The configuration files are divided into two categories: Default and Custom. The Default set is created by the App Volumes agent installer. The Custom set does not exist by default, but can be created in specific folders on the base image, Writable Volume, or an application package. App Volumes has the capability to load (or execute) these files.

As the application packages are read-only, App Volumes allows the creation of custom configuration files for application packages on the base image. These files can then be used for all the application packages which get attached to the virtual machine. If configuration files are required for a particular application package, the configuration files can be placed in the application package after initiating the update package workflow in App Volumes Manager.

To upload the configuration files to all the Writable Volumes, it is recommended to use the update Writable Volumes workflow in App Volumes Manager. For more information, see Update Writable Volumes.

Note: There is no support for adding custom configuration files to Writable Volumes on the base image.

A directory structure is used for default and custom configuration files on the base image, provisioning volume, Writable Volumes, and application packages. On the base image, these files are located in the App Volumes installation directory, identified by %SVAgent% environment variable. This variable is created during the installation of App Volumes agent.

Default Configuration Files

The default set of configuration files might get modified with a newer version of App Volumes. Therefore, these configuration files are not preserved across App Volumes upgrades.

  • VMware does not recommend changing the content of the configuration files and cannot guarantee if the changes are forward compatible.

    If you must modify the content of the configuration files, create a backup of the modified files and place the files back after the upgrade, if the files are still supported.

  • Deletion of the default configuration files is not supported.

    If any configuration file is deleted, the deletion can cause App Volumes to malfunction.

The following table lists the type of volumes and their corresponding default configuration directories:

Volume Type Configuration Directory
System Volume %SVAgent%\Config\Default
Profile-only Writable Volume %SVAgent%\Config\Default\profile
UIA only Writable Volume %SVAgent%\Config\Default\uia
UIA+profile Writable Volume %SVAgent%\Config\Default\uia_plus_profile
Application Volume %SVAgent%\Config\Default\app
Provisioning Volume %SVAgent%\Config\Default\provisioning

Custom Configuration Files

The following table lists the type of volumes and their corresponding custom configuration directories. Any changes made to the files in the custom configuration directories are persisted across App Volumes upgrades.
Note: By default, the \writable and \app folders are not available and these folders have to be created using administrator privileges.
Volume Type Configuration Directories
System Volume %SVAgent%\Config\Custom
Profile-only Writable Volume {Volume Root}\{Writable GUID}\Config\writable
Note: {Volume Root} indicates the root of the Profile-only Writable Volume
UIA only Writable Volume {Volume Root}\{Writable GUID}\Config\writable
Note: {Volume Root} indicates the root of the UIA only Writable Volume
UIA+profile Writable Volume {Volume Root}\{Writable GUID}\Config\writable
Note: {Volume Root} indicates the root of the UIA+profile Writable Volume
Application Volume
  • {Volume Root}\{App GUID}\Config\app
    Note: {Volume Root} indicates the root of the application package
  • {Volume Root}\{Writable GUID}\Config\app
    Note: {Volume Root} indicates the root of the Writable Volume
  • %SVAgent%\Config\Custom\app
Note: When configuration files are created at %SVAgent%\Config\Custom\app or {Volume Root}\{Writable GUID}\Config\App, the configuration files are applicable for all the application packages which get attached to a particular VDI pool. Whereas when configuration files are created at {Volume Root}\{App GUID}\Config\app, the configuration files are only applicable for that particular application package.