The Management Pack for HPE Nimble Storage collects the metrics listed in the table below, according to HPE Nimble Storage resource kinds.

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Resource Kind Resource Group Resource Attribute Attribute Type Attribute Description
Nimble Array Capacity Free Space float The available space of array.
Nimble Array Capacity Pending Delete Bytes integer The pending delete bytes in array.
Nimble Array Capacity Raw Capacity float The raw capacity of array.
Nimble Array Capacity Usable Space float The usable capacity of array.
Nimble Array Capacity Used Space float The used capacity of array.
Nimble Array General Name string Name of array.
Nimble Array General Creation Time string Time when this array object was created.
Nimble Array General Description string Text description of the array.
Nimble Array General Last Modified Time string Time when this array object was last modified.
Nimble Array General Model string Array model.
Nimble Array General Serial Number string Serial number of the array.
Nimble Array General Version string Version of the array.
Nimble Array Snapshots Snapshot Compression Ratio integer The compression ratio of snapshots in array.
Nimble Array Snapshots Snapshot Space Reduction integer The space reduction rate of snapshots in array.
Nimble Array Snapshots Snapshot Space Saved float The saved space of snapshots in array.
Nimble Array Snapshots Snapshot Usage float The compressed usage of snapshots in array.
Nimble Array Volume Volume Compression Ratio integer The compression ratio of volumes in array.
Nimble Array Volume Volume Space Saved float The saved space of volumes in array.
Nimble Array Volume Volume Usage float The compressed usage of volumes in array.
Nimble Array Relationships Pool Parents string List of all Pools that are parents of array.
Nimble Group General Name string Name of group.
Nimble Group General Usage Valid string Indicate whether the usage of group is valid.
Nimble Group General API Version string Version of REST API used for gathering metrics.
Nimble Group Disk IO Reads float Total cumulative number of Read I/Os (sequential and random).
Nimble Group Disk IO Sequential Reads float Total cumulative number of Sequential Read I/Os.
Nimble Group Disk IO Writes float Total cumulative number of Write I/Os (sequential and random).
Nimble Group Disk IO Sequential Writes float Total cumulative number of Sequential Write I/Os.
Nimble Group Disk IO Read Throughput float Total cumulative Read I/O throughput (sequential and random).
Nimble Group Disk IO Sequential Read Throughput float Total cumulative Sequential Read I/O throughput.
Nimble Group Disk IO Write Throughput float Total cumulative Write I/O throughput (sequential and random).
Nimble Group Disk IO Sequential Write Throughput float Total cumulative Sequential Write I/O throughput.
Nimble Group Disk IO Non-Sequential Reads integer Total cumulative number of cache hits for Non-Sequential Read I/Os.
Nimble Group Disk IO Cache Hit float The percentage of non-sequential read cache hits to non-sequential reads.
Nimble Group Latency Read Time float Time spent executing reads in the last collection interval.
Nimble Group Latency Write Time float Time spent executing writes in the last collection interval.
Nimble Group Latency Read Latency integer This includes system and disk latency, but not any network latency back to the initiator.
Nimble Group Latency Write Latency integer This includes system and disk latency, but not any network latency back to the initiator.
Nimble Group Volume Volume Used Disk Space float Total space used on disk for volumes.
Nimble Group Snapshots Snapshot Used Disk Space float Total space used on disk for snapshots.
Nimble Group Capacity Free Space float Free space in group.
Nimble Group Capacity Usable Space float Usable space in group.
Nimble Group Capacity Used Space float Used space in group.
Nimble Group Capacity Unused Reserve Space float Unused reserve space in group.
Nimble Group Capacity Compression Ratio float Compression ratio in group.
Nimble Group Replication Replication Partner string Name of replication partner.
Nimble Group Replication ID string The ID of the replication.
Nimble Group Replication Group ID string The ID of the owning group of the replication.
Nimble Group Replication Control Port integer Port number of partner control interface.
Nimble Group Replication Hostname string IP address or hostname of partner interface.
Nimble Group Replication Data Port integer Port number of partner data interface.
Nimble Group Replication Paused string Indicates whether replication traffic from/to this partner has been halted.
Nimble Group Replication Subnet Label string Label of the subnet used to replicate to this partner.
Nimble Group Replication Subnet Type string Type of the subnet used to replicate to this partner.
Nimble Group Relationships Pool Children string List of all Pools that are children of Groups
Nimble Group Relationships User Children string List of all Users that are children of Groups
Nimble Group Relationships Tag Parents string List of all Tags that are parents of Groups
Nimble Pool Counts Arrays integer Number of arrays in the pool.
