You can upgrade all available templates from an ESXi host or upload new templates for AppStacks and Writable Volumes.

Important: If you have upgraded App Volumes from an earlier version, you must upload the prepackaged templates again manually. You cannot upgrade the templates by copying them directly to the storage location as the location is locked by App Volumes Manager to prevent accidental deletion of volumes. However, any user-defined custom templates are automatically carried over, and you do not have to upload them again.

If you choose to install a new App Volumes 4 App Volumes Manager, you must perform the steps as described in this section.


  1. Download the ISO for VMware App Volumes 2.19 Agent.
  2. In the ISO, copy the Hypervisor\vSphere\ppv\ folder to the ppv folder on the App Volumes 4 App Volumes Manager server.
    ppv folder is present at the location where the App Volumes Manager is intalled.
  3. Turn on the switch in App Volumes Manager that helps in supporting the co-existence of both application packages and AppStacks.
    For more information, see the Enable VOLUMES (2.x) section in the VMware App Volumes Administration Guide for App Volumes 4 at VMware Docs.
  4. Upload the AppStacks and Writable Volumes templates to the datastore.
    For more information, see the Upload Templates section in the VMware App Volumes Administration Guide for App Volumes 4 at VMware Docs.