Getting Started with Reports

What Are Interactive Reports

Interactive Reports are one of the fundamental ways of interacting with the Tanzu CloudHealth platform. You can create both high-level summary reports, as well as, detailed multi-dimensional reports that answer questions about usage, infrastructure inventory, performance, availability, security and cost across your cloud environment.

Why Use Interactive Reports

Using interactive reports, you can create visual and tabular reports by selecting a combination of Measures, Dimensions, Perspectives and Groups. These reports can help you correlate data sets for analysis and reporting against business objectives.

Both executive and management teams can use interactive reports to evaluate cloud infrastructure events, trends and projections to improve cost, availability and performance optimization.

Standard Reports

Standard reports are predefined reports that are available in the Tanzu CloudHealth platform across all topics: cost, usage, performance, metrics, audit, and security. There are a wide variety of standard reports to help you quickly use and get value from the Tanzu CloudHealth platform.

Saved Reports

Saved reports are reports that individual users create and customize to meet specific organizational reporting requirements and metric tracking. Saved reports can be made private and viewable only by the user who created them, or made public and available to the user’s organization.

Features of Interactive Reports

Features of visual Tanzu CloudHealth reports and how to use them

Report Legend

A legend of all items that a report is showing is displayed at the top of the report. To use the legend:

  • Click each legend item to remove it from the chart
  • Shift+Click to isolate that one legend item
  • Scroll through pages of legend items using the arrow

Y-Axis Measures

Y-Axis measures provide key infrastructure values and amounts for the dimensions and operating metrics. Multiple Y-Axis measures can be chosen if the measures are in the same family and can be displayed on the same scale.

When using multiple measures, be careful when interpreting the visualization and table data provided, as it may not be appropriate to add the two measures together. For example, displaying On Demand Cost and Total Cost in the same report can cause problems in interpretation. Instead, analyze the data side by side.


Dimensions are independent variables that you can select to create visual and tabular reports for analyses. You can select not only X-Axis and Y-Axis variables but also a category that allows you to correlate complex data sets.

Dimensions are dependent on the type of report that is defined. Not all dimensions are available for all reports.

Universal Dimensions

There are several dimensions that are universal across the Tanzu CloudHealth platform. These include: Time, Account, Location (Region/Availability Zone), and Perspectives. These Universal Dimensions are available from the X-Axis, Category, and Filter menus.

Time Interval

Time Interval can only be mapped on the X-Axis and is ordered by the interval you select: hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly.

The monthly time interval is rolling, meaning a report shows the current month’s data, even in the middle of the current month. The hourly, daily, and weekly are not rolling and show data from only the latest complete time interval.

Visualizations are displayed with the most recent period to the right (the time progresses from left to right). The tabular data time order can be switched by selecting the toggle, with the default being most recent to the left.


The X-Axis dropdown allows you to change the dimension being displayed and can provide various data analytical views of the information when used in combination with filters and categories.


The category drop down allows you to subtotal or group dimensions based on the Y-Axis measures. Use category in combination with filters and the X-Axis to provide data analytics for the topic you are looking at.

Types of Charts

Modes of visualizing information in the Tanzu CloudHealth platform

Tanzu CloudHealth provides several types of charts from which you can choose when creating your reports. The default chart type is a bar chart. Switch between different chart types to create a report that best meets your requirements. The chart options available are determined by the dimensions selected from the drop downs.

Chart types options are dependent on the type of report that is defined. Not all chart types are available for all reports.


Bar charts are best for comparing totals or percentages for the Dimension you have as a Category.

Depending on your Y-Axis selection, bar charts can provide good breakdown of the topics you are researching both as a stacked or Grouped view. On the X-Axis each bar is separated by blank space so the dimension being shown will be separated along the X-Axis and in the data table.

A bar chart limits the number of categories shown in visualization to 26, grouping any additional ones in the final category. A horizontal bar chat may be more helpful when displaying large numbers of categories

Horizontal Bar

The horizontal bar chart is best for comparing data with many categories all in one chart.


Line charts are best for tracking of data over time. They can also be used to compare two or more variables.


Area charts are similar to line charts and work best when tracking data over time.


Pie charts are best used to illustrate a breakdown in a single dimension, such as when you want to show proportions within groups based on one variable.

You can only visualize report data in a pie chart when you do not have a time period (Hours, Days, Weeks, or Months) selected in the X-Axis of the report. The pie chart option is available for any other selection of the X-Axis.

Charge Types

Understand the Charge Types that Tanzu CloudHealth derives from your AWS Cost and Usage report.

