A package stores one or more programs required for the application to run. You can create a package for an application either immediately after creating the application or at a later point in time.

When you create a package, you provide the metadata such as name, storage, path, template, and description of the package. You can choose a package stage that indicates the state of delivery of a package. For information about the package stages, see Lifecycle of a Package.

You can configure when a package must be delivered to the end user by using the delivery modes: Classic and On-demand. For more information about the package delivery modes, see Understanding Package Delivery Modes in App Volumes.


  • You must have already created an Application.

    Create an Application

  • You must have uploaded the template for packages to the datastore.

    Upload Templates

  • If you choose to configure the package delivery mode to On-demand, ensure that you are aware of the required criteria and the behavior of the application package when delivered to the end user.

    For information about the criteria and characteristics, see Understanding Package Delivery Modes in App Volumes.


  1. From App Volumes Manager, go to INVENTORY > Applications.
  2. Select an Application and click Create Package.
  3. On the Create Package page, provide the Package details such as Name, Base Package, Storage, Path, Template, Stage, and Description.
    Base Package acts as reference when you opt to create a new version of a Package by using an existing version as base.
    Note: You cannot use the Create functionality to create an MSIX app attach format in App Volumes. As a result, this format is not listed in the Base Package dropdown box.
  4. Select the package Delivery mode.
    • By default, the package delivery mode is Classic.

      If you choose the default value, you cannot change the delivery mode to On-demand until you complete package capture.

    • If you configure the package delivery mode to On-demand, you can edit the delivery mode to Classic regardless of the package status.

      When a package is delivered as On-demand, the attachment occurs only when the end user launches the application.

  5. Click Create.
  6. On the Confirm Create Package window, select one of the options and click Create.
    Option Action
    Perform in the background The package gets created for the application in the background and you can perform other tasks.
    Note: Status of the package is Creating.
    Wait for completion You must wait until the package is created for the application. You cannot perform any other tasks until the package gets created.


The newly created Package details are displayed in the Packages tab.

What to do next

Package the Application.