The Drifts feature allows you to view and detect configuration drifts from assigned vCenter Configuration Templates.

On the Drifts page, the Configuration Drifts table lists all the vCenter instances.
Option Description
vCenter Displays the vCenter instances.
Drift Status Displays how many configuration drifts were detected.
Templates Displays the number of configuration templates associated with the vCenter instance.
Last Drift Check Displays the timestamp of the most recent drift detection.

Click Manage Columns to choose which columns to display in the table.

To detect a configuration drift:


To view vCenter configuration setting values and detect configuration drifts, you must:
  • Ensure that you have the Administrator role.
  • Verify that you have Configuration Drifts privileges to access configuration templates. For more information, see the Managing Users and Access Control in VMware Aria Operations topic in the Configuring VMware Aria Operations guide.
    • Manage Privilege : for creating templates, assigning them to policy, and running drift check.
    • View Privilege: for viewing template content and viewing existing drift.
  • Verify that you have vCenter configured and registered with the cloud proxy.
  • Verify that you have one active policy assigned to the configuration template.


  1. From the left menu, click Management > Configuration Management > Drifts.
  2. To detect drift for a vCenter instance, select the instance and click Detect Drift.
    This detects drifts across all the configuration templates associated with the vCenter instance.


The drift status is displayed in the Drifts table.

Viewing Drifts for the vCenter Instance

You can detect configuration drifts for each configuration template you have created for a specific vCenter instance.

To view your configuration drift details:


Ensure that you have created at least one configuration template for your vCenter Instance.


  1. On the Drifts page, click vCenter instance.
  2. On the Drifts Details page, you can view the number of configuration templates assigned with the vCenter instance. Select a configuration template to view the drift.
  3. Click Detect Drift to detect configuration drift. The right pane displays the drifts between the Current vCenter Value and the Config Template Value.
    Note: If no drift is detected for the selected template, the message No drift found for this Config Template since last configuration drift check status is displayed.
  4. Click View Template to view desired configuration settings for the selected vCenter.