The Tanzu CloudHealth platform derives the credit charges from your AWS Cost and Usage report. To view data on all the available charge types in your CUR, select the Detailed Charge Type as the Category when generating a cost report in the Tanzu CloudHealth platform.

To analyze trends of one or more specific credit charges, select the required charge type in the filters option.

The charge type filter option is available for the following reports:

List of Charge Types

  • Amortized: This cost is deprecated.
  • Committed Charges: Fees a customer committed to pay. Example: RI fees per month.
  • Credits:

    • General Credit: Credits of unknown categories. These are credits that are not part of any of the known Tanzu CloudHealth categories.
    • Refunds: Money returned by Amazon such as an adjustment for previously charged amount, billing adjustment, and so on.
    • Survey Rewards: A credit has a survey in the description.
    • RI Adjustment: All credit-related RI. The credit shows up in a bill as beginning with RI.

    Some other credits include Reseller Discount, Partner Credits, AWS Activate Credits, and Service Credit.

  • One Time Charges: Includes charges such as the upfront payment of RI/SPs, and reinvent ticket charge.
  • Other : Other charges that are not part of any of the known Tanzu CloudHealth categories.
  • Subscription Charges: AWS support and APN Annual Program Fees.
  • Usage Charges: Charges incurred for using AWS services, such as using an EC2 instance.

Reporting Forecasts and Change Over Time

Features that enable you to view trends and forecasts in Tanzu CloudHealth visual reports


Use forecasting to predict future values based on past data. To access forecasting, from any interactive report, select Options from the top of the chart.

You can select the period of time you would like to forecast, and the period of time you would like to base your forecast on.

The basis data skips partial intervals. Only full hours, days, weeks or months are used.

You can also choose to forecast actual values, change over time, or percentage change over time.

Change Over Time

Using the change over time and percentage change over time options, you can see how cost, usage, and performance change over time. This makes trends obvious and allows you to confirm that cloud cost, usage, and performance line up with your expectations and plans.

The tabular data below each visualization also includes a delta ( Δ ) column that represents the change over time data.

Report Details

Understand how to access fine grained data from Tanzu CloudHealth reports

Both cost and performance interactive reports allow you to view further details by clicking on the section of the graph or the table shown below the graph.

Cost Report Details

Click on a data segment or cost shown within the table below the graph to view statement details associated with the datapoint selected.

For each line item, click View to reveal additional details on the asset that generated the cost.

You can also download the entire statement by clicking Download Items.

Performance Report Details

Click on a data segment or cost shown within the table below the graph to view additional line chart data associated with the datapoint selected. This line chart can then be filtered on several dimensions, including:

  • Time Interval (Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly)
  • Topic (Dependent on the performance report being viewed)
  • Metrics (Dependent on the performance report being viewed)
  • Time Range
  • Chart (Area or Line)

Multiple Y-Axis dimensions can be added to the same chart. For example, you can display average CPU% and disk capacity on the same line chart.

Actions and Subscriptions

Description of actions that you can perform through reports

What Are Report Actions

The following actions are available from the Actions menu at the top of any report:

  • Save As: Save your current report view, including filters and axis selections. Saved reports can be accessed under Reports > Saved Reports.
  • Share: Creates a shareable link to the report.
  • Download: Save the report as a PNG, CSV, or to Google Drive.
  • View in Fullscreen: View the report in fullscreen mode.

Additional actions are available depending on the report. For example, you can Reallocate Costs from cost reports.

Saving Custom Reports

To save a custom report:

  1. From the report view, select Actions > Save As.
  2. Provide the following information:
    • Name
    • Description
    • Location: The category on the side navigation that the report should be associated with.
    • Who Can View This Report: Whether the report should be public or private.

Saved reports can be accessed under Reports > Saved Reports.

What Are Subscriptions

Use subscriptions to quickly and easily share data analyses and reports across your organization. Subscribe to standard or customized saved reports and schedule them for delivery to the appropriate people.

The subscribe button is located next to Actions in the upper right-hand corner of the console.  

To create a new subscription, click Subscribe > New Subscription.

Subscribe to a Report

To subscribe to a report:

  1. Open the report you would like to subscribe to.
  2. Click Subscribe > New Subscription. If you created a custom report, but have not saved it yet, you will be prompted to save the report before subscribing.
  3. Configure the subscription:
    • Repeat: How often the report should be sent.
    • Include: Options for displaying the subscription. You can choose to send the visualization, a CSV file, a JSON file, or any combination of the three options.
    • Deliver as: Whether the subscription should be sent by email or to an S3 bucket.
    • Deliver to (Email): When email is the delivery option, the email address where the subscription will be sent.
    • Account: When S3 bucket is the delivery option, the AWS account where the S3 bucket to recieve the subscription is set up.
    • Deliver to (S3 bucket): The name of the S3 bucket where the subscription will be sent.
    • Deliver at: Time the subscription will be sent.

