VMware Adapter for SAP Landscape Management extends the basic operations available in
SAP LaMa and integrates VMware vSphere infrastructures into the available workflows.
SAP LaMa provides the following basic features:
- Dashboards and Pods— Get a quick high level overview of your current landscape state
- Single/Mass Operations— Centralize operations for your entire landscape using a single console
- Landscape Visualization— Visualize systems and underlying infrastructure and identity relationships
- Provisioning Systems— Automate complex provisioning activities such as system copy/refresh
- Post-Copy Automation— Automate post copy and refresh processing tasks and customize the task lists
- Managing SAP HANA— Managing and provisioning your SAP systems powered by SAP HANA
- Custom Provisioning— Integrate and use your own replication technology for system provisioning
- Custom Operations/Hooks— Integrate your own procedures and tailor it to your specific needs
- Task Scheduling— Schedule and execute mass or sequential tasks during planned maintenance