As a VMware Aria Automation cloud administrator, you can use a command line interface to set up Cloud Consumption Interface (CCI) access and configure governance constructs. The command line interface uses the Kubernetes command-line tool, or kubectl.

For a complete list of actions that you can perform using the CLI, see Kubernetes API Reference for the Cloud Consumption Interface.

Note: You can also use the UI to perform some of the following steps. Links to documentation for the UI are provided with those steps.


  • Verify that a Supervisor Cluster is enabled on a vCenter instance and is registered with VMware Aria Automation.
  • Verify that you are at least an organization member in VMware Aria Automation with the Administrator service role for Automation Assembler or Automation Service Broker.
  • Verify that you have:
    • Downloaded the CCI kubectl plug-in.
    • Obtained an API token for the admin user or defined a variable to store your user password.
    • Used your token with the -t option or used your admin credentials with the -u option to log in to the CCI server and changed the default context to CCI.
  • Verify that you have added a vCenter cloud account in Automation Assembler.
  • Verify that the vCenter cloud account name does not include any spaces or upper case letters. For example, my-vcenter-cloud-account.

For more information about any of these prerequisites, see Cloud Consumption Interface setup and configuration

Step 1: Create a project and project role bindings

To group Automation users and set access to infrastructure resources, you create a project and project role bindings.

To create project and project role bindings using the UI, see How do I add a project for my Automation Assembler development team..

  1. Create a project.
    kubectl create -f project.yaml
    Example project.yaml file.
    kind: Project
      name: <project_name>
      description: <description_of_project>
      sharedResources: true
  2. Create a project role binding to assign roles to users or groups within a created project.
    kubectl create -f projectrolebinding.yaml
    The following example projectrolebinding.yaml file adds a user with the admin project role. Project role values are: admin, view, or edit.
    kind: ProjectRoleBinding
      namespace: <project_name>
      kind: ProjectRole
      name: admin
    - kind: User
      name: <[email protected]>

Step 2: Create a region

You create a region so that you can assign Supervisors to that region.

kubectl create -f region.yaml
Example region.yaml file.
kind: Region
  name: <region_name>
  description: <description_of_region>

Step 3: Associate a Supervisor with a region

To associate a Supervisor with a region, you find the Supervisor that you want to update then add the region and labels that will be used for namespace placement.

  1. To find the Supervisor that you want to update, list the supervisors. Supervisor resources are visible after vCenter data-collection.
    kubectl -n cci-config get supervisors
    The following is an example result.
    NAME                             AGE
    demo-self-service:domain-c50     75d
    adminannie-vcenter:domain-c8     5d18h
    scale-test-vc-01:domain-c8       56d
  2. Update the Supervisor named adminannie-vcenter:domain-c8.
    kubectl -n cci-config edit supervisor adminannie-vc:domain-c8
    The following example includes metadata.labels key-value pairs and regions spec.regionNames. The labels environment: testing and fipsMode: strict can be used to help with supervisor placement decisions.
    kind: Supervisor
        environment: testing
      name: adminannie-vc:domain-c8
      namespace: cci-config
      uid: ccd3d154-6404-47b7-8786-bb2d49ad9f5d
      cloudAccountName: adminannie-vc
      externalId: domain-c8
      externalName: wcp-test-dc-cluster
        - <region_name>
To view a list of Supervisor regions in the Automation Assembler or Automation Service Broker UI, go to:
  • Infrastructure > Configure > Supervisor Regions
  • Or click the Supervisor Regions tab for a project located at Infrastructure > Administration > Projects
See Viewing Administrator Constructs.

Step 4: Create a region binding and region binding config

You create a region binding and region binding config so that users in a project can create Supervisor Namespaces on Supervisors in a region.

  1. Create a region binding.
    kubectl create -f regionbinding.yaml
    Example regionbinding.yaml file.
    kind: RegionBinding
      name: <region_name>
      namespace: <project_name>

    A region binding does not include any Supervisor placement settings, so you must also create a Region Binding Config.

  2. Create a Region Binding Config for every region binding created. You can include match expressions that are used for additional filtering of Supervisors. Supervisor labels are used to allow Supervisor Namespace placement on a subset of the Supervisors in a region.
    kubectl create -f regionbindingconfig.yaml
    In the following example regionbindingconfig.yaml file, any supervisors that match the testing environment label can host the Supervisor Namespaces created in that project and region.
    kind: RegionBindingConfig
      name: <region_name>
      namespace: <project_name>
          - key: environment
            operator: In
              - testing

Step 5: Create a Supervisor Namespace Class and add a Supervisor Namespace Class config

To define namespace templates with optional parameters that can be used to customize the namespace settings during creation, you create a Supervisor Namespace Class. Then you can create a Supervisor Namespace Class Config with match expressions that are used for additional filtering of Supervisors that are used for Supervisor Namespace placement.

To create a Supervisor Namespace Class with a Supervisor Namespace Class config using the UI, see How do I create and configure namespace classes, namespace class config, and namespaces class binding using the UI.

  1. Create a Supervisor Namespace Class.
    kubectl create -f supervisornamespaceclass.yaml
    In the following example supervisornamespaceclass.yaml file, the optional input under parameters reflect Namespace Class parameters that users provide when creating the namespace. All input must have default values. The values are used to customize the storage classes, limits, and additional constraints. The name value must be all lowercase and without spaces.
    kind: SupervisorNamespaceClass
      name: <class_name>
      description: supervisor namespace class
        - name: podcountlimit
          type: Integer
          minimum: 100
          maximum: 1000
          default: 500

    The Supervisor Namespace Class does not contain any Supervisor placement settings, so you must also create a Supervisor Namespace Class Config.

  2. Create a Supervisor Namespace Class Config.
    kubectl create -f supervisornamespaceclassconfig.yaml
    The YAML is configured with all the supervisor namespace configurations that you want the supervisor namespace to inherit and can include:
    • Content libraries that contain the images the VM Service uses when provisioning Virtual Machines.
    • Virtual Machine Classes such as T-Shirt Sizes.
    • CPU, Memory and Storage enforced Resource Limits.
    • Storage Classes to use.
    • SupervisorSelector to decide which supervisor to use for supervisor namespace creation.
    In the following example supervisornamespaceclassconfig.yaml file, the supervisorSelector is used to match supervisor labels.
    kind: SupervisorNamespaceClassConfig
      name: <class_name>
        - name: management-storage-policy-thin
        - name: big-vm-class
        - name: small-vm-class
        - name: global-content-library
          type: ContentLibrary
      # Below limits are an EXAMPLE! Setting them may cause unexpected behavior in your namespace
      # Either set reasonable limits, or remove the below section to get unlimited resources
        - name: pod_count
          limit: "((parameters.podCountLimit))"
          - key: environment
            operator: In
              - testing

Step 6: Associate a Namespace Class with a project

To allow the creation of a Supervisor Namespace using the Supervisor Namespace Class in a project, you create a Supervisor Namespace Class Binding.

To associate a namespace class with a project using the UI, see How do I create and configure namespace classes, namespace class config, and namespaces class binding using the UI.

kubectl create -f supervisornamespaceclassbinding.yaml
Example supervisornamespaceclassbinding.yaml file.
  • namespace specifies the name of the project name that you want to associate with the Supervisor Namespace Class.
  • overrideParameters are optional. They are used to force a parameter value while ignoring the user provided parameter values when the Supervisor Namespace is created. Valid types are Integer, String, or Boolean. The name value must be all lowercase and without spaces.
kind: SupervisorNamespaceClassBinding
  name: <class_name>
  namespace: <project_name>
    - name: podcountlimit
      type: Integer
      const: 1000