For help setting up an S3 bucket to receive subscriptions, see Configure S3 Bucket to Receive Subscriptions

Update Subscriptions

  1. From the left menu select Reports > Subscriptions.
  2. Locate the subscription you want to update.

    Deleting a subscription does not delete the saved report linked to the subscription.

  3. Modify the subscription and save your changes.

Considerations with Subscriptions

  • When you delete a perspective, any subscriptions associated with that perspective are also deleted.
  • If you delete a user, saved private reports created by that user are deleted. The user’s saved public reports are assigned to the person who deleted the user.
  • The recipient of a subscription does not need to be a user in the Tanzu CloudHealth platform. However, viewing details from the report on the Tanzu CloudHealth platform requires a Tanzu CloudHealth account.
  • TLS is required for FlexReports email subscriptions. If your email servers do not support TLS, contact support.

Configure S3 Bucket to Receive Subscriptions

Quickly and easily share valuable data analyses and reports with individuals across the organization

Use subscriptions to share valuable data analysis and reports with your organization. You can subscribe yourself or others in your organization to receive standard, customized, saved Tanzu CloudHealth reports or FlexReports at regular intervals.

Step 1 - Configure S3 Bucket

Select an existing AWS S3 bucket, or create a new S3 bucket. For help creating an S3 bucket, see Creating a Bucket. After you create the S3 bucket, it can take 15 minutes for the bucket to appear in the platform.

Configure the bucket as follows:

  1. In the AWS Console, select Services > IAM > Policies and locate the IAM Access Policy you are using for the Tanzu CloudHealth platform.
  2. In the Permissions tab, click JSON and paste the following policy, replacing bucket-name with the name of your S3 bucket.
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
  3. (FlexReports only) Paste the following policy in the Permissions tab. Do not modify the policy. cht-custom-reports is a Tanzu CloudHealth bucket and should not be changed.
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": [

Result: Your IAM credentials are used to write report subscriptions from the Tanzu CloudHealth Platform to the S3 bucket.

For FlexReports, Tanzu CloudHealth will verify if the permissions are configured correctly by writing into a temporary location in the S3 bucket at subscription/test.txt. For instance, if your bucket name is cht-subscriptions, the temp file location will be cht-subscriptions/subscription/test.txt.

Step 2 - Send Subscriptions to S3 Bucket

For Standard, Customized, or Saved Reports

All Tanzu CloudHealth reports have a Subscribe option that you can access from the top right corner of the report. Using this option, you can specify an S3 bucket as the recipient of subscriptions.

  1. Select a report and select Subscribe > New Subscription.
  2. Set Deliver As to S3 Bucket.
  3. Select an account and specify the name of the S3 bucket you created in the previous step in the Deliver To field.
  4. Set the time and frequency of report delivery in the Deliver At field.

For FlexReports

  1. Click the more actions button next to any FlexReport name and select Subscribe.
  2. Set Deliver As to S3 Bucket.
  3. Select an account and specify the name of the S3 bucket you created in the previous step in the Deliver To field.
  4. Set the time and frequency of report delivery in the Deliver At field.

The output report files are delivered to the S3 location at configured_bucket_name/subscription/flexreports/subscription-name/ISO-date-time-string/filename. The filename is in report-name_part00X.csv format, where X is the sequence number.

If the report file exceeds 4.7GB, the output is written to a new file. For instance, if the S3 bucket is test-bucket, then the report is first written onto the file test-bucket/subscription/flexreports/test-subscription/2021-09-01T11:15:11Z/test-subscription_part001.csv. After exceeding 4.7GB, the report is written to file test-subscription_part002.csv.

Filters and Pinning

Learn how to pin report filter selections


Filters allow you to select one or more items from a dimension to include or exclude in your interactive reports. Filters options include all of your X-Axis and Category options.

The following example illustrates how filters can be used to customize reports to meet individual user needs.

Example: The VP of Operations wants to see the weekly historical cost for web servers in production.

To create this report, select:

  • Time Interval – weekly
  • X-Axis – weekly
  • Y-Axis – Cost
  • Category – Perspective = Function
  • Filters:
    • Perspective = Function: web servers
    • Perspective = Environment: production

Using Regular Expressions in Filters

You can use regular expressions to include or exclude items in filter categories with more than 20 results.

