You can modify the CPU and memory resources for a service proxy. Modifying these resources lets you override the default configuration to accommodate higher log ingestion rates.


The Cloud Proxy is deprecated. You can continue to use your existing Cloud Proxy configurations, but there will be no new feature updates to the Cloud Proxy.


Ensure that the OVA version of the corresponding Cloud Proxy is or later. You can find the OVA version under Summary when you open the Cloud Proxy from the Cloud Proxies page.


  1. Click the two arrows icon in the upper-left corner of the screen to expand the main menu.
  2. Navigate to Configuration > Cloud Proxies.
  3. Locate the Cloud Proxy for which you want to modify the resources and click the name of the Cloud Proxy.
  4. Under Service Proxies, locate the service for which you want to modify the resources. From the drop-down menu in the lower-right corner of the service details, select Manage Resources and click Execute.
  5. In the Manage Resources dialog box, modify the memory and CPU details and click Save.
    Ensure that you enter values within the specified limits.
    Note: If only one service proxy is running in the Cloud Proxy, you can allocate resources up to the maximum CPUs and memory assigned to the Cloud Proxy. However, if other service proxies are running in the Cloud Proxy, ensure that you allocate resources according to the available CPUs and memory.
    For example, consider a Cloud Proxy with resources of 4 CPUs and 12 GB memory, and you update the resources to 5 CPUs and 14 GB memory. After updating:
    • If only one service proxy is running in the Cloud Proxy, you can increase its resources up to 5 CPUs and 14 GB memory.
    • If two service proxies are running in the Cloud Proxy in which each proxy is allocated 2 CPUs and 6 GB memory, you can:
      • Increase the CPUs for either proxy by 1 or assign CPUs to each proxy such that they add up to 5.
      • Increase the memory for either proxy by 2 GB, increase the memory for each proxy by 1 GB, or assign memory to each proxy such that it adds up to 14 GB.



Once you modify the resources, VMware Aria Operations for Logs (SaaS) takes some time to apply the updated configuration to the service proxy.