This topic gives you reference information about the Amazon RDS for MySQL (csb-aws-mysql) service. It details the plans, configuration parameters, and binding credentials.


Release v1.3.0 removed brokerpak pre-configured plans for Amazon RDS for MySQL. All plans must be configured through the tile. If you have instances of the RDS for MySQL that were created in previous versions that you want to maintain, see Previously Provided Pre-configured Plans. For more information about upgrade steps, see Upgrading.

Tanzu Cloud Service Broker for AWS v1.3.0 and later doesn’t support unsecured connections to RDS MySQL instances. For secure connections to work, you must install the AWS certificate bundle in Ops Manager.

Plan Configuration Parameters

When configuring Cloud Service Broker for AWS you can add additional plans. For how to configure plans, see Configure Services with Cloud Service Broker for AWS.

The following table lists parameters which can only be configured for additional plans:

Parameter Name Description Default Required
name The plan name. n/a Yes
id A unique GUID. n/a Yes
description Description of the new plan. n/a Yes
free When false, service instances of this service plan have a cost. true No
bindable Specifies whether service instances of the service plan can bind to applications. true No
plan_updateable Whether the Plan supports upgrading, downgrading, or sidegrading to another version. true No
cores Deprecated - Minimum number of cores for the service instance. 2–64, multiples of 2. Use instance_class instead. n/a No
mysql_version The version of the MySQL instance. Either major version, for example, 8.0, or full version, for example, 8.0.30. n/a Yes
storage_gb Size of storage volume for service instance. The minimum size is 5 GB. n/a Yes
metadata.displayName Name to use when displaying the plan in the Marketplace. n/a No
metadata.bullets List of bullet points to display in Apps Manager. n/a No

You can also add any of the parameters listed in the Configuration Parameters section to your plan.

To create plans with specific size and versions, set instance_class, storage_gb, and mysql_version properties.


If you set a parameter at plan level, developers cannot change the value when creating or updating service instances.

Configuration Parameters

You can provision a service by running:


You can update the configuration parameters for a service instance by running:


The following table lists the parameters that you can configure, by using the -c flag, when provisioning or updating a csb-aws-mysql service. The Operation column displays whether a parameter is supported for both provision and update, or for provision only:

Parameter name Type Description Default Operation
instance_name String The name of the AWS instance to create. csb-mysql-INSTANCE-ID provision
db_name String The name of the database. vsbdb provision
region String The AWS region to deploy the service in. For more information about available regions, see the AWS documentation. us-west-2 provision
deletion_protection Boolean Whether deletion protection is enabled. The database cannot be deleted when this value is set. false provision and update
backup_retention_period Integer The number of days for which automatic backups are kept. Set the value to 0 to deactivate automated backups. An outage occurs if you change the backup retention period from 0 to a nonzero value or the reverse. This applies to both Single-AZ and Multi-AZ database instances. 7 provision and update
backup_window String The daily time range in UTC during which automated backups are created. For example, 09:46-10:16. It must not overlap with the maintenance window. It can only be updated to a non-null value. For more information, see the AWS Documentation. Uses AWS default value for the region provision and update
delete_automated_backups Boolean Specifies whether to remove automated backups immediately after the database instance is deleted. true provision and update
copy_tags_to_snapshot Boolean Copy all instance tags to snapshots true provision and update
aws_vpc_id String The Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to connect the instance to. The default VPC provision and update
rds_subnet_group String The name of the subnet to attach the database instance to. This overrides aws_vpc_id. None provision and update
rds_vpc_security_group_ids Comma-separated String Security group IDs to assign to the database instance. None provision
aws_access_key_id String The AWS Access Key to use for an instance. The value the operator entered for AWS Access Key in Ops Manager. provision and update
aws_secret_access_key String The corresponding secret for the AWS Access Key to use for an instance. The value the operator entered for AWS Secret Access Key in Ops Manager. provision and update
instance_class String Specifying the instance class overrides the conversion of cores to instance classes that is described in the Core to Instance Class Mapping table in the Plans for MySQL section earlier.