For example, to filter by function that starts with h and contains the word enter, use the regular expression ^h.*enter in the search field to narrow down results.



Report pinning is useful for examining a specific dataset across multiple types of reports: cost, usage, performance and security. Define your dimensions and filters once, pin them, and then seamlessly move across Tanzu CloudHealth reports to analyze the different types of datasets based on settings for dimensions and filters.

When pinning, filter options that are not applicable to a dataset being analyzed are not applied. However, you can still see your original options selected by hovering over the pin button.  The following illustrates how cost is removed from the data set that is pinned when instance usage is analyzed.

To clear a session, click the pin button to unpin your current filters and refresh the page.

Retrieve Archived Data for Reports

Access archived reports in the Tanzu CloudHealth Platform

Why Retrieve Archived Data

Tanzu CloudHealth reports show data for different time periods depending on the granularity that you select:

  • 13 months of monthly data
  • 52 weeks of weekly data
  • 62 days of daily data
  • 7 days of hourly data

Of these granularities, you can retrieve archived monthly data for a time period beyond 13 months. Retrieving archived monthly data is useful for the following:

  • Analyzing year-over-year (YoY) trends
  • Analyzing quarter-over-quarter (QoQ) trends
  • Understanding why costs changed without analyzing old saved reports
  • Auditing your costs against publicly reported numbers

Which Reports Are Archivable

You can only archive data presented in OLAP (online analytical processing) reports. OLAP reports are distinguished from other reports because they have /olap_reports in their URL and present data visually through charts and graphs.

In FlexOrgs, you can retrieve archived data only for the top-level organizational unit (TLOU). Viewing archived data for sub-organizational units such as child OU and parent OU is currently not supported.

Retrieve Archived Data

To view archived data, access an OLAP report such as the Cost History report. The Cost History report is at Reports > Cost > History.

From the top-right corner of the report, select View Archive Data and select a month. For example, if you select September 2019, the archive will have data from the start of the archive to October 21, 2019. 

In the archive view of a report, you can only perform the following actions:

  • Share the report
  • Download the report as a CSV or an image

Starting October 2020, the Tanzu CloudHealth platform has enabled data archiving for all accounts. If data archiving was not previously enabled for your account, you will have an archive starting October 2020.

AWS Reporting Glossary

Glossary of AWS measures

% Used

Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance Hours The percentage of instance hours/total hours. This can be MTD if in the current month.


Reports > Usage > EC2 Underutilized RIs The percentage of time that the instance ran in a Virtual Private Cloud.

Account Name

  • Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance Hours
  • Reports > Usage > RDS Instance Hours
  • Reports > Usage > EMR Cluster Hours
  • Reports > Metrics > EC2 Instance
  • Reports > Metrics > EC2 Volume

The account name to which the asset is billed.


Reports > Governance > Event Log Actions that took place in the events log. Can be create, update, or delete.


Reports > Usage > EC2 Volume Hours Whether the volume is active in AWS.

API Name

  • Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance Hours
  • Reports > Usage > RDS Instance Hours The abbreviated instance type.

Avg CPU (%)

Reports > Metrics > EC2 Instance Average CPU over the specified time interval.

Avg CPU Utilization

Reports > Metrics > RDS Instance The average CPU utilization over the timespan specified in the filter.

Avg File System Size (GB)

Reports > Metrics > EC2 File System
The average file system size in GB over the interval selected in the report.

Avg File System Used (%)

Reports > Metrics > EC2 File System The average file system used in % over the timespan specified in the filter.

Avg Healthy Hosts

Reports > Metrics > Load Balancers The average healthy hosts over the timespan specified in the filter.

Avg Latency

Reports > Metrics > Load Balancers The average latency over the timespan specified in the filter.

Avg Memory (GB)

Reports > Metrics > EC2 Memory The average memory in GB over the timespan specified in the filter.

Avg Memory Used (%)

Reports > Metrics > EC2 Memory The average memory used in percent over the timespan specified in the filter.

Avg Provisioned Read Capacity

Reports > Metrics > Dynamo DB The average provisioned read capacity over the timespan specified in the filter.

Avg Provisioned Write Capacity

Reports > Metrics > Dynamo DB The average provisioned write capacity over the timespan specified in the filter.

Avg Read IOPS

Reports > Metrics > RDS Instance The average read IOPS over the timespan specified in the filter.

Avg Read Ops

Reports > Metrics > EC2 Volume Average Read Ops over the specified time interval.

Avg Requests

Reports > Metrics > Load Balancers The average requests over the timespan specified in the filter.

