This section shows a method that you can use to rescan storage. What to read next DiscoverDevicesThe discoverDevices method starts a loop through the array managers on the local and remote sites, and for each array pair call discoverDevices. If the user does not have enough privileges, the array managers are skipped. QueryArrayManagersThe queryArrayManagers method returns a list of all the available array managers. CreateArrayManagerCreates ArrayManager object. Performs array discovery as part of array manager creation and fails if array discovery fails. QueryStorageAdaptersList of Storage Replication Adapters (SRAs) information successfully loaded into SRM. RemoveArrayManagerDeletes ArrayManager object. Array managers deletion is deferred until all the tasks currently in progress are complete. ReloadAdaptersScans SRA installation directory and reloads SRAs. It returns a task object to monitor the process. Parent topic: Logical Usage Order - Site Recovery Manager API