The discoverDevices method starts a loop through the array managers on the local and remote sites, and for each array pair call discoverDevices. If the user does not have enough privileges, the array managers are skipped.
DiscoverDevicesTask discoverDevices()
The method returns a DiscoverDevicesTask object that contains information about the status of the operation. Site Recovery Manager Server retains the object for 30 minutes after the task finishes.
IsDiscoverDevicesTaskComplete returns true if the DiscoverDeviceTask is complete.
GetDiscoverDevicesTaskFailures returns a list of failures that occurred while performing DiscoverDevices on array managers. The entire set of failures can be retrieved when the task is complete. If no failures occurred, the array is empty or null. is a string that contains the array pair name.
DiscoverDevicesFailure.fault is an MethodFault object that indicates the failure.
- RuntimeFault
For information about the faults that Site Recovery Manager throws, see Faults in Site Recovery Manager API.