Avg S3 Storage (GB)

Reports > Metrics > S3 The average S3 storage in GB over the timespan specified in the filter.

Avg Surge Queue Length

Reports > Metrics > Load Balancers The average surge queue lenth over the timespan specified in the filter.

Avg Swap (%)

Reports > Metrics > EC2 Memory The average memory swap in percent over the timespan specified in the filter.

Avg Swap (GB)

Reports > Metrics > EC2 Memory The average memory swap in GB over the timespan specified in the filter.

Avg Table Size in Bytes

Reports > Metrics > Dynamo DB The average table size in bytes over the timespan specified in the filter.

Avg Write IOPS

Reports > Metrics > RDS Instance The average write IOPS over the timespan specified in the filter.

Avg Write Ops

Reports > Metrics > EC2 Volume Average Write Ops over the specified time interval.

Billing Account/Account

Reports > Usage > EC2 Underutilized RIs The AWS account against which Tanzu CloudHealth evaluates RI usage.

Cluster Id

Reports > Usage > EMR Cluster Hours The unique identifier for the instance in Amazon EMR.

Committed Read Capacity Cost

Reports > Usage > Dynamo DB Tables The portion of the read capacity cost that can be attributed to this table.

Committed Write Capacity Cost

Reports > Usage > Dynamo DB Tables The portion of the write capacity cost that can be attributed to this table.


  • Reports > Metrics > EC2 File System
  • Reports > Metrics > EC2 Memory
  • Reports > Metrics > Load Balancers
  • Reports > Metrics > RDS Instance
  • Reports > Metrics > S3
  • Reports > Metrics > Dynamo DB The interval for which the metrics are calculated.

DB Name

Reports > Usage > RDS Instance Hours The name of the database.


Reports > Governance > Event Log Description of the action that took place in AWS.

EBS I/O Cost

Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance Hours The cost of I/O operations for EBS Storage. A component of EBS Total Cost.


Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance Hours The cost of Provisioned I/O Operations per Second for EBS Storage. A component of EBS Total Cost.

EBS Storage Cost

Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance Hours The base cost of EBS Storage. A component of EBS Total Cost

EBS Total Cost

Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance Hours The total cost of storage, including storage, provisioned IOPS, and I/O. A component of EC2 Total cost.

EC2 Compute Cost

Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance Hours The total of the fees billed for the instance-type as it was running. For instances that were running fully on-demand, it will be hourly fee for that instance type x number of hours run. This accounts for the RIs and will be $0 if the instance was covered by an All Upfront RI. A component of EC2 Total Cost.

EC2 Dedicated Tenancy Cost

Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance Hours The cost of dedicated tenancy for EC2 Instances. A component of EC2 Total Cost.

EC2 EBS-Optimized Surcharge

Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance Hours The surchage for EC2 EBS-Optimized Instances. A component of EC2 Total Cost.

EC2 Other Cost

Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance Hours Other costs for EC2 Instances. A component of EC2 Total Cost.

EC2 Total Cost

Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance Hours The total cost for an instance, including storage, transfer, and tenancy.

EC2 Transfer Cost

Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance Hours The cost of Data Transfer for EC2 Instances. A component of EC2 Total Cost.

Effective Monthly Cost

RDS & EC2 Optimizer The EC2 recurring costs + RI amortization of prepay.

Effective Rate

The actual rate being paid for running instances. The effective rate can be applied to different time intervals (e.g., 1 year, 1 month, or even 1 hour). It is calculated based on the following formula: effective rate = upfront payment / reservation term / interval + recurring usage charges for interval.


Recommendations > Rightsizing > EC2 Rightsizing by Instance A combination of underutilization based on the total score and the monthly projected/total cost.

Expiration Date

This is the date the RI expires based on the reservation term of original purchase.

Hourly Cost

The formula to derive the hourly cost for an instance is Cost MTD / hours running in month. This represents an average hourly cost of what you are actually paying including RIs based on the Cost MTD. The Cost MTD includes other instance charges (i.e., EC2 cost w/ RIs + the ebs costs = total cost), so it would be expected to be higher than the price per hour.

Hours (EC2 Volume Hours)

Reports > Usage > EC2 Volume Hours Number of hours the volume has been active.

Hours (Dynamo DB Tables)

Reports > Usage > Dynamo DB Tables The total number of hours that the table ran during the billing period.

Hours Unused

Reports > Usage > EC2 Underutilized RIs The number of hours over the Analysis Period (Current Month or last 31 days) for which the reserved instance was paid for but was not used.

