The Configuration Drift dashboard allows you to view and monitor all vCenter instances and their configuration specifications in one place.

You can view and compare configuration drifts, identify changed settings, and determine the root cause of problems. Additionally, you can view the configuration templates assigned to your vCenter instances.

A configuration drift notifies you of any deviation from assigned template values. vCenter by Drift Status pie-chart represents the state of the vCenter at a given point in time. The total number of vCenter drift statuses are:
  • Compliant: This state shows vCenter with no drifts against the template it has been associated with.
  • Non-Compliant: This state shows whether the vCenter configurations deviate from the desired standard configurations.
  • Unavailable: This state occurs when vCenter is unavailable, the drift computation is in progress, the drift has not been computed against that specific resource, or an internal error has occurred.
  • Not-Supported: This state shows the list of vCenter instances that are either below version 8.0.3 or are not registered with the cloud proxy.

To see the number drifts for each vCenter, click View Drifts.

A template enables you to apply the standard configurations that you have defined across clusters, vCenter instances, SDDCs, etc. vCenter by Templates displays the number of configuration templates associated with vCenter instances.
  • With Templates: This state shows the number of vCenter instances that have at least one template associated with them.
  • No templates: This state shows the number of vCenter instances that have no template associated with them.
  • Not-Supported: This state displays the list of vCenter instances that are not registered with the cloud proxy or are below version 8.0.3.

To view the templates created for each vCenter, click View Templates.