Besides changing the basic plug-in configuration options, you can add some code that makes the plug-in complete a task. You can create a scripting object and statically invoke its methods by using a scripting singleton.


  1. Under the {plug-in-home}/o11nplugin-redis-core/src/main/java/com/vmware/o11n/plugin/redis folder, create a directory with the name singleton.
    This directory constitutes the com.vmware.o11n.plugin.redis.singleton package of the plug-in.
  2. Create a ConnectionManager scripting class in the com.vmware.o11n.plugin.redis.singleton package.
  3. Save the ConnectionManager scripting class as a file in the singleton directory.
    package com.vmware.o11n.plugin.redis.singleton; 
     * A scripting singleton for managing redis connections. 
    public class ConnectionManager { 
         * This method creates a redis connection by the provided name, host and 
         * port. 
         * @param connectionName 
         *            the name of the connection, only one with the same name can 
         *            exist 
         * @param redisHost 
         *            the redis host, cannot be null 
         * @param redisPort 
         *            redis port 
         * @return the ID of the newly created connection 
        public String save(String connectionName, String redisHost, int redisPort) { 
            return null; 
  4. Add the singleton(ConnectionManager.class) line to the file so that the plug-in can expose the ConnectionManager class as a scripting object.
    package com.vmware.o11n.plugin.redis; 
    import com.vmware.o11n.plugin.redis.singleton.ConnectionManager; 
    import com.vmware.o11n.sdk.modeldrivengen.mapping.AbstractMapping; 
    public class CustomMapping extends AbstractMapping { 
        public void define() { 
  5. Rebuild the plug-in by running the mvn clean install command.
  6. Verify the changes in the vso.xml file.
        <object create="false" java-class="com.vmware.o11n.plugin.redis_gen.ConnectionManager_Wrapper" script-name="_RedisConnectionManager"> 
            <singleton script-name="RedisConnectionManager" datasource="main-datasource"/> 
                <method script-name="save" java-name="save" return-type="String"> 
                        <parameter type="String" name="connectionName"></parameter> 
                        <parameter type="String" name="redisHost"></parameter> 
                        <parameter type="Number" name="redisPort"></parameter> 
    The Automation Orchestrator platform can interpret the scripting-objects tag RedisConnectionManage is a scripting object associated to the ConnectionManager class.
    With model-driven, you can extend objects with different functionalities. In this example, the vso.xml file points to a wrapper class, instead of pointing to the scripting object itself.
  7. Install the modified version of the plug-in. See Deploy a Plug-In.
  8. Log in to the Automation Orchestrator Client.
  9. Go to API Explorer.
  10. Expand the Redis plug-in to browse through the API elements.
    The ConnectionManager class is exposed as a scripting object together with the save method.
    Note: By default, the code generator adds the name of the plug-in as a prefix of the plug-in objects. For example, ConnectionManager becomes RedisConnectionManager.