Nimble Pool Counts Snapshots integer Snapshot count.
Nimble Pool Counts Volumes integer Number of volumes assigned to the pool.
Nimble Pool Counts Snapshot Collections integer Snapshot collection count.
Nimble Pool Cache Pinnable Cache Capacity float Total pinned cache capacity of the pool.
Nimble Pool Cache Pinned Cache Capacity integer Total pinned cache capacity of the pool.
Nimble Pool Cache Cache Capacity float Total usable cache capacity of the pool.
Nimble Pool Capacity Free Space float Free space of the pool.
Nimble Pool Capacity Total Space integer Total storage space of the pool.
Nimble Pool Capacity Unused Reserve Space integer Unused reserve space of the pool.
Nimble Pool Capacity Used Space integer Used space of the pool.
Nimble Pool General Name string Name of pool.
Nimble Pool General Creation Time string Time when this pool was created.
Nimble Pool General Description string Text description of pool.
Nimble Pool General Last Modified Time string Time when this pool was last modified.
Nimble Pool General Usage Valid string Indicate whether the usage of pool is valid.
Nimble Pool General Force Delete Pool string Forcibly delete the specified pool even if it contains deleted volumes who's space is being reclaimed.
Nimble Pool General All Flash string Indicate whether the pool is an all flash pool.
Nimble Pool Relationships Group Parents string List of all Groups that are parents of Pool
Nimble Pool Relationships Volume Children string List of all Volumes that are children of Pool
Nimble Pool Relationships Array Children string List of all Arrays that are children of Pool
Nimble Pool Relationships Folder Children string List of all Folders that are children of Pool
Nimble User General Name string Name of user.
Nimble User General Creation Time string Time when this user was created.
Nimble User General Description string Description of the user.
Nimble User General Disabled string Indicated whether user is currently disabled.
Nimble User General Inactivity Timeout integer The amount of time that the user session is inactive before timing out.
Nimble User General Last Modified Time string Time when the user was last modified.
Nimble User General Role string Role of the user.
Nimble User General Role ID string Identifier for the user's role.
Nimble User General Email Address string Email address of the user.
Nimble User Login Last Login string Last login time.
Nimble User Login Last Logout string Last logout time.
Nimble User Login Logged In string Indicates whether the user is currently logged in.
Nimble User Relationships Group Parents string List of all Groups that are parents of User.
Nimble Volume General Name string Name of volume.
Nimble Volume General Description string Text description of volume.
Nimble Volume General State string State of the volume.
Nimble Volume General Forced Offline string Forcibly offline, reduce size or change read-only status of a volume.
Nimble Volume General Reason Volume is Offline string Volume offline reason.
Nimble Volume General Agent Type string External management agent type.
Nimble Volume General Block Size integer Size of blocks in volume.
Nimble Volume General Clone string Indicates whether this volume is a clone.
Nimble Volume General Creation Time string Time when this volume was created.
Nimble Volume General Encryption Cipher string The encryption cipher of the volume.
Nimble Volume General Group Owner string Name of group that currently owns the volume.
Nimble Volume General Last Modified Time string Time when this volume was last modified.
Nimble Volume General Multi-Initiator Accessible string Indiciates whether volume and its snapshots are multi-initiator accessible.
Nimble Volume General Online string Online state of the volume.
Nimble Volume General Read Only string Indiciates whether volume is read-only.
Nimble Volume General Serial Number string Identifier associated with the volume for the iSCSI protocol.
Nimble Volume General Target Name string IQN name of the iSCSI target of the volume.
Nimble Volume General Thin Provisioned string Indicates whether to allow volume to be advertised as thinly provisioned to initiators supporting thin provisioning.
Nimble Volume General Usage Valid string Indiciates whether usage information of volume and snapshots are valid or not.
Nimble Volume Snapshots Projected Number of Snapshots integer Projected number of snapshots for this volume.
Nimble Volume Snapshots Snapshot Warning Level integer Threshold for available space as a percentage of volume size below which an alert is raised.
Nimble Volume Snapshots Snapshot Compressed Usage float Sum of compressed backup data stored in snapshots of this volume.
Nimble Volume Snapshots Snapshot Uncompressed Usage float Sum of uncompressed unique backup data in bytes stored in snapshots of this volume.
Nimble Volume Snapshots Backup Data Stored in Snapshots float Sum of backup data stored in snapshots of this volume without accounting for the sharing of data between snapshots.
Nimble Volume Snapshots Total Snapshots integer Number of live, non-hidden snapshots for this volume.
Nimble Volume Snapshots Online Snapshots integer Number of live, non-hidden snapshots for this volume.
