You download and install the Automation Orchestrator Plug-in SDK package on your local machine.


  1. Download the ZIP package that includes the Plug-in SDK from the VMware Technology Partner hub.
  2. Install the SDK.
    1. Unzip the package that includes the Plug-in SDK.
    2. For Windows environments, run the install.ps1 script.
    3. For Mac OS or Linux environments, run the script.
      Note: By default, the install script does not accept arguments. The script installs the SDK to your default local Maven repository. However, you can specify a different installation location for a custom Maven repository by passing the path as an argument, such as the following:
      ./ <custom-mvn-repo-location>

      For more information regarding the Plug-in SDK, open the README.MD file in the SDK archive.

  3. Validate the installation by running the following command.
    mvn archetype:generate -Dfilter="com.vmware.o11n:"
    The Maven archetype:generate command generates projects from existing archetypes. After running the command, you see a list of Automation Orchestrator plug-in archetypes to choose from. This procedure verifies that the archetypes are present in your local Maven repository and that the SDK installation was successful.
