The App Volumes agent consists of two major components, SVdriver and SVservice. SVdriver is responsible for the virtualization of volumes into the OS and SVservice is responsible for communicating system events, such as computer startup, login, logout, and shutdown, with the App Volumes Manager.

For a list of parameters that can be used to configure SVdriver, see Configuring the SVdriver Parameters.

For a list of parameters that can be used to configure SVservice, see Parameters for Configuring SVservice.

With the latest version of App Volumes, you can configure SVdriver and SVservice with the following .bat files:
Script Name Triggers Security Context
OnPreLoadApp.bat Called before an application is initialized. System account
OnPostLoadApp.bat Called after an application is initialized. System account
OnPreUnloadApp.bat Called before an application is uninitialized System account
OnPostUnloadApp.bat Called after an application is uninitialized System account
OnPreEnableApp.bat Called before an application is enabled System account
OnPostEnableApp.bat Called after an application is enabled System account
OnPreDisableApp.bat Called before an application is disabled System account
OnPostDisableApp.bat Called after an application is disabled System account

With App Volumes 2.18, you can configure SVdriver and SVservice with the following .bat files:

Script Name Triggers Security Context Wait Time Registry Parameter
prestartup.bat Called when a volume is dynamically attached, or during system startup but before virtualization is activated. System account WaitPrestartup (default do not wait)
startup.bat Called when a volume is dynamically attached, or when system starts up. System account WaitStartup (default do not wait)
startup_postsvc.bat Called as and called after services have been started on the volume (not called if there are no services on volume). System account WaitStartupPostSvc (default do not wait)
logon.bat Called when the user logs in and before Windows Explorer starts. User account WaitLogon (default wait until it finishes)
logon_postsvc.bat Called after services have been started and not called if no services are running on volume. User account WaitLogonPostsvc (default do not wait)
shellstart.bat Called when a volume is dynamically attached or when Windows Explorer starts. User account WaitShellstart (default do not wait)
shellstop.bat Called when the user logs out before Windows Explorer is closed. User account WaitShellstop (default do not wait)
logoff.bat Called when the user logs out and Windows Explorer is closed. User account WaitLogoff (default do not wait)
shutdown_presvc.bat Called when the computer is shutting down before services are stopped. System account WaitShutdownPresvc (default do not wait)
shutdown.bat Called when the computer is shutting down after services are stopped. System account WaitShutdown (default do not wait)
allvolattached.bat Called after all volumes are processed. For example, if the user has 3 AppStacks, this is called after all 3 have loaded. System account WaitAllvolattached (default do not wait)
allvolattached_shellstarted.bat Called after all volumes are processed and the user session is started. User account None
post_prov.bat Called at the end of provisioning to perform any one-time steps required at the end of provisioning. Invoked when clicking the provisioning complete pop-up window while the volume is still virtualized. System account WaitPostProv (default wait forever)
prov_p2.bat Called at phase 2 of the provisioning process after the machine is rebooted, but before App Volumes Manager has been notified that provisioning is complete. This is the last chance to perform any actions on the provisioned volume with virtualization disabled. System account WaitProvP2 (default wait forever)