The compression option on Avi Load Balancer enables HTTP Gzip compression for responses from Avi Load Balancer to the client.

Compression is an HTTP 1.1 standard for reducing the size of text-based data using the Gzip algorithm. The typical compression ratio for HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and similar text content types is about 75%, meaning that a 20-KB file may be compressed to 5 KB before being sent across the internet, thus reducing the transmission time by a similar percentage.


It is highly recommended to enable compression with caching, which together can dramatically reduce the CPU costs of compressing content. When both compression and caching are enabled, an object such as the index.html file will need to be compressed only one time. After an object is compressed, the compressed object is served out of the cache for subsequent requests. Avi Load Balancer does not needlessly re-compress the object for every client request. For clients that do not support compression, Avi Load Balancer also caches an uncompressed version of the object.