ESXi 主機或 vCenter Server 的 FQDN 或 IP 位址。
username 具有 ESXi 主機或 vCenter Server 的管理員權限的使用者識別碼。例如,ESXi 主機的 rootvCenter Serveradministrator@SSO_domain
password 具有 ESXi 主機或 vCenter Server 管理員權限之使用者的密碼。如果省略,則在範本驗證期間,系統會提示您於命令主控台輸入密碼。
port (可選) 主機的連接埠。預設連接埠為 443。
vc_appliance hostname vCenter Server Appliance 的 FQDN 或 IP 位址。
username administrator@SSO_domain,其中 SSO_domainvCenter Server Appliance 的 vCenter Single Sign-On 網域。
password vCenter Single Sign-On 管理員密碼。如果省略,則在範本驗證期間,系統會提示您於命令主控台輸入密碼。
root_password vCenter Server Appliance 根密碼。如果省略,則在範本驗證期間,系統會提示您於命令主控台輸入密碼。


範例 decommission.json 範本:

"__comments": "Template for decommissioning PSC node with converge CLI tool.",
    "__version": "2.11.0",
        "psc": {
            "description": {
               "__comments": [
                   "This section describes the PSC appliance which you want to",
                    "decommission and the ESXi host on which the appliance is running. "
            "managing_esxi_or_vc": {
                "hostname": "<FQDN or IP address of the ESXi or vCenter on which the Platform Services Controller appliance resides.>",
                "username": "<Username of a user with administrative privilege on the ESXi host or vCenter Server. For example 'root' for ESXi and 'administrator@<SSO domain name>' for vCenter >",
                "password": "<Password of the administrative user on the ESXi host or vCenter Server. If left blank, or omitted, you will be prompted to enter it at the command console during template verification.>",
                "port": "This section may be removed, if default port is 443. If not, custom port have to be specified"
            "psc_appliance": {
                "hostname": "<FQDN or IP address of the Platform Services Controller appliance>",
                "username": "administrator@<SSO domain name>",
                "password": "<vCenter Single Sign-On administrator password. If left blank, or omitted, you will be prompted to enter it at the command console during template verification.>",
                "root_password": "<Appliance root password. If left blank, or omitted, you will be prompted to enter it at the command console during template verification.>",
        "vcenter": {
            "description": {
               "__comments": [
                    "This section describes the embedded vCenter appliance which is in ",
                    "replication with the provided PSC"
            "managing_esxi_or_vc": {
                "hostname": "<FQDN or IP address of the ESXi or vCenter on which the vCenter Server Appliance resides.>",
                "username": "<Username of a user with administrative privilege on the ESXi host or vCenter Server. For example 'root' for ESXi and 'administrator@<SSO domain name>' for vCenter >",
                "password": "<Password of the administrative user on the ESXi host or vCenter Server. If left blank, or omitted, you will be prompted to enter it at the command console during template verification.>",
                "port": "This section may be removed, if default port is 443. If not, custom port have to be specified"
            "vc_appliance": {
                "hostname": "<FQDN or IP address of the vCenter Server Appliance>",
                "username": "administrator@<SSO domain name>",
                "password": "<vCenter Single Sign-On administrator password. If left blank, or omitted, you will be prompted to enter it at the command console during template verification.>",
                "root_password": "<Appliance root password. If left blank, or omitted, you will be prompted to enter it at the command console during template verification.>"