You can customize the plug-in further, for example, by changing the plug-in icon that appears in the Automation Orchestrator Control Center and in the Automation Orchestrator Client. You do this by modifying the plug-in descriptor file.


  1. Open the file in the o11nplugin-redis-custom folder.
  2. Change the icon and the description of the Redis plug-in.
    public CustomModule() { 
       this.plugin = new Plugin(); 
       plugin.setDescription("Redis plug-in for vRO"); 
  3. Rebuild the plug-in by running the mvn clean install command.
  4. (Optional) During the installation, you can change the build number, the version, and the installation mode of the plug-in, by adding the corresponding properties to the install command
    mvn clean install -Dbuild.number=999 -Dinstallation.mode=always 
    Note: The installation mode property defines the behavior of the newly built plug-in content. The value of the installation mode can be either never, always, or version.
    Value Description
    Never The new content never overwrites the existing content.
    Always The new content always overwrites the existing content. For example, if the new content has an earlier version number compared to the existing one.
    Version Compare the versions and update the plug-in only if the new version number is later than the existing one.
    When the new build completes, the vso.xml file in the {plug-in-home}/o11nplugin-redis/src/main/dar/VSO-INF directory shows the new values for the icon and for the description.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> 
    <module name="Redis" version="${project.version}" build-number="${build.number}" image="images/redis.png" display-name="Redis"> 
        <description>Redis plug-in for vRO</description> 
        <installation mode="${installation.mode}"> 
            <action resource="packages/o11nplugin-redis-package-${project.version}.package" type="install-package"/> 
        <inventory type="_ROOT"/> 
            <finder-datasource name="main-datasource" adaptor-class="com.vmware.o11n.plugin.redis.RedisPluginAdaptor" concurrent-call="false" anonymous-login-mode="internal"/> 
            <finder hidden="true" datasource="main-datasource" type="_ROOT"> 