For more information about database instance classes, see the AWS Documentation.
None provision and update
storage_type String Type of storage to be used. One of standard (magnetic), gp2 (general purpose SSD), gp3 (general purpose SSD), or io1 (provisioned IOPS SSD). io1 provision and update
iops Integer The amount of provisioned IOPS. For this property to take effect, storage_type must be set to io1 or gp3. Cannot be specified for gp3 storage if the storage_gb value is below a per-engine threshold. If below the threshold, set this property value to 0. For more information, see the Amazon RDS User Guide. 3000 provision and update
multi_az Boolean If true, it enables Multi-AZ database instance deployment. For more information about Multi-AZ deployments, see the AWS documentation. true provision and update
publicly_accessible Boolean If true, make instance available to public connections. false provision and update
allow_major_version_upgrade Boolean Indicates that major version upgrades are allowed. Changing this parameter does not cause an outage and the change is asynchronously applied as soon as possible. true provision and update
auto_minor_version_upgrade Boolean (Optional) Indicates that minor engine upgrades are applied automatically to the database instance during the maintenance window. true provision and update
maintenance_day String The preferred maintenance day: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, or Sat. It can only be updated to a non-null value. Uses AWS default value for the region if all maintenance_* properties are null when creating the instance provision and update
maintenance_start_hour String The preferred maintenance start hour. Valid values are 00 through 23. It can only be updated to a non-null value. Uses AWS default value for the region if all maintenance_* properties are null when creating the instance provision and update
maintenance_start_min String The preferred maintenance start minute. Valid values are 00, 15, 30, 45. It can only be updated to a non-null value. Uses AWS default value for the region if all maintenance_* properties are null when creating the instance provision and update
maintenance_end_hour String The preferred maintenance end hour. Valid values are 00 through 23. It can only be updated to a non-null value. Uses AWS default value for the region if all maintenance_* properties are null when creating the instance provision and update
maintenance_end_min String The preferred maintenance end minute. Valid values are 00, 15, 30, 45. It can only be updated to a non-null value. Uses AWS default value for the region if all maintenance_* properties are null when creating the instance provision and update
storage_encrypted Boolean Configures database storage encryption. true provision
kms_key_id String The ARN for the KMS encryption key. Enable the storage_encrypted property if the key is specified. Use the ARN in this field, not the ID as the name might suggest.

Amazon RDS-encrypted database instances provide an additional layer of data protection by securing data from unauthorized access to the underlying storage.

Amazon RDS uses an AWS KMS key to encrypt these resources. You can use a custom key with the configuration that you want.
"" provision
parameter_group_name String The MySQL parameter group name for the service instance. Setting parameter_group_name: "" during an update is ignored. If you want to replace the current parameter group with the default one, you need to explicitly specify its name. "" provision and update
storage_autoscale Boolean Enable storage autoscaling up to storage_autoscale_limit_gb. true provision and update
storage_autoscale_limit_gb Number Maximum storage size if storage_autoscale is enabled. 250 provision and update
option_group_name String Name of the database option group to associate with. "" provision and update
monitoring_interval Integer The interval, in seconds, between points when Enhanced Monitoring metrics are collected for the database instance. To stop collecting Enhanced Monitoring metrics, enter 0. Valid values: 0, 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60. A monitoring_role_arn value is required if you enter a monitoring_interval value other than 0. 0 provision and update
monitoring_role_arn String Enhanced Monitoring requires permission to act on your behalf to send OS metric information to CloudWatch Logs. This property represents the ARN for the IAM role that permits RDS to send Enhanced Monitoring metrics to CloudWatch Logs. "" provision and update
performance_insights_enabled Boolean Specifies whether Performance Insights are enabled. Performance Insights expand on existing Amazon RDS monitoring features to illustrate your database performance and help you analyze it. From the Performance Insights dashboard you can visualize the database load on your Amazon RDS database instance load and filter the load by wait types, SQL statements, hosts, or users. false provision and update
performance_insights_kms_key_id String The ARN for the KMS key to encrypt Performance Insights data. When specifying performance_insights_kms_key_id, set performance_insights_enabled as true. After the KMS key is set, it can never be changed. "" provision and update
performance_insights_retention_period Integer The number of days for which to retain Performance Insights data.