I/O Cost (RDS Instance Hours)

Reports > Usage > RDS Instance Hours The cost for the input/output operations (provisioned or actual) of the instance.

Instance Cost

Reports > Usage > RDS Instance Hours The on-demand compute cost for the RDS instance, in accordance with its instance type . For an instance that ran fully on-demand, it is the hourly fee for its instance type multiplied by its Total Hours in the chosen billing period.

Instance Id

  • Reports > Usage > RDS Instance Hours
  • Reports > Metrics > EC2 Instance
  • Reports > Metrics > EC2 Volume
  • Reports > Metrics > RDS Instance The ID of the instance.

Instance Name

  • Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance Hours
  • Reports > Usage > EC2 Volume Hours
  • Reports > Metrics > EC2 File System
  • Reports > Metrics > EC2 Memory The name of the instance.

Instance Type

Reports > Usage > EC2 Underutilized RIs The type of the instance.

IO Cost (EC2 Volume Hours)

Reports > Usage > EC2 Volume Hours The IO cost for the volume.

Last Discovered

The last time an asset changed.

List Price per Month

The monthly list price for that specific instance type.


Reports > Usage > EC2 Underutilized RIs The Availability Zone or Region of the instance.

Max CPU (%)

Reports > Metrics > EC2 Instance Maximum CPU over the specified time interval.

Max Read Ops

Reports > Metrics > EC2 Volume Maximum read ops over the specified time interval.

Max Write Ops

Reports > Metrics > EC2 Volume Maximum write ops over the specified time interval.

Min CPU (%)

Reports > Metrics > EC2 Instance Minimum CPU over the specified time interval.

Min Read Ops

Reports > Metrics > EC2 Volume Minimum read ops over the specified time interval.

Min Write Ops

Reports > Metrics > EC2 Volume Minimum write ops over the specified time interval.


Whether detailed monitoring is enabled for an instance.


Reports > Usage > Dynamo DB Tables The month for which the data is showing.


Reports > Metrics > EC2 File System

Name (EMR Cluster Hours)

Reports > Usage > EMR Cluster Hours The name of the Elastic MapReduce (EMR) Cluster.

Name (Load Balancers)

Reports > Metrics > Load Balancers The name of the Elastic Load Balancer.

Name (S3)

Reports > Metrics > S3 The name of the S3 bucket.

Normalized Reservations (NFU)

  • Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance
  • Reports > Cost > EC2 Instance Number of normalization factor units (NFUs) available per reservation.

Normalized Reservation Surplus (NFU)

  • Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance
  • Reports > Cost > EC2 Instance The difference between the normalized reservations and normalized usage (NFU). The surplus includes on-demand units.

Normalized Usage (NFU)

  • Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance
  • Reports > Cost > EC2 Instance Instance usage in terms of normalization factor units.

On-Demand Hours

Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance Hours The number of on-demand hours an EC2 Instance ran for the given month. A component of Total Hours.

Operating System

Reports > Usage > EC2 Underutilized RIs The operating system running on the instance.


Reports > Metrics > EC2 Volume Provisioned input/output operations per second. Amazon measures each I/O operation per second as one IOPS. I/O operations that are larger than 256KB are counted in 256KB capacity units.


Reports > Usage > EC2 Volume Hours The PIOPS cost for the volume.

Price Per Hour

The hourly list price for that specific instance type.


Whether an instance is Linux/UNIX, SUSE Linux, Red Hat Linux, Windows, etc.

Public IP

Reports > Metrics > EC2 Instance Internet-facing IP address.

Ready Date

Reports > Usage > EMR Cluster Hours The date and time when the instance was ready to perform tasks.


If the instance is still running, there is typically no reason listed. However if the instance state changed for some other reason it will be shown in this field.

Recommendation Savings

Recommendations > Rightsizing > EC2 Rightsizing by Instance The per-month cost difference between the compute cost of the existing instance and the on-demand cost of the recommended instance. If there is no recommendation, the savings is displayed as $0.

Reservation Type

Reports > Usage > EC2 Underutilized RIs The payment option (All Upfront, Partial Upfront, or No Upfront) used for the reservation.

Reserved Instance Hours (EC2)

Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance Hours The number of hours the instance has been covered by an RI for the month. This can be MTD if in the current month.

Reserved Read Capacity Cost

Reports > Usage > Dynamo DB Tables The portion of the reserved read capacity cost that can be attributed to this table.

Reserved Write Capacity Cost

Reports > Usage > Dynamo DB Tables The portion of the reserved write capacity cost that can be attributed to this table.

