You can upgrade existing Site Recovery Manager installations that use a shared recovery site.

When you upgrade a Site Recovery Manager installation that uses a shared recovery site, apply the same recommendations for upgrading a standard one-to-one installation of Site Recovery Manager. See Upgrading Site Recovery Manager.

Upgrade all of the protected sites before you upgrade the shared recovery site. When you upgrade all of the protected sites before you upgrade the shared recovery site, you can run recoveries on the shared recovery site if failures occur on a protected site during the upgrade process. If you upgrade vCenter Server on the shared recovery site before you upgrade all of the protected sites, you must complete all the upgrades to perform recovery.

Upgrade the protected sites in order of importance, upgrading the most important sites first and the least important sites last. For example, upgrade protected sites that run business-critical applications before you upgrade sites that are less vital to your operations.


  • Verify that you know the standard procedure for upgrading Site Recovery Manager. For information about a standard Site Recovery Manager upgrade, see Upgrading Site Recovery Manager.
  • Evaluate the importance of each protected site, and prioritize the upgrade of the sites accordingly.


  1. (Optional) Upgrade vCenter Server on the most critical of the protected sites.
  2. (Optional) If you use vSphere Replication, upgrade the vSphere Replication appliance that connects to the vCenter Server instance that you upgraded in Step 1.
  3. Upgrade the Site Recovery Manager Server instance that connects to the vCenter Server instance that you upgraded in Step 1.
  4. (Optional) If you use array-based replication, upgrade the storage replication adapters (SRA) on the Site Recovery Manager Server host machine that you upgraded in Step 3.
  5. Repeat Step 1 to Step 4 for each of the protected sites that connect to the shared recovery site.
  6. (Optional) Upgrade vCenter Server on the shared recovery site.
  7. (Optional) If you use vSphere Replication, upgrade the vSphere Replication appliance on the shared recovery site.
  8. Upgrade the Site Recovery Manager Server instance on the shared recovery site that is paired with the first protected site that you upgraded.
  9. (Optional) If you use array-based replication, upgrade the SRAs for this Site Recovery Manager Server instance on the shared recovery site.
  10. Repeat Step 8 and Step 9 for each of the remaining Site Recovery Manager Server instances on the shared recovery site.
  11. (Optional) Upgrade the ESXi Server instances on the shared recovery sites and each of the protected sites.
  12. Upgrade the virtual hardware and VMware Tools on the virtual machines on the ESXi Server instances.