Release notes for Application Service Adapter

You can view the release notes for v1.1.0 through v1.1.6 of Application Service Adapter for VMware Tanzu Application Platform on this page.

v1.1.6 Release

Release date: July 18, 2023


  • Properly set dnsNames field on cert-manager Certificate resource.
  • Updated package versions and associated dependencies.

v1.1.5 Release

Release date: June 7, 2023


  • Updated package versions and associated dependencies.

v1.1.4 Release

Release date: April 4, 2023

Resolved issues

The following issues are resolved in this release:

  • Applications with more than one environment variable set no longer restart sporadically.


This release contains the following components:

  • cartographer-builder-runner @ baf5676
  • Korifi @ v0.5.0
  • tas-adapter-telemetry-controller @ 3692dc1

Known issues

This release has the following known issues:

  • If you push an application with a specific buildpack set with the buildpacks property in the application manifest or with the -b flag, that application fails to build showing an error that only autodetection of buildpacks is supported. As a workaround, set buildpacks: ~ in the application manifest or -b null on cf push to reset the app to use buildpack autodetection. If you only remove the field from the manifest or the flag from the cf push command, the app continues to fail to build.
  • The organization manager role does not have permissions to create Cloud Foundry spaces. As a workaround, instead use the Cloud Foundry admin role to create spaces in organizations.

v1.1.3 Release

Release date: March 31, 2023

Resolved issues

The following issues are resolved in this release:

  • Application routes are now configured correctly when using the shared.ingress_issuer configuration property to generate ingress certificates.
  • Applications no longer restart sporadically because of indeterminacy in the representation of pod affinity selectors on their underlying StatefulSet resources.


This release contains the following components:

  • cartographer-builder-runner @ baf5676
  • Korifi @ v0.5.0
  • tas-adapter-telemetry-controller @ 3692dc1

Known issues

This release has the following known issues:

  • If you push an application with a specific buildpack set with the buildpacks property in the application manifest or with the -b flag, that application fails to build showing an error that only autodetection of buildpacks is supported. As a workaround, set buildpacks: ~ in the application manifest or -b null on cf push to reset the app to use buildpack autodetection. If you only remove the field from the manifest or the flag from the cf push command, the app continues to fail to build.
  • Applications with more than one environment variable set may restart sporadically during periodic reconciliation because of indeterminacy in the representation of those environment variables on the applications' underlying StatefulSet resources.
  • The organization manager role does not have permissions to create Cloud Foundry spaces. As a workaround, instead use the Cloud Foundry admin role to create spaces in organizations.

v1.1.2 Release

Release date: March 7, 2023

Resolved issues

The following issues are resolved in this release:

  • Certificates for HTTPS ingress to applications and to the Application Service Adapter API can now be generated using the shared.ingress_issuer property with common issuers, such as the ACME issuer from Let's Encrypt.


This release contains the following components:

  • cartographer-builder-runner @ baf5676
  • Korifi @ v0.5.0
  • tas-adapter-telemetry-controller @ 3692dc1

Known issues

This release has the following known issues:

  • When using the shared.ingress_issuer property to generate certificates for HTTPS ingress to Application Service Adapter, HTTPS routes to applications fail on account of a mismatched internal Secret name. As a workaround, instead use the app_ingress.tls.secret_name and app_ingress.tls.namespace properties to configure the TLS secret for application ingress routes, and recreate any application routes created when shared.ingress_issuer was set.
  • If you push an application with a specific buildpack set with the buildpacks property in the application manifest or with the -b flag, that application fails to build with an error that only autodetection of buildpacks is supported. As a workaround, set buildpacks: ~ in the application manifest or -b null on cf push to reset the app to use buildpack autodetection. If you only remove the field from the manifest or the flag from the cf push command, the app continues to fail to build.
  • Applications may restart sporadically during periodic reconciliation because of indeterminacy in the representation of pod affinity selectors on the applications' underlying StatefulSet resources.
  • Applications with more than one environment variable set may restart sporadically during periodic reconciliation because of indeterminacy in the representation of those environment variables on the applications' underlying StatefulSet resources.
  • The organization manager role does not have permissions to create Cloud Foundry spaces. As a workaround, instead use the Cloud Foundry admin role to create spaces in organizations.

v1.1.1 Release

Release date: February 15, 2023

Resolved issues

The following issues are resolved in this release:

  • Credentials for service instances are now provided to application instances as directories of files under the service-binding root directory.


