You can add a custom profile for a cluster compute resource, datastore cluster, or datastore, to determine how many VMs of the specific object type can fit in your environment. In the Custom Profiles workspace, you create a custom profile for the object and define the metrics for the virtual machines.

Where You Create or Edit a Custom Profile

To create a custom profile, click the Custom Profiles tile under Operations > Configurations. The Custom Profiles page displays all the available custom profiles in a table. You have the option to add custom profiles via the ADD button, or filter and search for profiles using the search box. To see the properties of a custom profile, click the custom profile name in the table. The custom profile details are displayed on the right hand side pane.

Click the Vertical Ellipses next to a profile name to edit, delete, clone, or export the profile. Alternatively, to delete or export the more than one profile, select the checkbox next to the profile name and click the Vertical Ellipses next to the ADD button, and perform an action. You can also import custom profiles after clicking the Vertical Ellipses next to the ADD button.

Add or Edit Custom Profiles Wizard

When you click the ADD button, or Edit next to the Vertical Ellipses, you get a three step wizard. Click the Next button after every step to proceed with the wizard.

Table 1. Profile Step
Option Description
Name Descriptive name of the custom profile. This field is mandatory.
Description Meaningful description for the custom profile. Provide specific information that other users must know about this profile.
Profile Type The profile type for which the custom profile is created. Currently, you can create a custom profile only for a virtual machine. The Capacity Remaining is calculated for this object type.
Table 2. Metrics Step
Option Description
Define Values for Profile Populate the value and unit for the capacity metrics. You can also copy the metric values for the custom profile from an existing object. When you click the Copy from Existing Object button, the Select an Object pane opens on the right hand side. Browse to the object whose metric values you want to copy, or use the advanced search and filter to search by VM Name, vCenter, VM Tag, or Custom Group. Click Copy when done.
Table 3. Policies Step
Option Description
Checkbox Select the checkbox against the name of the policy which is displayed in rows for one or more of the following types of objects:
  • Cluster Compute Resource
  • Datastore
  • Datastore Cluster

Click CREATE to create the custom profile or UPDATE if you are updating an existing custom profile.

Clone a Custom Profile

Click the Vertical Ellipses next to a profile name to clone an existing profile profile. When you click Clone, you get a three step wizard. In the Profile step of the wizard, you can provide the name, description, and select the profile type. In the Metrics and Policies steps of the wizard, the details from the custom profile that you are cloning from, are already populated. You can skip these steps and click the CREATE button to create a cloned custom profile with the same values and policies as the original custom profile.