如果要為 vSphere IaaS control plane 中可設定狀態的服務建立專用硬體叢集,則可以使用 vSAN Direct 資料存放區。vSAN Direct 是一個以原始資料為主的資料存放區,部署在 ESXi 主機本機未宣告的儲存裝置上。

vSAN Direct 標記儲存裝置

vSAN Direct 需要 vSAN 叢集中每個 ESXi 主機上的一些未宣告磁碟。但是,在某些環境中,vSAN 會自動宣告主機上的所有本機儲存裝置。可以使裝置不符合一般 vSAN 的資格而可用於 vSAN Direct

使用 esxcli 命令將裝置標記為 vSAN Direct


  1. 標記本機儲存裝置以用於 vSAN Direct
    esxcli vsan storage tag add -d diskName -t vsanDirect


    esxcli vsan storage tag add -d mpx.vmhba0:C0:T1:L0 -t vsanDirect

    該裝置將不符合一般 vSAN 的資格。
  2. 從裝置中移除 vSAN Direct 標籤。
    esxcli vsan storage tag remove -d diskName -t vsanDirect


    esxcli vsan storage tag remove -d mpx.vmhba0:C0:T1:L0 -t vsanDirect

使用指令碼將儲存裝置標記用於 vSAN Direct

或者,也可以使用以下指令碼標記連結到 ESXi 主機的 HDD 裝置。執行指令碼後,裝置將不符合一般 vSAN 的資格而可用於 vSAN Direct

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright 2020 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.

# Abstract
#    This script helps manage tagging of Direct Attached HDD disks
#    on ESXi systems for vSAN Direct in preparation for a VCF deployment.
#    It is expected to be used with ESX systems of version 7.0.1 or later.

import argparse
from enum import Enum
import logging
import sys
import os
import paramiko
import subprocess
import traceback
import ast
import getpass
from six.moves import input
from distutils.util import strtobool
from argparse import ArgumentParser

class ParseState(Enum):
        OPEN = 0
        DEVICE = 1

class RemoteOperationError(Exception):

class EsxVersion:

    def __init__(self, major, minor, release):
        self.major = major
        self.minor = minor
        self.release = release

    def __str__(self):
        return '{}.{}.{}'.format(self.major, self.minor, self.release)

    def build(str):
        tokens = str.split(b'.',3)
        return EsxVersion(int(tokens[0]), int(tokens[1]), int(tokens[2]))

class StorageDevice:

    def __init__(self, deviceId, isSSD, isVsanDirectEnabled):
        self.deviceId = str(deviceId.decode())
        self.isSSD = isSSD
        self.isVsanDirectCapable = True
        self.isVsanDirectEnabled = isVsanDirectEnabled

    def __str__(self):
        return '{}:\n\tIs SSD: {}\n\tvsanDirect enabled:{}'.format(

    def strToBool(v):
        return bool(strtobool(str(v.decode())))

    def build(deviceId, props):
        vsanDirectEnabled = False
        isLocal = StorageDevice.strToBool(props[b'Is Local'])
        status = props[b'Status']
        isOffline = StorageDevice.strToBool(props[b'Is Offline'])
        isSSD = StorageDevice.strToBool(props[b'Is SSD'])
        isBootDevice = StorageDevice.strToBool(props[b'Is Boot Device'])
        deviceType = props[b'Device Type']
        if deviceType == b'Direct-Access' and isLocal and (not isOffline) and (not isBootDevice) and status == b'on':
            return StorageDevice(deviceId, isSSD, vsanDirectEnabled)
            print("Skipping device {}".format(deviceId))
            return None

def parse_arguments():
    Parses the command line arguments to the function
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--hostname', dest='hostname',
            help='specify hostname for the ESX Server', required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--username', dest='username',
            help='specify username to connect to the ESX Server', required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--password', dest='password',
            help='specify password to connect to the ESX Server', required=False)
    return parser.parse_args()

def get_esx_version(sshClient):
    global logger
    stdin_, stdout_, stderr_ = sshClient.exec_command('vmware -v')
    exit_status = stdout_.channel.recv_exit_status()
    if exit_status != 0:
        logger.error('Command exited with non-zero status: %s' % exit_status)
        logger.error('Error message: %s' % stderr_.read())
        raise RemoteOperationError('Failed to determine ESX version')
    output = stdout_.read()
    tokens = output.split()
    if len(tokens) < 3:
        raise RemoteOperationError('Invalid ESX Version - %s', output)
    return EsxVersion.build(tokens[2])