This release contains the following components:

  • cartographer-builder-runner @ baf5676
  • Korifi @ v0.5.0
  • tas-adapter-telemetry-controller @ 3692dc1

Known issues

This release has the following known issues:

  • When using the shared.ingress_issuer property to generate certificates for HTTPS ingress to Application Service Adapter, some issuers will fail to issue the certificates because the list of DNS SANs on the certificate request does not include the common name. In particular, the ACME issuer from Let's Encrypt reports this error when generating these certificates. As a workaround, issue the certificates separately, then use the api_ingress.tls and app_ingress.tls properties to configure Application Service Adapter with the Kubernetes Secret containing the certificate data.
  • When using the shared.ingress_issuer property to generate certificates for HTTPS ingress to Application Service Adapter, HTTPS routes to applications fail on account of a mismatched internal Secret name. As a workaround, instead use the app_ingress.tls.secret_name and app_ingress.tls.namespace properties to configure the TLS secret for application ingress routes, and recreate any application routes created when shared.ingress_issuer was set.
  • If you push an application with a specific buildpack set with the buildpacks property in the application manifest or with the -b flag, that application fails to build with an error that only autodetection of buildpacks is supported. As a workaround, set buildpacks: ~ in the application manifest or -b null on cf push to reset the app to use buildpack autodetection. If you only remove the field from the manifest or the flag from the cf push command, the app continues to fail to build.
  • Applications may restart sporadically during periodic reconciliation because of indeterminacy in the representation of pod affinity selectors on the applications' underlying StatefulSet resources.
  • Applications with more than one environment variable set may restart sporadically during periodic reconciliation because of indeterminacy in the representation of those environment variables on the applications' underlying StatefulSet resources.
  • The organization manager role does not have permissions to create Cloud Foundry spaces. As a workaround, instead use the Cloud Foundry admin role to create spaces in organizations.

v1.1.0 Release

Release date: February 8, 2023


Application management

  • FIXED: When an application developer changes application code so that the build process generates a different start command for the application, the application's start command updates correctly.

Labels and annotations

  • Application developers can use Cloud Foundry API endpoints to read, set, and unset annotations on application packages, processes, and routes.

System operation

  • System operators now configure Application Service Adapter with a single image registry location to store application droplets and packages.
  • System operators can use ECR as a container image registry when Application Service Adapter is installed on an EKS cluster.
  • System operators get logs from system components in a common JSON-based structured format.
  • System operators can install Application Service Adapter on Red Hat OpenShift v4.11.

Supply Chain Choreographer integration (experimental)


Upgrades from v1.0 to v1.1 are not supported if you have enabled the experimental Cartographer integration. Existing application workloads will not behave correctly after upgrading from v1.0 to v1.1.

  • Application developers can run tanzu apps workload get to display the pods for application instances.
  • Application developers can run tanzu apps workload tail to display build logs for applications and running logs for application instances.
  • Application process types in addition to the default web type now also run. Each process type runs as a separate Tanzu Application Platform Workload.
  • The Tanzu Application Platform Convention Service applies its conventions to applications processed in a supply chain.


This release contains the following components:

  • cartographer-builder-runner @ baf5676
  • Korifi @ v0.5.0
  • tas-adapter-telemetry-controller @ 3692dc1

Known issues

  • Credentials for service instances are not provided to application instances as directories of files under the service-binding root directory, although they are still present in the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable. Applications that rely on libraries that consume the file-based presentation of these credentials, such as the spring-cloud-bindings library from the Tanzu Java Buildpack, may fail to process these credentials as a result.
  • When using the shared.ingress_issuer property to generate certificates for HTTPS ingress to Application Service Adapter, some issuers will fail to issue the certificates because the list of DNS SANs on the certificate request does not include the common name. In particular, the ACME issuer from Let's Encrypt reports this error when generating these certificates. As a workaround, issue the certificates separately, then use the api_ingress.tls and app_ingress.tls properties to configure Application Service Adapter with the Kubernetes Secret containing the certificate data.
  • When using the shared.ingress_issuer property to generate certificates for HTTPS ingress to Application Service Adapter, HTTPS routes to applications fail on account of a mismatched internal Secret name. As a workaround, instead use the app_ingress.tls.secret_name and app_ingress.tls.namespace properties to configure the TLS secret for application ingress routes, and recreate any application routes created when shared.ingress_issuer was set.
  • If you push an application with a specific buildpack set with the buildpacks property in the application manifest or with the -b flag, that application fails to build with an error that only autodetection of buildpacks is supported. As a workaround, set buildpacks: ~ in the application manifest or -b null on cf push to reset the app to use buildpack autodetection. If you only remove the field from the manifest or the flag from the cf push command, the app continues to fail to build.
  • When deleting CF spaces or uninstalling Application Service Adapter, the underlying Kubernetes namespaces may not be deleted due to an issue with ServiceBindingProjection resource cleanup. As a workaround, you can manually remove the finalizers from the ServiceBindingProjections to allow namespace deletion to complete.
  • Applications may restart sporadically during periodic reconciliation because of indeterminacy in the representation of pod affinity selectors on the applications' underlying StatefulSet resources.
  • Applications with more than one environment variable set may restart sporadically during periodic reconciliation because of indeterminacy in the representation of those environment variables on the applications' underlying StatefulSet resources.
  • The organization manager role does not have permissions to create Cloud Foundry spaces. As a workaround, instead use the Cloud Foundry admin role to create spaces in organizations.


The following features are deprecated. Deprecated features will remain on this list until they are retired from Application Service Adapter.

Installation Properties

The following properties on the installation package for Application Service Adapter are deprecated as of v1.1.0 and are marked for removal in v1.4.0:

  • app_registry.hostname
  • app_registry.paths.droplets
  • app_registry.paths.packages

Use the app_registry.repository_prefix property instead. See Install Application Service Adapter and Upgrading Application Service Adapter for more details.

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