The Kill Specific Process action is used to stop a specific process from the list of top processes that were retrived using the Get Top Processes action.
You must have the list of top processes that was obtained using the Get Top Processes action.
Where You Run the Action
In the main menu, select the Environment tab and then select the relevant VM from the Inventory tree. This action is available in the Actions drop-down just below the top menu in VMware Aria Operations.
How the Action Works
In the Kill Specific Process dialog dox, do the following:
- Select the VM whose process you want to kill.
- Enter the process ID and the domain administrator/user credentials.
- Click Begin Action.
After you click
Begin Action, the next dialog box provides the task ID and a link to the task list.
Option | Description |
Recent Tasks | To view the status of the job and verify that the job finished, click Recent Tasks. |
OK | To close the dialog box without further action, click OK. |
Action Options
When the action completes, you review the status of the task in the VM Scripted Action Results widget.