In this step, you create a cloud zone to specify a compute resource that the CloudAdmin user can access when working with VMware Cloud on AWS in VMware Aria Automation.

In VMware Cloud on AWS, the two primary administrator credentials are CloudGlobalAdmin and CloudAdmin. Automation Assembler is designed to support the CloudAdmin user. Deploy to resources that are available to a VMware Cloud on AWS CloudAdmin user. Do not deploy to resources that require VMware Cloud on AWS CloudGlobalAdmin credentials.

Cloud zones identify the compute resources onto which a project cloud template deploys machines, networks, and storage. See Learn more about Automation Assembler cloud zones.

Unless otherwise indicated, the step values that you enter in this procedure are for this example workflow only.



  1. Select Infrastructure > Configure > Cloud Zones.
  2. Click New Cloud Zone, and enter values for the VMware Cloud on AWS environment.
    Setting Sample Value
    Account / region OurCo-VMC / Datacenter:Datacenter-abz

    This is the cloud account and associated region that you defined in the previous step, Create a VMware Cloud on AWS cloud account in VMware Aria Automation in the workflow.

    Name VMC_cloud_zone-1
    Description VMware Cloud on AWS resources only
    Placement policy Default
    Capability tags Leave this empty. This workflow does not use capability tags.
  3. Click the Compute tab.
  4. As shown in area 1 below, find and select a compute resource that is available to the CloudAdmin user. For this example, use the resource named Cluster 1/ Compute-ResourcePool.

    Cluster 1/ Compute-ResourcePool is the default compute resource for VMware Cloud on AWS.

    add a tag to the vmc compute resource and cloud zone - 1

  5. As shown in area 2 above, add the tag name vmc_placements_abz.

    Add tag named vmc_placements_abz to the compute resource.

  6. Filter the compute resources that are used in this cloud zone by entering vmc_placements_abz in the Filter tags section.
  7. Click Save.

    add a tag to the vmc compute resource and cloud zone - 3

    For this example, only the compute resource named Cluster 1/ Compute-ResourcePool is available to the CloudAdmin user.

What to do next

Configure network and storage profiles for VMware Cloud on AWS deployments in VMware Aria Automation.