Resource Link

Reports > Governance > Event Log Link to the asset details in Tanzu CloudHealth.

Size (GB)

  • Reports > Usage > EC2 Volume Hours
  • Reports > Metrics > EC2 Volume The size of the volume, measured in gigabytes.


Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance Hours Whether the instance is a spot instance.

Spot Hours

Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance Hours The number of spot hours an EC2 Instance ran for the given month. A component of Total Hours.

SSD Savings

Reports > Usage > EC2 Volume Hours The amount saved if the volume were an SSD instead of magnetic, when all costs are factored in.


Reports > Metrics > EC2 Instance State of the instance: running, stopped, terminated, shutting-down, pending.


  • Reports > Usage > EC2 Volume Hours
  • Reports > Metrics > EC2 Volume The status of the volume.

Storage Cost (EC2 Volume Hours)

Reports > Usage > EC2 Volume Hours The storage cost for the volume.

Storage Cost (RDS Instance Hours)

Reports > Usage > RDS Instance Hours The storage cost for the instance.

Storage Cost (Dynamo DB Tables)

Reports > Usage > Dynamo DB Tables The portion of total storage cost attributable to this table.

Sum HTTP Code Backend 4XXs

Reports > Metrics > Load Balancers

Sum HTTP Code Backend 5XXs

Reports > Metrics > Load Balancers

Table Name

  • Reports > Usage > Dynamo DB Tables
  • Reports > Metrics > Dynamo DB The name of the DynamoDB table.


  • Reports > Metrics > EC2 Instance
  • Reports > Usage > EC2 Underutilized RIs Type of tenancy: dedicated or default. If dedicated, the instance is running on single-tenant, dedicated hardware.

Termination Date

The date the RI was stopped and modified.


Reports > Governance > Event Log Time the action took place.

Total Cost (EC2 Instance Hours)

Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance Hours The total cost for EC2 and EBS, calculated by adding EC2 total cost and EBS total cost.

Total Cost (EC2 Volume Hours)

Reports > Usage > EC2 Volume Hours The total cost for the volume including storage, IO costs, PIOP costs, and transfer costs.

Total Cost (RDS Instance Hours)

Reports > Usage > RDS Instance Hours The total of the fees billed for the instance during the selected billing period.

Total Cost (Dynamo DB Tables)

Reports > Usage > Dynamo DB Tables The total cost attributable to this table including Storage, Capacity, and API call and Transfer costs.

Total Cost (EMR Cluster Hours)

Reports > Usage > EMR Cluster Hours The total cost attributable to this EMR instance.

Total Cost MTD

This is the total cost paid for the current month, month to date. When looking at previous months, total cost MTD reflects the cost of the month, month to date.

Total Hours (EC2 Instance Hours)

Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance Hours The total number of hours that the instance has been running. After a month is invoiced, the maximum value is 24 x days of month. If an instance is restarted in a clock hour, AWS bills multiple hours.

Total Hours (RDS Instance Hours)

Reports > Usage > RDS Instance Hours The total number of hours for which the instance ran during the chosen billing period. If an instance is restarted in a clock hour, AWS bills for multiple hours.

Total Hours (EMR Cluster Hours)

Reports > Usage > EMR Cluster Hours The total hours attributable to this EMR instance.

Transfer Cost

Reports > Usage > RDS Instance Hours The cost for data transfer to and from the instance.


Reports > Usage > EC2 Volume Hours The volume type.

Unrealized Savings

Reports > Usage > EC2 Underutilized RIs The savings in USD that could have been achieved by utilizing the reserved instance to full capacity.

Volume Id

  • Reports > Usage > EC2 Volume Hours
  • Reports > Metrics > EC2 Volume The volume ID.

Volume Name

  • Reports > Usage > EC2 Volume Hours
  • Reports > Metrics > EC2 Volume The name of the volume.

Zone Name

  • Reports > Usage > EC2 Instance Hours
  • Reports > Usage > RDS Instance Hours
  • Reports > Metrics > EC2 Instance
  • Reports > Metrics > EC2 Volume
  • The availability zone of the asset.

Oracle Cloud Reporting Glossary

Glossary of measures used in Oracle Cloud reports.

Availability Domain

Reports > Cost > History The name of the data center to which the resource belongs.

Billing Date

Reports > Cost > History The end time of the usage interval considered for resource billing.

Billed Instance Hours

Reports > Usage > Compute The total number of hours for which the instance is billed during the chosen billing period.


Reports > Cost > History The cost billed for the resource during the chosen billing period.

Compartment Name (Compartments)

Assets > Compartments The name of the compartment.

