To install the adapter to the LaMa system via the vla_adapter command:

  1. Login to the VLA system as the user you created when you deployed your VLA system.

  2. Gain administrative access via the following command:

    sudo -s

    Enter the console user password that you provided when deploying the VLA (Step 9 of Deploy VLA)

  3. Deploy the LaMa component of the VLA product to the LaMa system by entering the following command:

    vla_adapter –a –f <ipaddress> –u <lama-shell-admin> -x <lama-web-admin>


    • ipaddress — is the IP address or FQDN of the LaMa system

    • <lama-shell-admin> — is the name of a user that can login to the Linux shell (via SSH) on the LaMa Linux system and has Linux administrative privileges, for example root.

    • <lama-web-admin> — is the name of a user that can login to the LaMa web user interface and has LaMa administrative privileges, for example Administrator.

This command prompts you for passwords for both the shell login (SSH) and LaMa web user interface accounts. Provide those passwords when prompted.

The following is an example of running vla_adapter command against a LaMa at IP address with the lama-shell-admin set to root and the lama-web-admin set to Administrator, including the password prompts and output from the command showing progress and success:

# vla_adapter –a –f –u root -x Administrator
Enter SSH password:
Enter LaMa administrator password:
VLA: vla_adapter [INFO]: Start installing the adapter to LaMa server
VLA: vla_adapter [INFO]: Adapter installation successful