If you experience problems with your blockchain transaction, you can generate a VMware Blockchain Orchestrator support bundle for debugging purposes.

For example, the blockchain transaction error might be because one of the containers in the VM became unresponsive, and the transaction takes a long time to complete. The VMware support team can use your support bundle to determine the source of the problem and provide possible solutions to resolve the error.


  1. Create a JSON input file.

    You can also reuse the output file specified in the deploymentInfo parameter from a prior provisioning deployment as the JSON input file.

  2. To collect the support bundle, populate the details of the VMware Blockchain node VMs in the input file.

    A sample JSON input file with VMware Blockchain node VM details.

      "nodes": [
           "properties": {
             "PRIVATE_IP": "",
             "NODE_USER": "vmbc",
             "NODE_LOGIN": "Bl0ckch@!n"
           "properties": {
             "PRIVATE_IP": "",
             "NODE_USER": "vmbc",
             "NODE_LOGIN": "Bl0ckch@!n"
           "properties": {
             "PRIVATE_IP": "",
             "NODE_USER": "vmbc",
             "NODE_LOGIN": "Bl0ckch@!n"
           "properties": {
             "PRIVATE_IP": "",
             "NODE_USER": "vmbc",
             "NODE_LOGIN": "Bl0ckch@!n"
  3. Log in to the VMware Blockchain Orchestrator appliance.
  4. Switch to the root user account.
    su - <username>
  5. Change directory to /opt/vmware/blockchain/.
  6. Create the vmbc directory and add the support bundle directory within.
    mkdir vmbc
    cd vmbc
    mkdir support-bundle
  7. To generate the VMware Blockchain Orchestrator support bundle, run the python script.
    python3 orchestrator_support_bundle_collector.py --deploymentInfo /vmbc/support-bundle/deployment_info.json --outputDir /vmbc/support-bundle 2>&1 | tee /vmbc/support-bundle/collector.out

    The deploymentInfo parameter is the JSON input file you created which specifies the user IP address and password of the VMware Blockchain node VMs. You can provide a JSON output from a prior deployment to this parameter. This parameter is mandatory.

    The outputDir parameter is the directory on the VMware Blockchain Orchestrator appliance. The support bundle information of all the VMware Blockchain node VMs is gathered and saved in this directory.

    This parameter is optional. If the path is specified, the support bundles are saved under the directory/<timestamp> path. The default support bundle output directory path is, /tmp/support-bundle/<timestamp>.

    If a VMware Blockchain node VM is not reachable using SSH, support bundle information for that node is not collected.

    The support bundles are created in the tar.gz format for each VMware Blockchain node VM specified in the JSON input file.

  8. Send the newly generated support bundle to the VMware support team.
  9. (Optional) As a best practice, delete the support bundle files to maximize your disk space.
    1. Delete the support bundle files from the VMware Blockchain node VM /var/log/deployment_support_logs/daml-logs_<IP-address-timestamp>.tar.gz directory.
    2. Delete the support bundle files from the designated VMware Blockchain Orchestrator appliance output directory.