The value must be 7, NUMBER-OF-MONTHS * 31 (where NUMBER-OF-MONTHS is 1-23), or 731.
For example, the following values are valid: 93 (because it's 3 months * 31), 341 (because it's 11 months * 31), 589 (because it's 19 months * 31), and 731.

If you specify an invalid retention period, such as 94, RDS issues an error.
7 provision and update
enable_audit_logging Boolean If true, it enables the audit cloud_watch_log_export on the RDS instance. It requires setting option_group_name with a pre-created Option Group that fulfils requirements for audit log exports. For config options, see the AWS documentation. When activated, it creates an associated audit CloudWatch log group. When deactivated, the associated audit CloudWatch log group is deleted. false provision and update
cloudwatch_log_group_retention_in_days Integer If provided, it sets the retention days for the log group that contains the RDS audit logs. It is used in conjunction with enable_audit_logging. 30 provision and update
cloudwatch_log_group_kms_key_id String If provided, it sets the KSM key to use for encrypting the CloudWatch log group that is created for the RDS audit logs. It is used in conjunction with enable_audit_logging. "" provision and update


You can bind a service by running:

cf bind-service APP-NAME SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME --binding-name BINDING-NAME

Binding Credentials

The format for binding credentials for MySQL is as follows:

    "name" : "DATABASE-NAME",
    "hostname" : "DATABASE-SERVER-HOST",
    "port" : "DATABASE-SERVER-PORT",

The jdbcUrl has server certificate verification always enabled, and requires the use of MySQL Connector for Java v8.0.13 or later.

Previously Provided Pre-configured Plans

The following table lists the previously provided plans for the Amazon RDS for MySQL service:

Plan Description
small MySQL 5.7, 2 vCPUs, 4 GB RAM, 5 GB storage
medium MySQL 5.7, 4 vCPUs, 8 GB RAM, 10 GB storage
large MySQL 5.7, 8 vCPUs, 16 GB RAM, 20 GB storage

To keep these plans in this version of the broker, add them through the tile as custom plans. For how to configure plans through the tile, see Configure Services with Cloud Service Broker for AWS.

Add the following block to keep the small plan:

    "name": "small",
    "id": "2268ce43-7fd7-48dc-be2f-8611e11fb12e",
    "description": "MySQL v5.7, minimum 2 cores, minimum 4GB ram, 5GB storage",
    "cores": 2,
    "storage_gb": 5,
    "storage_type": "gp2",
    "mysql_version": 5.7,
    "storage_encrypted": false,
    "multi_az": false,
    "storage_autoscale": false,
    "metadata": {
      "displayName": "small",
      "bullets": ["MySQL v5.7", "minimum 2 cores", "minimum 4GB ram", "5GB storage"]

Add the following block to keep the medium plan:

    "name": "medium",
    "id": "f2ae0bb7-6921-43b7-bae7-6d1fe1c5d1c6",
    "description": "MySQL 5.7, minimum 4 cores, minimum 8GB ram, 10GB storage",
    "cores": 4,
    "storage_gb": 10,
    "storage_type": "gp2",
    "mysql_version": 5.7,
    "storage_encrypted": false,
    "multi_az": false,
    "storage_autoscale": false,
    "metadata": {
      "displayName": "medium",
      "bullets": ["MySQL v5.7", "minimum 4 cores", "minimum 8GB ram", "10GB storage"]


Add the following block to keep the large plan:

    "name": "large",
    "id": "a5fea013-e87f-488f-969d-1cf038881b57",
    "description": "MySQL 5.7, minimum 8 cores, minimum 16GB ram, 20GB storage",
    "cores": 8,
    "storage_gb": 20,
    "storage_type": "gp2",
    "mysql_version": 5.7,
    "storage_encrypted": false,
    "multi_az": false,
    "storage_autoscale": false,
    "metadata": {
      "displayName": "large",
      "bullets": ["MySQL v5.7", "minimum 8 cores", "minimum 16GB ram", "20GB storage"]

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