To create the integration with the third-party system, for which you design the plug-in, you must add the Maven dependencies.

You introduce a dependency with a small Java-based client called Jedis and the Apache common pool library, on which the Jedis library depends.


  1. Define the dependency in the main pom.xml file.
  2. Add a dependency in the pom.xml file in the o11nplugin-redis-core folder.
  3. Define the use of Jedis.
    //Construct a pool of redis connections 
    JedisPool pool = new JedisPool(new JedisPoolConfig(), "localhost"); 
    /// Jedis implements Closable. Hence, the jedis instance will be auto-closed after the last statement. 
    try (Jedis jedis = pool.getResource()) { 
      /// ... do stuff here ... for example 
      jedis.set("foo", "bar"); 
      String foobar = jedis.get("foo"); 
      jedis.zadd("sose", 0, "car"); jedis.zadd("sose", 0, "bike"); 
      Set<String> sose = jedis.zrange("sose", 0, -1); 
    /// ... when closing your application: 
    Multiple threads, such as workflows and user interactions, access the Connection class. You must make sure that you have either a pool of Redis connections, which is provided by default, or a thread-safe connection.
    1. When you create the Connection object, you initialize the JedisPool.
    2. Retrieve the Jedis object in the try-statement as a resource.
    3. Close the resource by returning it to the JedisPool when it is not used anymore.
    4. When the connection is destroyed, you must destroy the JedisPool.
    @Qualifier(value = "connection") 
    @Scope(value = "prototype") 
    public class Connection implements Findable { 
        private JedisPool pool; 
        public String ping() { 
            try (Jedis jedis = getResource()) { 
        public String set(String key, String value) { 
            try (Jedis jedis = getResource()) { 
                return jedis.set(key, value); 
        public String get(String key) { 
            try (Jedis jedis = getResource()) { 
                return jedis.get(key); 
        public synchronized void destroy() { 
            if (pool != null) { 
         * Returns a redis connection from the pool. 
        public Jedis getResource() { 
            return getPool().getResource(); 
         * Lazy initialization of the pool. 
        private synchronized JedisPool getPool() { 
            if (pool == null) { 
                JedisPoolConfig jedisConfig = new JedisPoolConfig(); 
                pool = new JedisPool(jedisConfig, connectionInfo.getHost(), connectionInfo.getPort()); 
            return pool; 
    Note: When you destroy a connection, you must destroy all related resources. To prevent a state of inconsistency, the destroy and the getPool methods are synchronized.

    You must explicitly close the Jedis connection. For example, if you use the ping method, you retrieve a connection from the pool, run a call and close the connection, by returning it to the pool. If you want to run multiple calls, you must retrieve a connection multiple times. For performance reasons, you can expose the Jedis object to the users.