If a recovery plan that contains a storage policy protection group fails due to missing mappings and the protected site is unavailable, Site Recovery Manager creates temporary placeholder mappings. You complete these temporary placeholder mappings so that the recovery can succeed.

Because Site Recovery Manager applies inventory mappings to virtual machines in storage policy protection groups at the moment that you run a recovery plan, storage policy protection groups require site-wide inventory mappings. If site-wide inventory mappings are missing, recovery tests, planned migrations, and disaster recovery of recovery plans that contain storage policy protection groups fail.

If a recovery plan that contains a storage policy protection group fails due to missing mappings and the protected site is available, configure the missing mappings in the normal way and run the recovery again. For information about how to configure site-wide inventory mappings, see Configure Inventory Mappings.

If a recovery plan that contains a storage policy protection group fails due to missing mappings and the protected site is unavailable, you cannot configure the missing mappings normally. To allow the recovery to succeed, you must complete the temporary placeholder mappings that Site Recovery Manager creates when a recovery plan fails due to missing mappings.


  • The protected site is unavailable.
  • You ran a disaster recovery on a recovery plan that contains a storage policy protection group.
  • The recovery failed due to missing inventory mappings.


  1. In the vSphere Client or the vSphere Web Client, click Site Recovery > Open Site Recovery.
  2. On the Site Recovery home tab, select a site pair, and click View Details.
  3. Click the Recovery Plans tab, and select the recovery plan that failed.
  4. Select Recovery Steps and expand the steps that are in an error state.
  5. Hover your pointer over an error message to see the full message.
    If inventory mappings are missing, you see an error about missing mappings.
    For example, if resource mappings are missing, you see Cannot fetch hosts associated with placeholder VMs. Mapping for resourcePool address missing in resource mappings.
  6. Select the Site Pair tab and check the remote SRM connection for the recovery site.
    You see a message informing you that the protected site is offline and that Site Recovery Manager has created temporary placeholder mappings.
  7. Select each of the Network Mappings, Folder Mappings, Resource Mappings, and Storage Policy Mappings tabs.
    Where mappings are missing, Site Recovery Manager has selected a resource on the protected site. The corresponding resource on the recovery site shows Mapping is missing.
  8. Select the temporary placeholder mapping and click the icon to edit the mapping.
  9. Select a resource on the recovery site to map to from the resource on the protected site that Site Recovery Manager selected, and click OK.
  10. Click the Recovery Plans tab, select the recovery plan that failed, and run the recovery plan again.
    If you configured all of the missing mappings, the recovery succeeds. If there are still missing mappings, the recovery fails.
  11. If the recovery fails again, repeat steps Step 4 to Step 10 until the recovery succeeds.

What to do next

When the protected site is available again, configure site-wide inventory mappings in the normal way and run recovery again so that Site Recovery Manager can complete the recovery steps on the protected site.
Note: Site Recovery Manager does not retain temporary placeholder mappings. The temporary placeholder mappings that you configured are lost if you restart Site Recovery Manager Server on the recovery site. Always configure normal inventory mappings after you have run a recovery in which you had to configure temporary placeholder mappings.