Nimble Volume Snapshots Offline Snapshots integer Number of live, non-hidden snapshots for this volume.
Nimble Volume Snapshots Space Reserved for Snapshots integer Amount of space to reserve for snapshots of this volume as a percentage of volume size.
Nimble Volume Snapshots Base Snapshot Name string Name of base snapshot.
Nimble Volume Snapshots Base Snapshot ID string Base snapshot ID.
Nimble Volume Snapshots Snapshot Compression Ratio float Snapshot compression ratio on volume.
Nimble Volume Connections Connections integer Number of connections of this volume.
Nimble Volume Connections Fibre Channel Connections integer Number of Fibre Channel connections of this volume.
Nimble Volume Connections iSCSI Connections integer Number of iSCSI connections of this volume.
Nimble Volume Capacity Reserve Space integer Amount of space to reserve for this volume as a percentage of volume size.
Nimble Volume Capacity Total Space integer Volume size.
Nimble Volume Capacity Usage Limit integer Limit for the volume as a percentage of volume size.
Nimble Volume Capacity Warning Level integer Threshold for available space as a percentage of volume size below which an alert is raised.
Nimble Volume Capacity Volume Compressed Usage float Compressed data for this volume.
Nimble Volume Capacity Volume Uncompressed Usage float Uncompressed data for this volume.
Nimble Volume Capacity Free Space float Free space on this volume.
Nimble Volume Capacity Used Space float Used space on this volume.
Nimble Volume Capacity Usable Space float Maximum amount of space usable on this volume.
Nimble Volume Capacity Compression Ratio float Compression ratio on volume.
Nimble Volume Cache Cache Enabled string Indicate whether caching on the volume is enabled.
Nimble Volume Cache Cache Pinned string Indicate whether all the contents of this volume are kept in flash cache.
Nimble Volume Cache Cache Policy string Cache policy applied to the volume.
Nimble Volume Cache Upstream Cache Pinned string Indicates whether the upstream volume is cache pinned or not.
Nimble Volume Cache Cache Needed for Pin float The amount of flash needed to pin the volume.
Nimble Volume Cache Pinned Cache Size float The amount of flash pinned on the volume.
Nimble Volume Performance Read Operations float
Nimble Volume Performance Read Throughput float
Nimble Volume Performance Read Latency float
Nimble Volume Performance Write Operations float
Nimble Volume Performance Write Throughput float
Nimble Volume Performance Write Latency float
Nimble Volume Performance Combined Operations float
Nimble Volume Performance Combined Throughput float
Nimble Volume Performance Combined latency float
Nimble Volume Performance Policy Name string Name of performance policy.
Nimble Volume Performance Policy ID string Identifier for performance policy.
Nimble Volume Performance Policy Group ID string The ID of the owning group of the performance policy.
Nimble Volume Performance Policy Last Modified Time string Time when the performance policy's configurations were last modified.
Nimble Volume Performance Policy Description string Description of a performance policy.
Nimble Volume Performance Policy Creation Time string Time when the performanc policy was created.
Nimble Volume Performance Policy Space Policy string Specifies the state of the volume upon space constraint violation.
Nimble Volume Performance Policy Block Size integer BLock size to be used by the volumes created with this specific performance policy.
Nimble Volume Performance Policy Compressed string Indiciates whether data in associated volume should be compressed.
Nimble Volume Performance Policy Cached string Indiciates whether data in associated volume should be cached.
Nimble Volume Performance Policy Cache Policy string Specifies how data of associated volumes should be cached.
Nimble Volume Relationships Volume Collection Parents string List of all Volume Collections that are parents of Volume
Nimble Volume Relationships Pool Parents string List of all Pools that are parents of Volume
Nimble Volume Relationships Folder Parents string List of all Folders that are parents of Volume
Nimble Volume Relationships Datastore Parents string List of all Datastores that are parents of Volume
Nimble Volume Relationships Tag Parents string List of all Tags that are parents of Volume
Nimble Volume Relationships Linux Parents string List of all EP OPs Linux Agents that are parents of Volume
Nimble Volume Relationships AIX Parents string List of all EP OPs AIX Agents that are parents of Volume
Nimble Volume Relationships AIX Parents string List of all EP OPs HPUX Agents that are parents of Volume
Nimble Volume Relationships AIX Parents string List of all EP OPs Solaris Agents that are parents of Volume
Nimble Volume Relationships AIX Parents string List of all EP OPs Windows Agents that are parents of Volume
Nimble Folder General Name string Name of folder.
Nimble Folder General Description string Text description of volume folder.
Nimble Folder General Creation Time string Time when this folder was created.
