Migrate operation feature enables you to migrate a SAP system virtual machine —
  1. From one host onto another host
  2. From one datastore onto another datastore
  3. From one network onto another network
Note: You can choose any combination of the above options to do the migration

Migration is a powerful tool that can be used to move a system or isolate a system thereby making it easy to support project, patching, development or IT objectives.


  1. Select the SAP system that you want to migrate
    Figure 1. LaMa - Migrate

  2. Click on the Migrate button in the menu bar
    A new Operation Options dialog window as shown below will appear.
    Figure 2. Target Resource Pool

  3. In the Operation Options dialog window, the first step is Target Selection. You select the target resource pool here. Then Click Next.
    Figure 3. Target Host

    You move to the next step called Host Provider.
  4. In this step you select the target host where you want to migrate the SAP system virtual machine. Click Next to move to the next step.
    Figure 4. Target Network

  5. In this step called Network Adapters you select the target network for each network adapter assigned to the SAP system. Then Click Next.
    Figure 5. Target Datastore

  6. In this step called Data Storage, you select the target datastore. Then Click Next.
    Figure 6.

  7. You are now in the Summary step. You can review the changes that you have selected so far
  8. Click on the Execute button to start the migration operation
  9. The host will be locked until the migration operation completes
    Figure 7. LaMa - Migration


You have successfully migrated the SAP system virtual machine