You can create portlets and add them to dashboards. You can choose from a list of portlet types that can present data about your assets and rules that are managed by Carbon Black App Control, and then configure the appearance of data from those reports.

Note: ReadOnly users cannot create or modify a portlet.


  1. Click the Edit Dashboard button, either on a currently displayed dashboard or next to the name of any dashboard on the Dashboards list.
  2. On the Edit Dashboard page, click New Portlet.
  3. On the New Portlet page, select the type from the Select portlet type menu. If there is more than one choice, choose the subtype from the Select subtype menu. See Portlet Types and Subtypes for a description of the portlet types.
    Note: The type and subtype of a portlet determine its fundamental structure and many of the available choices on the Portlet Details page. They cannot be edited after you select them. To change type or subtype during the portlet creation process, click Cancel and restart the procedure.
  4. Click Next.
  5. On the Portlet Details page, enter the General details, which include the following:
    • Title: Type the title to display on the portlet and in the portlet list on the Edit Dashboard page.
    • Description: Type the information you want users to see when they click the Information button for this portlet. For example, provide a short description of the purpose of the portlet and instructions for how to use it.
  6. If the Portlet Details page includes a panel specific to your portlet type, such as Baseline Drift details or RSS details, fill in the required information there and then click Next.
  7. If there is a Save link instead of a Next link, click Save to save the new portlet and add it to the catalog and current dashboard. For some portlet types, no further configuration is necessary.
  8. If a Data Presentation panel displays, you can select Table as the Chart type.
    • If you select Table, select the columns and column order you want and then continue with the next step in this procedure. See Using Tables in Portlets for details on configuring table portlets.
    • If you select any other Data Presentation type, continue with the next step.
  9. If a Graph Settings panel displays, provide the details for the way in which you want the data for this portlet presented. The available choices vary depending upon the type and subtype of portlet, but are generally those shown in Portlet Settings.
  10. Click Preview to see what your portlet will look like. You can try a variety of settings, such as different chart types, to find the one you like best. Use Refresh to update the preview as you change settings.
  11. After you have configured the basic appearance of the chart for this portlet, you can:
    • Click Save to add the portlet to the Edit Dashboard page.
    • View additional graphic settings; click the Show Advanced Settings button. If you are reviewing advanced graphic settings, you have the choices shown in Portlet Settings. All advanced settings are not necessarily appropriate (or available) for all chart types.
  12. If you have entered advanced settings, click the Preview link again to examine your portlet before saving it.
  13. If the Portlet Details page has a filters panel and you want to filter the data that is used in the portlet (both graphic and table-only portlets), configure the filter. See Using Filters in Portlets.
  14. Click Save to add the portlet to the Portlet Catalog, add it to the current dashboard, and close the Portlet Editor.


The new custom portlet is available to all console users through the Edit Dashboard page.