Explore the features of VMware Aria Operations to understand its functionality. Click the ? icon on a page to launch the online help for that screen.


Complete the trial activation process.


  1. Click the OPEN ARIA OPERATIONS link from within VMware Cloud on AWS to launch he VMware Aria Operations.
  2. VMware Aria Operations UI is launched, presenting the SDDC summary in the Environment section of VMware Aria Operations. On this page, you can explore the following tabs:
    • Alerts
    • Metrics
    • Capacity
    • Compliance
    • Logs
    • Events
  3. Explore the dashboards which will help you get started with monitoring your VMware environment. The predefined dashboards help you understand your environment, the workload distribution of your hosts, clusters, and datastores, the capacity of your data center, and troubleshoot your VMs. For more information, see Predefined Dashboards in the Configuration guide. The following dashboards are useful:
    • VMC Inventory Dashboard
    • Management VM Monitoring
  4. Pick a VM and explore the VM summary page. Use the troubleshooting workbench to find potential evidences for alerts. For more information see Troubleshooting Workbench Home Page topic in the User guide.