You can use VMware Aria Operations Configuration Drifts feature to monitor and view vCenter configuration settings that have drifted from assigned templates without needing to track every change manually.

Configuration drift shows the changes in product configuration over time and allows you to compare the changes to the assigned template values. It helps to prevent misconfiguration from going unnoticed, reduces the risk of security breaches, and keeps the environment running smoothly.

Configuration templates allow administrators to define and review specific configuration settings for vCenter instances. The desired state can be defined as a configuration template or JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) based file that contains settings for vCenter instances, such as network configuration, storage, security, advanced settings, and performance.
Note: This feature applies to only vCenter 8.0.3 version or later.

Why use Configuration Drift

Configuration Drift offers several benefits, including:

  1. Consistency: By defining a template, administrators can ensure that a specific group of vCenter instances or all of them are configured consistently. This helps reduce errors and improves the overall reliability of the virtual infrastructure.
  2. Compliance: Configuration Drift helps ensure that vCenter instances are configured in compliance with organizational policies and regulations.
  3. Scalability: As infrastructure environment scales up, managing configuration drifts becomes crucial for maintaining consistency and control across global on-premise vCenter instances.