This topic describes how to use Compliance Scanner for VMware Tanzu.

Compliance Scanner performs one errand that starts scanning. When this errand is triggered, it starts the scanning errand on each VM, including the oscap_store VM that the tile creates.

The scanning errand is set to Off by default. This is because Compliance Scanner only scans tiles that are already present when you deploy it. If you install other tiles during the same time Compliance Scanner is installed, the additional tiles are not scanned.

The scan errand on each VM does generate the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) tests each time by running XGen on XFiles.

Ways to Scan VMs

You can scan VMs using the tile UI or the command line:

Scan Using the Compliance Scanner Tile

Scanning VMs involves three procedures:

  1. Scan the VMs
  2. Retrieve Log Files
  3. Find Scan Output

Scan the VMs

To begin scanning:

  1. Confirm that your scan is configured correctly with the benchmarks and log formats you want output.

    For more information about configuring your scan, see Configure Scans.

  2. Go to the Tanzu Operations Manager Installation Dashboard.


  4. Enable the checkboxes for the Compliance Scanner tile and the Run configured scans errand.

    Screenshot of the Compliance Scanner section on the Review Pending Changes page in Tanzu Operations Manager. There is a checkbox to the left of the section. The checkbox is selected. Within the section there is a dropdown for errands. At the bottom of the section, under Select errands to run during the deploy, the checkbox for Run configured scans is selected.

    A scan is triggered at the end.

    Note If there are configuration changes from add-ons or tiles other than Compliance Scanner, leave those products' and errands' checkboxes enabled if you want those changes to be applied. If there are no changes from other sources, only the Compliance Scanner tile needs to have its checkbox enabled.


    When scanning is finished, a second errand is triggered by the Run-config-scans-on-PAS errand to retrieve the logs from each VM. On each VM, there is only one log file per format and one ZIP log file at a time. If you run any subsequent scans these files are overwritten.

Retrieve Log Files

Note When an external store is configured, the log files do not contain the scan output. For instructions on accessing the scan output when an external store is configured, see the following section, Find Scan Output. For instructions on configuring an external store, see Installing and Configuring.

To review the logs for a completed scan using the Compliance Scanner tile:

  1. When the changes have been applied, return to the Installation Dashboard and click the Compliance Scanner tile.

    Screenshot of the dialog shown when Apply Changes has finished. The text in the dialog box reads, Changes Applied. Your changes were successfully applied. We recommend that you export a backup of this installation from the actions menu. Below the text is a Close button and the Return to dashboard button.

  2. Click Status and download the oscap_store log file.

    This downloads the log file containing scan results from the oscap_store VM to Tanzu Operations Manager. If you select the download icon multiple times, a list of ZIP files is created in Tanzu Operations Manager, each with a different timestamp.

  3. Click Logs and click the filename of the ZIP log file.

    This downloads the scan results from the Tanzu Operations Manager to your local machine. The timestamp indicates when the scan was initiated.

    Screenshot of the logs tab in the Compliance Scanner tile. Under Downloaded there is a link to download a zipped file for a scan log. There is a timestamp to the right of the link.

  4. Decompress the downloaded file.

    The contents of the downloaded file depend on the formats and benchmarks you selected during configuration. For example, a report in HTML format from the Base Xenial benchmark, might look like this.

    Screenshot of an example scan log. At the top is the heading Guide to the Secure Configuration of Ubuntu stemcell. Below is a table titled Evaluation Characteristics. The table has two columns, one for the item name and one for the value. The items listed are: Tile version, Deployment name, Evaluation target, Benchmark URL, Benchmark ID, Profile ID, Started at, Finished at, Performed by. To the right of the table there is a list of CPE platforms and a list of IP and MAC addresses.

Find Scan Output

The method of finding the scan output depends on whether or not an external store is configured for scan results. For instructions on configuring an external store, see Installing and Configuring.

  • Find scan output if using an external store:

    • Scan output is uploaded to the external store as an archive.
    • The scan output filename contains the timestamp of the scan and takes the form compliance_scanner_YYYY-MM-DDTHHMMSS.tar.gz.
    • To retrieve the scan results, download and extract this archive.
  • Find scan output if not using an external store:

    • The oscap_store ZIP file contains scan results from the oscap_store VM.
    • The results of the scan are at oscap_store/scanner/scan_results/output.