Compartment Name (History)

Reports > Cost > History Name of the compartment to which the resource belongs.

Compute Shape

Reports > Usage > Compute The type of compute instance. A compute shape determines the characteristics of a resource such as the number of CPUs or amount of memory network resources. For example: BM.Standard1.36 VM.DenseIO1.16 Virtual Machine Standard - E2 Micro - Free

Created At

Assets > Derived Assets The date and time the resource was created in the region.

Derived Assets

Assets > Derived Assets Oracle Cloud resources that are derived from the cost report. Derived assets may not be necessarily active at the time of generating the cost report.

Description (Derived Assets)

Assets > Derived Assets Description of the resource region as given in the Cost report.

Description (History)

Reports > Cost > History Description of the resource as given in the cost report.

First Discovered (Compartments)

Assets > Compartments The date and time the compartment was first collected in the Tanzu CloudHealth platform.

First Discovered (Derived Assets)

Assets > Derived Assets The date and time the resource was discovered from the cost report.

First Discovered (Tenancy)

Assets > Compartments The date and time the tenancy was first discovered by the Tanzu CloudHealth platform.

First Discovered (Virtual Machines)

Assets > Virtual Machines The date and time the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure VM Instance was first collected in the Tanzu CloudHealth platform.


Assets > Virtual Machines The image used for creating the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure VM Instance.


Assets > Derived Assets Code of Oracle Cloud region that contains the resource.

Last Modified (Compartments)

Assets > Compartments The last time that there was a change in the compartment.

Last Modified (Derived Assets)

Assets > Derived Assets The last time that there was a change in the resource.

Last Modified (Tenancy)

Assets > Compartments The last time that there was a change in the tenancy.

Last Modified (Virtual Machines)

Assets > Virtual Machines The last time that there was a change in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure VM Instance.

Launch Mode

Assets > Virtual Machines Configuration mode for launching Oracle Cloud Infrastructure VM Instance. (CUSTOM EMULATED NATIVE PARAVIRTUALIZED)

Launched On

Assets > Virtual Machines The date and time the VM instance is created in the Oracle account.


Assets > Virtual Machines The name of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure VM Instance.

OCID (Compartments)

Assets > Compartments The unique Oracle Cloud ID of the compartment.

OCID (Derived Assets)

Assets > Derived Assets The unique Oracle Cloud ID of the resource.


Reports > Cost > History Name of the region or location to which the resource belongs.

Region Name

Assets > Derived Assets Name of the region or location to which the resource belongs.

ResourceId (History)

Reports > Cost > History The Oracle-assigned unique identifier of the resource instance.

Resource ID (Virtual Machines)

Assets > Virtual Machines The Oracle-assigned unique identifier of the resource instance.

Resource Type

Assets > Derived Assets The name of the Oracle resource type to which the derived asset belongs.

Service (Derived Assets)

Assets > Derived Assets Oracle Cloud service name.

Service (History)

Reports > Cost > History Oracle Cloud service name.


Assets > Virtual Machines The type of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure VM Instance. For example: BM.Standard1.36 VM.DenseIO1.16 Virtual Machine Standard - E2 Micro - Free

Status (Compartments)

Assets > Compartments Indicates the tenancy status:

  • Healthy (Tenancy Configured Successfully)
  • Critical (Broken Tenancy Settings/ Unable to access the cost details from Oracle)
  • Warning (Unable to collect Oracle Cloud Infrastructure VM Instances)

Status (Virtual Machines)

Assets > Virtual Machines The status of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure VM Instance (Running Stopped) at the time the VM was first collected in the Tanzu CloudHealth platform.

Tags (Compartments)

Assets > Compartments Name of the tags that are applied to the compartment.

Tags (Derived Assets)

Assets > Derived Assets Name of the tags that are applied to the resource.

Tags (Virtual Machines)

Assets > Virtual Machines Name of the tags that are applied to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure VM Instance.


Reports > Cost > History Name of your organization.

Tenancy Name

Assets > Compartments The name you specify while adding an Oracle Cloud tenancy in the Tanzu CloudHealth platform.

Tenancy Oracle Cloud ID

Assets > Compartments The unique Oracle Cloud ID of the Oracle Tenant the Compartment belongs to.

Total Cost

Reports > Usage > Compute The cost billed for the resource during the chosen billing period.

Updated At

Assets > Derived Assets The last time that there was an update in the region.

User Oracle Cloud ID

Assets > Compartments The unique Oracle Cloud identifier that enables the Tanzu CloudHealth user to access the Oracle Object Storage Bucket.

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