In the console, both the External Notifications table and the External Notification Details page show a Status field for each notification.

Notification Status is strictly a means for tracking the progress of your response to a notification and does not communicate status changes back to the notification source. There is no mandatory flow of notification status, but the following might be a useful template for status work flow.


  1. On the console menu, click Reports > External Notifications and click the View Details button next to the notification you want to review. The External Notification Details page opens.
  2. On the External Notification Details page, to examine or take action on this notification, click Escalate Notification in the Actions menu. The status changes to Escalated.
  3. Research the notification using the information on the External Notification Details page, the File Details page, the Event pages, the network security device analysis of a file, or any other means appropriate for the notification. Provide any comments related to the escalation in the Comments field.
  4. Take appropriate action on the files in the notification: for example, banning files or creating custom or registry rules.
    Note: Bans or other rule changes do not affect the Status field of the request itself. You must change status manually.
  5. Provide any comments related to the resolution in the Comments field.
  6. After you have taken action, or if you determine that no action is necessary, click Resolve Notification in the External Notification Details Action menu. The status changes to Resolved.
  7. When you are finished with this notification, make any final comments in the Comments field and then click Close Notification in the Actions menu. The status changes to Closed and the view returns to the External Notifications table. Closing a notification removes it from the Active Notifications view, but it is visible if you choose a Saved View of (none).


The preceding steps describe Status being changed from the Actions menu on the External Notification Details page. You also can change status using the Status dropdown menu on that same page, and from the Action menu on the External Notification page table.