A report template contains views and dashboards. Views present collected information for an object. Dashboards give a visual overview of the performance and state of objects in your virtual infrastructure. VMware Aria Operations offers several predefined report templates that you can use based on your requirement.

Where You Can Access Report Templates From

From the left menu, click Operations > Reports. The Report Templates page is in the right panel, or

The listed report templates are user-defined and predefined by VMware Aria Operations. You can order them by template name, description, subject, date they were modified, last run report, or the user who modified them. For each template, you can see the number of generated reports and schedules.

You can filter the reports based on the name of the report template, the subject, and the owner. You can click Add to create a report template. For information about creating a report template, see Create a Report Template.

You can select a report template from the list, click the vertical ellipsis against each report template, and select options such as run, edit, schedule, delete, clone, and export a report.

Table 1. Predefined Filter Groups
Filter Group Description
Name Filter by the template name. For example, type my template to list all reports that contain the my template phrase in their name.
Subject Filter by another object. If the report contains more than one view applicable for another type of object, you can filter by the other objects.
Owner Filter by the owner of the report template.

The maximum number of reports per template is 10. After the tenth report is generated, VMware Aria Operations deletes the oldest report. vSphere users must be logged in until the report generation is complete. If you log out or your session expires, the report generation fails.

Report Template Actions

You can select more than one report template and perform a set of actions by clicking the horizontal ellipsis next to the Add option.

Option Description
Delete Deletes the report template.
Export Downloads the report template.
Import Allows you to import a report template by selecting a report template in XML or zip file format.
To import a report template:
  • Click the Import option from the horizontal ellipsis.
  • Click Browse and select a report template ZIP or XML file to import.
  • Select if you want to Overwrite or Skip the file in case of a conflict.
  • Click Import to import the report template, and click Done.
Change default cover image Allows you to change the default cover image of the report template. For more information, see Upload a Default Cover Page Image for Reports.