After you install the Management Pack, configure an instance for SNMP.
To monitor any network device, ensure that the SNMP adapter is enabled and is running.
- In the menu, click Administration and then in the left pane, click Other Accounts.
- Click Add Account and then click SNMP Adapter.
- Configure the adapter instance.
Enter a name for the adapter instance.
Enter a description for the adapter instance.
Start IP
Enter a start IP address.
Note:The test connection fails if the Start IP does not belong to the defined Credential. The Start IP provided should match the defined credentials.
End IP
Enter an end IP address. The discovery process finds all the devices that have IP addresses within this range.
Note:In a range of IPs, only those IPs that belong to the defined Credential are monitored. The IPs that you define should match with credentials that you have selected. The IPs that do not match the credentials are skipped.
The default port for SNMP is 161.
MIB File
Select the MIB file specific to the component you want to monitor.
The SNMP adapter supports only specific data types with OIDs that it collects from the attached MIB file.You can attach any MIB file but the SNMP adapter can not create metrics for all OIDs even when the data for a component exists with that OID. The SNMP adapter supports the following datatypes for the MIBs.
For details of MIB files that are supported and validated, see List of MIBs in SNMP Adapter.
For details on adding custom MIBs in VMware Aria Operations for SNMP adapter, see Loading Custom MIBs to vRealize Operations Manager for SNMP.
Select the credential from the drop-down menu or click the plus icon to add new credentials. For details, see Adding a Credential.
Note:With SNMP V3, the Authentication Protocols supported are MD5 and SHA and the Privacy Protocols supported are AES and DES.
Collector / Group
Select the collector on which you want to run the adapter instance. A collector gathers objects into its inventory for monitoring. The collector specified by default is selected for optimal data collecting.
Note:Ensure that the network latency between the collector and the device is as per the VMware Aria Operations guidelines.
- Click Validate Connection.
The validation starts with the defined Start IP. The connection fails if the Start IP is invalid or if it does not match with the selected credential. For all the devices that the credentials match with, objects for each device will be created under Inventory > SNMP Adapter Instance .