def check_esx_version(esxVersion):
    return esxVersion.major >= 7 and esxVersion.minor >= 0 and esxVersion.release >= 1

def query_devices(sshClient):
    global logger
    stdin_, stdout_, stderr_ = sshClient.exec_command('esxcli storage core device list')
    exit_status = stdout_.channel.recv_exit_status()
    if exit_status != 0:
        logger.error('Command exited with non-zero status: %s' % exit_status)
        logger.error('Error message: %s' % stderr_.read())
        raise RemoteOperationError('Failed to query core storage device list')
    output = stdout_.read()
    # Build the device list from the output
    return create_device_list(output)

def create_device_list(str):
    devices = []


    parseState = ParseState.OPEN
    for line in str.splitlines():
        if parseState == ParseState.OPEN:
            if line.strip():
                parseState = ParseState.DEVICE
        elif parseState == ParseState.DEVICE:
            if line.strip():
                props = line.strip().split(b':',1)
                deviceProps[props[0]] = props[1].strip()
                if deviceId:
                    device = StorageDevice.build(deviceId, deviceProps)
                    if device:
                        logger.debug("Skipping device {}".format(deviceId))
                parseState = ParseState.OPEN
    if deviceId:
        device = StorageDevice.build(deviceId, deviceProps)
        if device:
    return devices

def tag_device_for_vsan_direct(sshClient, deviceId):
    global logger
    logger.info("Tagging device [{}] for vSAN Direct".format(deviceId))
    command = "esxcli vsan storage tag add -d " + deviceId + " -t vsanDirect"
    stdin_, stdout_, stderr_ = sshClient.exec_command(command)
    exit_status = stdout_.channel.recv_exit_status()
    if exit_status != 0:
        logger.error('Command exited with non-zero status: %s' % exit_status)
        logger.error('Error message: %s' % stderr_.read())
        raise RemoteOperationError('Failed to tag device [{}] for vSAN Direct'.format(deviceId))
    logger.info('Successfully tagged device [{}] for vSAN Direct'.format(deviceId))

def untag_device_for_vsan_direct(sshClient, deviceId):
    global logger
    logger.info("Untagging device [{}] for vSAN Direct".format(deviceId))
    command = "esxcli vsan storage tag remove -d " + deviceId + " -t vsanDirect"
    stdin_, stdout_, stderr_ = sshClient.exec_command(command)
    exit_status = stdout_.channel.recv_exit_status()
    if exit_status != 0:
        logger.error('Command exited with non-zero status: %s' % exit_status)
        logger.error('Error message: %s' % stderr_.read())
        raise RemoteOperationError('Failed to untag device [{}] for vSAN Direct'.format(deviceId))
    logger.info('Successfully untagged device [{}] for vSAN Direct'.format(deviceId))

def get_vsan_info_for_device(sshClient, deviceId):
    global logger
    command = "vdq -q -d {}".format(deviceId)
    stdin_, stdout_, stderr_ = sshClient.exec_command(command)
    exit_status = stdout_.channel.recv_exit_status()
    if exit_status != 0:
        logger.error('Command exited with non-zero status: %s' % exit_status)
        logger.error('Error message: %s' % stderr_.read())
        raise RemoteOperationError('Failed to query vsan direct status on device [%s]' % deviceId)
    output = stdout_.read()
    return ast.literal_eval(str(output.decode()))

def update_vsan_direct_status(sshClient, devices):
        for device in devices:
            vsanInfo = get_vsan_info_for_device(sshClient, device.deviceId)
            device.isVsanDirectEnabled = vsanInfo[0]['IsVsanDirectDisk'].strip() == "1"
            device.isVsanDirectCapable = vsanInfo[0]['State'].strip() == 'Eligible for use by VSAN'

def getVsanDirectCapableDevices(devices):
    selectDevices = []
    # Cull devices incapable of vSAN Direct
    for device in devices:
        if device.isVsanDirectCapable:
    return selectDevices

def print_devices(devices):
    print("Direct-Attach Devices:")
    iDevice = 0
    for device in devices:
        iDevice = iDevice + 1
        print ("{}. {}".format(iDevice, device))

def tag_devices(sshClient, devices):
    for device in devices:
        tag_device_for_vsan_direct(sshClient, device.deviceId)

def untag_devices(sshClient, devices):
    for device in devices:
        untag_device_for_vsan_direct(sshClient, device.deviceId)

def tag_all_hdd_devices(sshClient, devices):
    hddDevices = []
    for device in devices:
        if not device.isSSD:
    if len(hddDevices) > 0:
        tag_devices(sshClient, hddDevices)

def show_usage():
    print ("===================================")
    print ("commands: {tag-all-hdd, tag, untag}")
    print ("\ttag <comma separated serial numbers of devices>")
    print ("\tuntag <comma separated serial numbers of devices>")
    print ("\ttag-all-hdd")
    print ("=============")

def main():
    global logger
    logger.info('Tag disks for vSAN Direct')

