You can view the VeloCloud Enterprise page for an overview of your VMware SD-WAN deployment in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.

Access the VeloCloud Enterprise page

To access this page, search for VeloCloud Enterprise on the search bar.


On this page, you see the following sections:

Section Details
Overview You see:
  • A summary of your VMware SD-WAN deployment, including the alert chart, the number of Edges, Hubs, gateways, links, Edge to Edge flows, Internet flow, and applications. You also see the health condition of these entities.
  • A map view of your VMware SD-WAN deployment and list of applications on Edges.
Alert You see:
  • A list of various alerts.
Traffic Distribution You see:
  • Various traffic distribution lists, such as the traffic distribution by applications, Edge, Edge pairs, flow path, traffic type, link policy, and route type.
Analytics You see:
  • A list of intents defined for this page.
  • A list of impacted entities which violates the defined intents.
Availability You see:
  • A list of available Edges/Hubs and unavailable Edges/Hubs.
Metrics You see:
  • Various metrics related to Edge, link, and app.

    You can also add various metric graphs by clicking ADD METRIC GRAPH button.

    You can also view metrics based on the time range. Use the time range slider to select a time range.

You can also click the entities on this page to the see more detailed insight about the particular entity.

In addition to the VeloCloud Enterprise page, you can see the insight about the following VMware SD-WAN entities:
Table 1. VMware SD-WAN Entity Details
Entity Name Description
VeloCloud Cluster You see:
  • A list of properties.
VeloCloud Data Source You see:
  • A list of properties, open problems, changes, and problems occurred in last 7 days.
VeloCloud Edge You see:
VeloCloud Gateway You see:
  • A list of properties, Edges, tunnels. Also, you see tunnel topology and flow visibility chart.
  • Various flow details and metrics details.
VeloCloud Layer2 Network You see:
  • A list of properties and alerts.
VeloCloud Link You see:
  • A list of properties and alerts.
  • Metrics about QoE, packet, uptime, latency, and throughput.
VeloCloud Profile You see:
  • A list of properties and Edges.
VeloCloud Segment You see:
  • A list of properties.