The naming syntax for each log file is below:



  • BENCHMARK is the benchmark that was used for the scan.
  • COMPONENT is the VM that was scanned.
  • UUID is the UUID for the VM that was scanned.
  • FORMAT is the format of the file and is one of the formats that you configured in Configure Scans.

For example, the oscap_store directory looks similar to the following image:

Diagram of an example oscap_store file structure. The output directory contains two scan log files. The output directory is within the scan results directory, which is within the oscap_store directory.

The number of log files in the output directory can be calculated as follows:

(v + i) * f * b


  • v is the number of VMs in your deployment.
  • i is the number of additional instances for any VM in your deployment.
  • f is the number of formats you configured in Configure Scans.
  • b is the number of benchmarks you configured in Configure Scans.

Scan Using the Command Line

Note When an external store is configured, the log files do not contain the scan output. For instructions on accessing the scan output when an external store is configured, see the preceding section, Find Scan Output. For instructions on configuring an external store, see Installing and Configuring.

You also have the option of scanning VMs through the CLI. There are two ways to do this:

Scan and Retrieve Log Files

To start a new scan and retrieve the logs for the completed scan using the CLI:

  1. Log in to the BOSH Director.

    1. On the Tanzu Operations Manager VM, create an alias in the BOSH CLI for your BOSH Director IP address. For example:

      $ bosh alias-env my-env -e
    2. Log in to the BOSH Director, specifying the newly created alias. For example:

      $ bosh -e my-env log-in
  2. Run bosh deployments to list all the deployment names. For example:

    $ bosh deployments
    Name                      Releases                    Stemcells
    container-service backup-and-restore-sdk/1.8.0  bosh-google-kvm-ubuntu-xenial-go\_agent/97.47   -
    scanner-f9822a33c2e0d04cb bosh-dns/1.10.0               bosh-google-kvm-ubuntu-xenial-go\_agent/170.19  -
    service-instance          bosh-dns/1.10.0               bosh-google-kvm-ubuntu-xenial-go\_agent/97.47
                                bosh-dns-aliases/0.0.3        container-service
  3. Find the scanner deployment in the list. It appears as scanner-DEPLOYMENT-UUID, where DEPLOYMENT-UUID is the UUID of your deployment.

  4. Run the following command to start the scan and download the logs:

    bosh -e my-env -d scanner-DEPLOYMENT-UUID run-errand scan_results --download-logs --logs-dir PATH-TO-SAVE-SCAN-RESULTS


    • scanner-DEPLOYMENT-UUID is the name of your scanner deployment.
    • PATH-TO-SAVE-SCAN-RESULTS is the directory where you want to save the logs. You can omit --logs-dir PATH-TO-SAVE-SCAN-RESULTS if you want the logs to be saved to your current directory.

    For example:

    $ bosh -e my-env -d scanner-f9822a33c2e0d04cb run-errand scan_results --download-logs --logs-dir scanner/logs/20190131

    Note The files generated use the most recent configuration of your tile. To see what the current settings are, see Configure Scans.

Retrieve Existing Log Files

To retrieve existing logs for the most recent completed scan using the CLI, run:

bosh -e my-env -d scanner-DEPLOYMENT-UUID logs --only=scan_results --dir PATH-TO-SAVE-SCAN-RESULTS


  • scanner-DEPLOYMENT-UUID is the name of your scanner deployment.
  • PATH-TO-SAVE-SCAN-RESULTS is the directory in which you save your logs. Omit --dir PATH-TO-SAVE-SCAN-RESULTS to save the logs to your current directory.

For example:

$ bosh -e my-env -d scanner-f9822a33c2e0d04cb logs --only=scan_results --dir scanner/logs/20190131

Access Log Files

To access your saved logs, unzip the output ZIP file.

The naming syntax for each log file is below:



  • BENCHMARK is the benchmark that was used for the scan.
  • COMPONENT is the VM that was scanned.
  • UUID is the UUID for the VM that was scanned.
  • FORMAT is the format of the file and is one of the formats that you configured in Configure Scans.

For example, the output directory looks similar to the following image:

Diagram of an example output directory structure. Two scan log files are within the output directory.

View Tests on VMs

For every configuration rule that is checked, there is a corresponding test written in YAML test files residing on each VM. You can use these files as reference for internal test development or to validate that the test matches the description.

