This section covers the specific configuration for the DNS health monitor type. The DNS health monitor validates the health of DNS servers by sending a UDP DNS request and comparing the response IP address.

Creating or Editing DNS Health Monitor

You can edit the DNS health monitor by checking the System-DNS box and then click the edit icon.

To create a new DNS health monitor, click Create button. Select the DNS option from the drop-down list of the Type field. The following screen is displayed:

You can specify the following details related to DNS request and response settings:

DNS Request Settings

  • Request Name — Specify the request name. The DNS monitor will query the DNS server for the fully qualified name in this field. For instance,

DNS Response Settings

  • Response Matches — Select one of the appropriate response matches. The following are the options:

    • Anything — Any DNS answer from the server will be successful, even an empty answer.

    • Any Type — The DNS response must contain at least one non-empty answer.

    • Query Type — The response must have at least one answer of which the resource record type matches the query type.

  • Response Code — Select one of the appropriate response code. The following are the options:

    • Anything — The monitor ignores the DNS server’s response code, and any potential errors, hence will not result in a health check failure.

    • No Error — The monitor marks the DNS query as failed if any error code is returned by the server.

  • Response String — Specify the IP address. The DNS response must contain this IP address to be considered successful.

  • Record Type — Select the record types used in the health monitor DNS query. The following are the options:

    • A

    • AAAA

After specifying the necessary details, click Save.