To access these features, you should login to the SAP LaMa administrative console and navigate to the Virtualization tab under Operations tab in the main menu bar.
Figure 1. Landscape Virtualization Management

To execute a forced operation —


  1. Select a SAP system
  2. Click the Forced fly-out button
  3. Click the Forced selection option that you intend to execute from the list


Figure 2. Forced Operations

There are three forced operations that are supported —
  1. Forced Deactivate (Shutdown OS) — You use the Forced Deactivate option to shut down the operating system.
  2. Forced Deactivation (Power Off) — You use the Forced Deactivation option to power off the operating system.
  3. Forced Suspend — You use the Forced Suspend option to suspend the SAP system virtual machine.
    Note: When you suspend a virtual machine (VM), the current system memory of the VM is written to the disk. Then the VM is powered off. When you later restart the VM from vCenter Server Appliance, the VM continues from exactly the same state as it was when it was suspended, including executing any running transactions.