Notifications are alert notifications that meet the filter criteria in the notification rules before they are sent outside VMware Aria Operations. You can configure notification rules for the supported outbound alerts so that you can filter the alerts that are sent to the selected external system.

You can use the notifications list to manage your rules and then use the notification rules to limit the alerts that are sent to the external system. To use notifications, the supported outbound alert plug-ins must be added and running.

With notification rules, you can limit the data that is sent to the following external systems.

  • Standard Email. You can create multiple notification rules for various email recipients based on one or more of the filter selections. If you add recipients but do not add filter selections, all the generated alerts are sent to the recipients.
  • REST. You can create a rule to limit alerts that are sent to the target REST system so that you do not need to implement filtering on that target system.
  • SNMP Trap. You can configure VMware Aria Operations to log alerts on an existing SNMP Trap server in your environment.
  • Log File. You can configure VMware Aria Operations to log alerts to a file on each of your VMware Aria Operations nodes.

You configure notification options to specify which alerts are sent out for the Standard Email, REST, SNMP, and Log File outbound alert plug-ins. For the other plug-in types, all the alerts are sent when the target outbound alert plug-in is activated.

The most common outbound alert plug-in is the Standard Email plug-in. You configure the Standard Email plug-in to send notifications to one or more users when an alert is generated that meets the criteria you specify in the notification settings.

Where You Find Notifications

To manage your notifications, from the left menu, click Configure > Alerts, and then in the right pane, click Notifications.
Note: To use notifications, the supported outbound alert plug-ins must be added and running.
Use the notifications list to manage your rules and then use the notification rules to limit the alerts that are sent to the external system.
Option Description
Toolbar options

Use the toolbar options to manage your notification rules.

  • Add. Opens the Add Rule dialog box where you configure the filtering options for the notification rule.
Click the horizontal ellipsis to perform the following actions.
  • Delete. Removes the selected rule.
  • Deactivate or Activate. Deactivates or activates the selected rule(s).
  • Export or Import. Export the selected notifications to a ".xml" file so that you can import it on another VMware Aria Operations instance.
Quick Filter (Action Name) Limits the list to actions matching the filter. You can filter by:
  • Rule Name
  • Instance
  • Status
  • Modified By
Rule Name
Name you assigned when you created the notification rule. Click the vertical ellipsis to perform the following actions.
  • Edit. Allows you to edit the selected rule.
  • Clone. Allows you to clone an existing notification rule and edit the attributes of the cloned notification rule. You can create multiple alert notification rules so that you can send the same alert notifications to different outbound settings.
    Note: You can clone only one alert notification rule at a time.
  • Delete. Removes the selected rule.
  • Deactivate or Activate. Deactivates or activates the selected rule.
  • Export. Downloads the notification setting.
Description Description of the notification rule.

Name of the configured outbound alert instance for the notification rule.

Instances are configured as part of the outbound alerts and can indicate different email servers or sender addresses for alert notifications.

Outbound Method Displays the type of the outbound method that is configured.
Payload Template Displays the payload template that is used.
Status Displays if the rule is activated or not.
Email Address

If the rule is for standard email notifications, the alert recipient email addresses are listed.

Object Name

If the rule specifies a notification for a particular object, the object name is listed.


If the rule specifies a notification for a particular object and selected child objects, the child object types are listed.

Last Modified Displays the date on which the rule was last modified.
Modified By Displays the name of the user who last modified the rule.