No Flowgate objects find after you set up the instance of Aria Operations Management Pack for Flowgate.


20 minutes after setup the , no objects appear in the Aria Operations Manager UI, and no errors appears in the log file.


The Flowgate adapter automatically creates the mapping relations between the server in Aria Operations Manager and physical server in the data center by using the IP or host name to the asset name mappings. If there is no IP or host name and Asset name mappings, it cannot find the right physical server and devices connected with the server like PDUs, switches.


  1. Log in to the Flowgate server with the admin privileges account.

  2. Click the Setting > System Settingmenu on the left pane.

  3. Click the AssetName and IP Mapping tab in the right pane.

  4. Search the mapping by server's IP address.

  5. If the search result displays no mapping, create a mapping. Check the Create Asset Name IP Mapping.

  6. After the mapping created, objects appears within 2 collect cycles of the Aria Operations Manager, which last approximately 10 minutes.