Operations in SAP LaMa execute features to existing SAP systems and infrastructure. Some examples of these operations are activating and deactivating SAP systems. With the VMware Adapter for SAP Landscape Management there are three types of operations that you can perform —
  1. Forced Operations — Forced operations ignore system services and daemons on the target SAP system and are generally non-graceful operations. The three forced operations that are supported are —
    1. Forced Deactivate (Shutdown OS)
    2. Forced Deactivation (Power Off)
    3. Forced Suspend
  2. Non-Forced Operations — Non-Forced operations execute on the target SAP system and generally get executed in a graceful manner. The four Non-Forced operations that are supported are —
    1. Activate
    2. Deactivation
    3. Deactivate
    4. Suspend
  3. Migrate Operation — The migrate operation allows you to migrate a SAP virtual machine onto another host / network / datastore.