Nimble Folder General Encryption Enabled string Indicate whether encryption is enabled on folder.
Nimble Folder General Last Modified Time string Time when this folder was last modified.
Nimble Folder General Usage Valid string Indicate whether the usage of folder is valid.
Nimble Folder Capacity Free Space float The available space of folder.
Nimble Folder Capacity Space Limit float Total amount of available space in folder.
Nimble Folder Capacity Used Space float The used capacity of the folder.
Nimble Folder Capacity Unused Reserve Space float The unused reserved capacity of the folder.
Nimble Folder Capacity Compression Ratio float The compression ratio of the folder.
Nimble Folder Snapshots Snapshots integer Number of live, non-hidden snapshots for this folder.
Nimble Folder Snapshots Snapshot Collections integer Count of snapshot collections associated with folder.
Nimble Folder Snapshots Snapshot Compressed Usage float Sum of compressed backup data stored in snapshots of this folder.
Nimble Folder Snapshots Snapshot Uncompressed Usage float Sum of uncompressed unique backup data in bytes stored in snapshots of this folder.
Nimble Folder Snapshots Snapshot Compression Ratio float Snapshot compression ratio on folder.
Nimble Folder Volume Usage Volume Compressed Usage float The compressed used space by volumes on this folder.
Nimble Folder Volume Usage Volume Uncompressed Usage float The uncompressed used space by volumes on this folder.
Nimble Folder Volume Usage Volume Compression Ratio float Volume compression ratio on folder.
Nimble Folder Relationships Volume Children string List of all Volumes that are children of Folders.
Nimble Folder Relationships Pool Parents string List of all Pools that are parents of Folders.
Nimble Volume Collection Application Application Synchronization string Application synchronization type.
Nimble Volume Collection Application Application Server string Application server hostname.
Nimble Volume Collection Application Application ID string Application ID running on the server.
Nimble Volume Collection Application Application Cluster Name string IF the application is running within a Windows cluster environment, this is the cluster name.
Nimble Volume Collection Application Application Service Name string If the application is running within a Windows cluster environment then this is the instance name of the service running within the cluster environment.
Nimble Volume Collection General Name string Name of volume collection.
Nimble Volume Collection General Description string Text description of volume collection.
Nimble Volume Collection General Creation Time string Time when this volume collection was created.
Nimble Volume Collection General Policy Owner Name string Owner group.
Nimble Volume Collection General Last Modified Time string Time when this volume collection was last modified.
Nimble Volume Collection Snapshots Snapshot Collections integer Count of snapshot collections associated with volume collection.
Nimble Volume Collection Protection Schedule Name string Name of protection schedule.
Nimble Volume Collection Protection Schedule ID string The ID of the protection schedule.
Nimble Volume Collection Protection Schedule Group ID string The ID of the owning group of the protection schedule.
Nimble Volume Collection Protection Schedule Description string Description of the schedule.
Nimble Volume Collection Protection Schedule Last Modified Time string Time when this protection schedule was last modified.
Nimble Volume Collection Protection Schedule Creation Time string Time when this protection schedule was created.
Nimble Volume Collection Protection Schedule Verify Snapshots string Indicates whether to run verification tool on snapshot created by this schedule.
Nimble Volume Collection Protection Schedule Snapshots per Day integer Number of snapshots taken per day.
Nimble Volume Collection Protection Schedule Time Range integer The amount of time covered by snapshots created by this schedule.
Nimble Volume Collection Protection Schedule Schedule Type string Type of schedule.
Nimble Volume Collection Protection Schedule Skip DB Consistency Check string Indiciates whether to skip consistency check for database files on snapshots created by this schedule.
Nimble Volume Collection Protection Schedule Days Run string Specifies which days snapshots should be taken.
Nimble Volume Collection Protection Schedule Replicate Every X Snapshots integer Specifies which snapshots should be replicated.
Nimble Volume Collection Protection Schedule Retained Snapshots on Replica integer Number of snapshots to retain on the replica.
Nimble Volume Collection Protection Schedule Disable App Synchronization string Disables application synchronized snapshots and creates crash consistent snapshots instead.
Nimble Volume Collection Protection Schedule Downstream Replication Partner string Specifies the partner name if snapshots created by this schedule should be replicated.
Nimble Volume Collection Protection Schedule Replication Time until Alert integer Replication alert threshold.
Nimble Volume Collection Protection Schedule Snapshots Retained integer Number of snapshots to retain.
Nimble Volume Collection Relationships Volume Children string List of all Volumes that are children of Volume Collections
Nimble Volume Collection Relationships Tag Parents string List of all Tags that are parents of Volume Collections

See also:

Alerts (Nimble)