Prior to configuring the Management Pack for Dell EMC VNX in vROps, ensure the following pre-configuration tasks are completed for your VNX File or Block storage system:

  • VNX File: Enable SSH on your VNX Control Station.

  • VNX Block: Install the NaviSecCLI Utility

Install the NaviSecCLI Utility


Log in to EMC’s support web site at, then search to find the latest Navisphere CLI utility download for Linux 64-bit.


In your search parameters, search by “NaviCLI” and set the Scope by resource option to “Support Tools”.

Linux-based systems: Download and install the rpm file

  1. SSH into the vROps node.

  2. Download the .rpm file directly to the vROps node using the following command: curl --user [email address]:[password] -O -L [rpm file URL]


    The [rpm file URL] can be copied by right-clicking on the “Navisphere CLI [version] for Linux x64” link. Be sure to remove any characters in the hyperlink following “.rpm”

  3. Install the package using the following command:

    rpm -ivh *.rpm


    Replace * with the name of the downloaded .rpm file.

  4. After installation, run the following command to set the security level (to either low or medium): /opt/Navisphere/bin/


    When configuring your adapter instance for VNX Block, copy the path to NaviSecCLI that is installed on your vROps node into the Naviseccli Path field under Advanced Settings. See: Creating an Adapter Instance (VNX) for more information.