During the Horizon FLEX virtual machine deployment process, you compress your source virtual machine packages into TAR (.tar) format so that end users can easily download their Horizon FLEX virtual machines. You must create a download folder for storing these TAR files.


  1. Create the download folder on a different server than the Horizon FLEX server.
    The download folder should not be on the Horizon FLEX server, and the files it contains must be downloadable without any authentication challenge.
  2. Assign permissions to the download folder so that users can download the files that it contains.
  3. (Optional) Share the download folder with an administrative group, such as Horizon FLEX Admins. This can be an administrative group for users to manage Horizon FLEX deployments.
    This step can make it easier to register your source virtual machines with the Horizon FLEX Policy Server.

What to do next

See Configure the IIS SSL Server Certificate for the Horizon FLEX Server.