        # Parse arguments
        args = parse_arguments()

        # 1. Setup SSH connection to ESX system
        sshClient = paramiko.SSHClient()
        passwd = args.password
        if passwd == None:
            passwd = getpass.getpass(prompt='Password: ')
        logger.info('Connecting to ESX System (IP: %s)' % args.hostname)
        sshClient.connect(args.hostname, username=args.username, password=passwd)
        # version check
        esxVersion = get_esx_version(sshClient)
        print('ESX Version on {} is {}'.format(args.hostname, esxVersion))
        logger.info('Checking ESX Version...')
        if not check_esx_version(esxVersion):
            raise Exception('ESX Version must be 7.0.1 or greater')

        print ('This script helps tag direct-attached disks for vSAN Direct on ESX')
        print ('Note: Only disks of type HDD are supported at this time.')
        print ()
        print ("For help, type help")

        while True:
            # get device list
            print("Querying devices...")
            devices = query_devices(sshClient)
            # update devices with vSAN Direct status
            update_vsan_direct_status(sshClient, devices)
            # cull device list
            selectDevices = getVsanDirectCapableDevices(devices)
            # List the devices for the user to see
            # find out what the user wants to do to these devices
            args = input('Command> ').split()
            if len(args) == 0:
            cmd = args[0]
            if cmd == 'q' or cmd == 'quit' or cmd == 'exit':
            elif cmd == 'help':
            elif cmd == 'tag-all-hdd':
                print("Tagging all HDD devices...")
                tag_all_hdd_devices(sshClient, selectDevices)
            elif cmd == 'tag' or cmd == 'untag':
                chosenDevices = []
                if len(args) > 1:
                    serials = args[1].split(',')
                    for serialStr in serials:
                        serial = int(serialStr)
                        if serial < 1 or serial > len(selectDevices):
                            raise Exception("Error: Serial {} is out of range".format(serial))
                if len(chosenDevices) == 0:
                    print("No devices specified")
                if cmd == 'tag':
                    print("Tagging devices...")
                    tag_devices(sshClient, chosenDevices)
                    print("Untagging devices...")
                    untag_devices(sshClient, chosenDevices)
                print ("Error: Unrecognized command - %s" % cmd)
    except paramiko.ssh_exception.AuthenticationException as e:
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error('Disk tagging failed with error: %s' % e)
        # Close SSH client

# Set up logging
logger = logging.getLogger('tag-disks-for-vsan-direct')

if __name__ == "__main__":

建立 vSAN Direct 資料存放區

身為 vSphere 管理員,可以設定要用於 vSAN 資料持續性 平台或虛擬機器執行個體儲存區等功能的 vSAN Direct 資料存放區。若要建立資料存放區,請使用 ESXi 主機本機的未宣告儲存裝置。

主管 啟用 vSAN 時,可以建立 vSAN Direct 資料存放區。以下工作說明了當叢集上已啟用 vSAN 時,如何將本機儲存裝置宣告為 vSAN Direct


  1. vSphere Client 中,導覽至 vSAN 叢集。
  2. 按一下設定索引標籤。
  3. vSAN 下,按一下磁碟管理
  4. 按一下宣告未使用的磁碟
  5. 宣告未使用的磁碟對話方塊中,按一下 vSAN Direct 索引標籤。
  6. 選取要宣告的裝置,然後選取為 vSAN Direct 宣告資料行中的核取方塊。
    備註: 如果您已為一般 vSAN 資料存放區宣告裝置,則這些裝置不會顯示在 vSAN Direct 索引標籤中。
    透過選取為 vSAN Direct 宣告資料行中的核取方塊宣告未使用的磁碟
  7. 按一下建立
    對於您宣告的每個裝置, vSAN Direct 都會建立一個新的資料存放區。
  8. 按一下資料存放區索引標籤,以顯示叢集中的所有 vSAN Direct 資料存放區。
    vSAN Direct 資料存放區顯示在清單中


您可以將 vSAN Direct 與外部儲存區搭配使用。如需詳細資訊,請參閱 維護 vSphere IaaS 控制平面說明文件中的 將外部儲存區與 vSAN Direct 搭配使用