In the beta release of Compliance Scanner, you cannot write your own YAML tests or convert these tests to the SCAP format.

To view tests on VMs:

  1. Use the BOSH CLI to SSH into a component VM. For more information, see BOSH SSH.
  2. Navigate to the following path:

  3. Search for the test ID and open the corresponding file.

Cancel a Running Scan

To cancel a running scan:

  1. Log in to the BOSH Director.

    1. On the Tanzu Operations Manager VM, create an alias in the BOSH CLI for your BOSH Director IP address:

      bosh alias-env ENVIRONMENT-ALIAS -e IP-ADDRESS

      For example:

      $ bosh alias-env my-env -e
    2. Log in to the BOSH Director, specifying the newly created alias:

      bosh -e ENVIRONMENT-ALIAS log-in

      For example:

      $ bosh -e my-env log-in
  2. Get the task ID of the scan_results errand by running:

    bosh -e ENVIRONMENT-ALIAS tasks

    For example:

    $ bosh -e my-env tasks
    ID  State       Started At                    Last Activity At              User   Deployment    Description                                            Result
    65  processing  Fri Sep  6 19:06:53 UTC 2019  Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 UTC 1970  admin  my-deployment run errand scan_results from deployment my-deployment  -
    1 tasks

    In this example, the task ID is 65.

    Note If you started the scan using the command line as described in Scan Using the Command Line, you can press CTRL + C while the scan is running to stop waiting for the scan to complete. This does not cancel the scan, but allows you to issue new commands through the CLI.

  3. Cancel the scan_results errand by running:

    bosh -e ENVIRONMENT-ALIAS cancel-task TASK-ID

    For example:

    $ bosh -e my-env cancel-task 65
    Using environment '' as client 'ops_manager'

Errand Logs After Cancelling a Scan

After running the BOSH cancel-task command, the scan_results errand outputs Received signal terminated, and attempts to cancel the scan on every VM. When a VM receives the cancel message, it terminates the running scan process.

After the scan has cancelled, the store.log file in the output directory looks similar to the following example:

2019/09/06 19:06:54 Starting store on port 28894
2019/09/06 19:06:54 [] <nil>
2019/09/06 19:06:54 Starting scan on
2019/09/06 19:06:54 Starting scan on
2019/09/06 19:06:54 Starting scan on
2019/09/06 19:06:54 Starting scan on
2019/09/06 19:06:59 Received signal terminated
2019/09/06 19:06:59 Attempting to cancel scan on host
2019/09/06 19:06:59 Attempting to cancel scan on host
2019/09/06 19:06:59 Attempting to cancel scan on host
2019/09/06 19:06:59 Attempting to cancel scan on host
2019/09/06 19:06:59 Host successfully acknowledged cancel request
2019/09/06 19:06:59 Host successfully acknowledged cancel request
2019/09/06 19:06:59 Host successfully acknowledged cancel request
2019/09/06 19:06:59 Host successfully acknowledged cancel request
2019/09/06 19:06:59 Shutdown

To retrieve the errand log, see Retrieve Existing Log Files.

Note The errand log can also be found at the path /var/vcap/sys/log/scan_results/store.log on the store VM.

If you started the scan using Tanzu Operations Manager, you can view the log output for the scan_results errand in Tanzu Operations Manager.

After the scan has cancelled, the Tanzu Operations Manager log output for the errand looks similar to the following example:

Task 65 | 19:06:53 | Preparing deployment: Preparing deployment (00:00:01)
Task 65 | 19:06:54 | Running errand: oscap-store/fa844bb0-5739-497a-a3db-f96a86a3dc2a (0) (00:00:05)
                  L Error: Task 65 cancelled
Task 65 | 19:07:00 | Fetching logs for oscap-store/fa844bb0-5739-497a-a3db-f96a86a3dc2a (0): Finding and packing log files (00:00:01)
Task 65 | 19:07:01 | Error: Task 65 cancelled

Task 65 Started  Fri Sep  6 19:06:53 UTC 2019
Task 65 Finished Fri Sep  6 19:07:01 UTC 2019
Task 65 Duration 00:00:08
Task 65 cancelled

Running errand 'scan_results':
 Expected task '65' to succeed but state is 'cancelled'

Exit code 1
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